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AMBLYOPIA (from grech. amblys - blunt, loosened and ops - an eye), the slackening of sight stipulated by the functional distresses of the visual evaluator.AMBODIK-MAKSIMOVICH Nestor Maksimovich (1744-1812), one of founders of a scientific obstetrics and creators of a medical nomenclature in Russia, the first Russian professor of an obstetrics. The writer of the first Russian guiding on an obstetrics, medicochirurgical, anatomo-physiological and new botanical dictionarys.AMBON (Ambon), main city and a port of islands Molukkskih in Indonesia, on about. Ambon, an administrative centre prov. Maluku. 206 thousand inhabitants (1990). Fishery. University.AMBONTSY (the self-title - ambointsy), people in Indonesia. Number of 600 thousand person (1992), an aggregate number of 635 thousand person. Tongue malayan. Believers - christians - reformaty, moslems - sunnity.AMBERGRIS (from the arab. anbar), voskopodobnoe the substance which is generatrix in a digestive tract of a cachalot; sometimes an ambergris find in water or on coast. Use in perfumery (as fixing agent of aroma of spirits).AMBRAZAJTITE (Ambrazaityte) Niele (r. 1939), the Lithuanian singer (mezzo-soprano), the national actress of the USSR (1977). With 1966 at the Lithuanian theatre of opera and ballet.EMBRASURE (frants. embrasure), an aperture in a shore fortification for a delivery of fire from instruments, a small arms and supervision{observation}. See also the Loophole.RAGWEED, in botany - 1) scurfs of a mycelium of some thecasporous fungi, courses lining in wood in which the larvas of bugs - bark beetles eating this mycelium live. 2) the Stem annotinous and perennial grasses of a set of a thistle family. 40 kinds{views}, primarily in America; as zanosnye in many countries; quarantine weeds. Pollen of a ragweed (in mass) invokes{produces} a hay fever.RAGWEED (ambrosija) (grech. ambrosia), in the Grecian mythology " nutrition of gods ". A ragweed together with a nectar (" a beverage of gods ") give gods immortality and a perpetually youth.AMBROLAURI, city (with 1966) in Georgia on r. Rioni. 3 thousand inhabitants (1991). A flavoring industry; a clothing factory. Theatre. A museum of fine arts.AMBROS (Ambros) August Wilhelm (1816-76), the Austrian historian of music, the composer. The professor of the Prague conservatory and university (with 1869), the Austrian conservatory (with 1872).AMBULATORY (from an armour. ambulatorius - committed on the move), treatment-and-prophylactic establishment predominary in village districts, at the separate enterprises, etc., helping coming ill and domiciliary on the main{basic} medical trades (therapy, surgery, an obstetrics, a pedonosology).OUT-PATIENT MAP, see in an item. A case history.AMBUNDU (mbundu, the self-title - kimbundu), people of group to a bow in Angola. 2,15 million person (1992). Tongue kimbundu. Hold on basically of traditional cults. There are roman catholics and adherents of syncretic cults.EMBOUCHURE (frants. embouchure, from bouche - companies), a way of a folding of lips, tongue at the game on duhovyh musical instruments.AMBO (from grech. ambon - elevation), in orthodox tserkvah elevation before an altar from which sermons are uttered, is read gospels.AMVROSIEVKA, city (with 1938) on Ukraine, Donetsk region. A depot. 24,1 thousand inhabitants (1991). Cement combine, the enterprises mild, a food-processing industry, etc. The Istoriko-study of local lore museum.AMBROSE (in the world Zertis-Kamensky Andrey Stepanovich) (1708-71), the Russian church figure and the writer, archbishop Moscow (1768), the writer of transfer{translation} "Psaltiri" from a biblical Hebrew.AMBROSE (in the world Kljucharev Alexey Iosifovich) (1821-1901), the Russian spiritual writer and the church figure, archbishop Kharkov (with 1882). Compositions: " the Alive Word " (1882), " the Full homiliary " (1902).AMBROSE (1791-1863), bosno-saraevsky metropolitan (1835); in 1846 has transfered in staroobrjadchestvo, having laid foundation belokrinitskoj hierarchies.AMBROSE (in the world Ornatsky Andrey Antipovich) (1778-1827), the Russian spiritual writer, diocesan Penza and Saransky (with 1819), with 1825 in Kirillo-Belozersky a monastery. The writer of " the History of the Russian hierarchy " (t. 1-6, 1807-15).AMBROSE (in the world Podobedov Andrey) (1742-1818), the Russian church figure, the ecclesiast; metropolitan Novgorod and St.-Petersburg (with 1801), the rector of the Moscow spiritual academy. Has constituted " the Guiding to reading the Scriptus Dilapidated and the New testament " (1779, it is reissued 1811).AMBROSE (in the world Protasov Alexey Ivanovich) (1762-1841), the Russian church figure, the ecclesiast; archbishop Kazan and Tver, the rector of the Petersburg spiritual academy. The writer of " Latin grammar " for spiritual schools; the collection of sermons " Words and speeches " (1856).AMBROSE (in the world Serebrennikov (or Serebryakov) Abraham) (1745-92), the Russian church figure, the ecclesiast. Archbishop Ekaterinoslavsky (1786), the locum tenen ekzarhii Moldo-Vlahijskoj (1789). The writer " the Quick reference guide to an oratorio Russian " (1778); has transferred{translated} " Lost paradise " Milton (1780; 2 izd., 1802).AMBROSE (in the world Yushkevich Andrey) (1690-1745), archbishop Novgorod, the ecclesiast. The handwritten composition " the Substantial indication{reading} of differences between grecheskoju and rimskoju papskoju church ".AMBROSE Optinsky (in the world Alexander Mihajlovich Grenkov) (1812-91), ieroshimonah, starets, the spiritual writer. In " the Collection of letters and points... " (hours 1-2, 1894-97), " Collection of letters... To temporal persons " (1906) - proniknutoe an atmosphere of direct dialogue with the interlocutor nauchenie to principles of Christian life. It is sainted by Russian orthodox church.AMGA, the river in Yakutia, the left-handed in-leak{influx} of Aldan. 1462 kms, the area of basin of 69,3 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water ok. 190 m3 / with. It is navigable on 472 kms.AMGUN, the river in Khabarovsk kr., the left-handed in-leak{influx} of Amur. 723 kms, the area of basin of 55,5 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water 600 m3 / with. It is navigable on 330 kms. It is affluent a fish (a Siberian salmon, a humpback, the sturgeon).AMGUEMA, the river on north-east of the Russian Federation. 498 kms, the area of basin of 28 thousand êì2. The m runs in Chukchi.AMGUEMA, the river on north-east of the Russian Federation. 498 kms, the area of basin of 28 thousand êì2. The m runs in Chukchi.AMDERMA, a urban settlement in the Russian Federation, Nenets avt. Okroes., in 940 kms from Naryan-Mar, to the orient from prol. Yugorski Shar, a port on shore Karskogo in m. of 5,1 thousand inhabitants (1989). Bliz Amdermy - deposits of fluorite.AMDO, the title of a north-east part of plateau of Tibet, in China. An altitude of 3500-5000 m. Dry steppes.AMEBEJNAJA the COMPOSITION (from grech. amoibaios - alternate, alternating), a composition (routinely poetic), at which during all product{creation} fragments (verses, stanzas), the bound among themselves parallelism (V.J.Bryusov "Stone mason") alternate. Goes back to alternate singing of 2 singers or choruses in national creativity.AMEBIASIS of the person (amebic dysentery), chronic invazionnoe disease: a recidivous gemorragicheski-ulcerous colitis, sometimes with abscesses in a liver, etc. organs.AMEBOTSITY, the colourless blood cells of Invertebrata conforming to leucocytes of vertebrates and the person.AMOEBAS, a class (or order) Protozoa superclass of Rhizopoda. The dimensions from 15-20 a micron up to 1 mm and more. The majority dwells{lives} in fresh water reservoirs, some in soil; there are parasitic forms, napr. A dysenteric amoeba.AMEZIUS (Amesius) Giljelmus (latinizir. The form of a name of William Ejmza, Ames) (1576-1633), English reformatsky the seminary student. The professor of divinity in Franekere (1621). Held on to stringent puritan views; compositions against Arminius, remonstrants and roman catholics.AMENEMHET I, the egyptian pharaon ok. 2000-1970 up to n. e., the founder of XII dynasty. Struggled for intensifying of a central authority. "Lecture" Amenemheta I to his{its} son Senusertu was saved.AMENEMHET III, the egyptian pharaon ok. 1849-1801 up to n. e., from XII dynasty. Greeks attributed to him construction of the huge building in Fajjume, received the title "Labyrinth".AMENORRHEA (from and - a negative prefix and grech. men - month, rheo - I stream), absence of a menses. The physiological amenorrhea is supervised in nursery age, during pregnancy, lactation and in the season{term} of a menopause; a pathological amenorrhea - at hereditary, endocrine, nervous, gynecologic diseases.AMENTET, in egyptian mythology the goddess of a kingdom dead, the patroness died, vstrechajushaja them in Duate.AMENHOTEP III, the egyptian pharaon ok. 1405-1367 up to n. e., from XVIII dynasty. At a nem the power of Egypt has reached{achieved} apogee, sooruzheny temple Amona-Ra in Luxor and a doleful temple with huge statues Amenhotepa III - " colossuses Memnona ".AMENHOTEP IV, the egyptian pharaon in 1368-1351 up to n. e., son Amenhotepa III. Attempting to break power fivanskogo hieratic priesthoods and aged znati, has acted as the religious reformer, having entered a new state cult of god Atona and having made capital of the state of. Ahetaton (the modern Amarna), itself has accepted name Ehnaton (characters. " ugodnyj Atonu ").AMENTIA (from an armour. amentia - a folly), a kind{view} of a stupefaction (an incoherence of intellection, a fragmentariness of perception, inordinate exaltation with a consequent amnesia).AMERIGO VESPUCHCHI, see Vespuchchi And.AMERICA, the parts of the world formed by 2 mainlands - Boreal America and South America; border{limit} between them routinely carry out{conduct} on Darjenskomu, sometimes Panama to isthmuses. It is located in Western hemisphere, between Atlantic and Quiet ok. In the Sowing. To America often secrete Central America and islands of West Indies. Into structure of America enter also about. Greenland and a number{series} of other neighboring islands. A gross area of America 42,5 million êì2. The population 724 million person (1990).AMERICA BOREAL, see Boreal America.AMERICA CENTRAL, see Central America.AMERICA AUSTRAL, see South America.
ALKIVIAD (ok. 450-404 up to n. e.), the Athenian strategist with 421 (repeatedly) in season{term} Peloponnesskoj of war. Has organized in 415 expedition against Syracuse, then has come over to on the party of Sparta, having offered the plan of management of war against Athenes, ran to Persia later. Sustained in 411 Athenian oligarchic, then democratic governments. In 411-408 has scored marine battles at Abydos, Kizike, etc.ALKYD VARNISHES, solutions of alkyd resins (often their mixes with urea-formaldehyde resins or with other polymers) in organic solvents. Will derivate anticorrosive and weather protective coatings. Enamel colours and first coats are applied to protection of a tree and metal, on the basis of alkyd varnishes - for furnish of transports, farm machines, etc. The Widespread kind{view} of paint-and-varnish production.ALKYD RESINS, synthetic resins, polycondensates of polybasic carboxylic acids with polyols; high-viscosity fluids. The most widespread alkyd resins received from phthalic acid and glycerine or pentaerythritol, call accordingly as glyptal resins (glyptals) and pentaerythritol-modified phthalic resins (pentaftaljami). Are applied primarily to preparation of alkyd varnishes.ALKYLATE (alkilbenzin), a mix of saturated hydrocarbons (predominary iso-octane and trimetilpentanov) with têèï 40-180 °C; a liquid with firmness 0,698-0,715 g / sm3 and an octane number not less than 90. Receive an alkylation of isobutane technical butylenes. Apply to octane improvement of benzines.ALKILBENZOLSULFONATY, connections of general formula RC6H4SO3Ì, where R - alkyl, M - Na, K, etc. Sodium salt alkilbenzosulfonatov - surfactants which are used as components of scours, napr. C12H25C6H4SO3Na - t. n. A sulphonol.ALKYLATION, introduction in molecules organic and inorganic compounds of alkyl, napr. Methyl CH3 (methylation), ethyl C2H5 (ethylation). It is applied, napr., for obtaining high-antiknock fuel, surfactants, antioxidants, insecticides. Introduction of aryl, napr. Phenyl C6H5, calls as an arylating.ALKILSULFATY, connections of general formula ROSO3M, where R - alkyl, M - Na, NH4. Alkilsulfaty, in which R=CH3, C2H5 - alkylation agents. The maximum alkilsulfaty (napr., C11H23OSO3Na) - surfactants, are used as components of scours.ALKINOJ, in the Grecian mythology (for Gomera) wise tsar feakov, grandson Posejdona, marital partner Arety, father Navsikai. In palace Alkinoja stayed Odissej on ways to Itaka. Has helped also JAsonu and the Medea.ALKYNES, hydrocarbon of some acetylene.ALKIONA, see. Keik.ALKIONEJ, in the Grecian mythology one of jumboes - participants gigantomahii. The plotting poverzhennogo Alkioneja, with side panels behind a back and snakes instead of legs is present on frieze Pergamskogo of an altar.ALKMEON Krotonsky (6-5 centuries up to n. e.), the ancient greek doctor and the naturalistic philosophy representative, the representative krotonskoj medical school. In the composition " About a nature " for the first time has given the physiophilosophical concept of a human body as microcosm and balanced system of contrasts. Conducted anatomo-physiological probes.ALKMEONIDY, the Athenian aristocratic stem to which belonged Klisfen, Perikl, Alkiviad. Was considered as the assassination a sacred place damned for "defiling" [ok. 640 up to n. e. For an altar Athenes Megaklom (from stem Alkmeonidov) have been killed adherents Kilona].ALKOGOLI, the same, that monohydroxy alcohols.ALKOGOLIZM, the chronic disease stipulated by the regular use of alcoholic drinks. Shows physical and mental relation to alcohol, a mental and social degradation, a pathology of an internals, a metabolism, central and peripheric nervous system. Quite often there are alcoholic psychosises.ALCOHOLIC PSYCHOSISES, mental disorders, which originating it is connected with alkogolizmom. The most crowded forms - a delirium tremens (a stupefaction, visual and acoustical hallucinations, exaltation, different somatic and neurologic distresses), an alcoholic hallucinosis (predominary acoustical hallucinations of the menacing content), delirium of jealousy.ALCOHOLATES, substitution products in spirits of atom of hydrogen of a hydroxyl group metal, napr. RONa (R = CH3, C2H5 or other hydrocarbon radical). Alcoholates - solid, colourless, easily hydrolyzed products; are applied in organic synthesis.ALKONOST [distortion old russian rechenija " alkion is (bird) ", from grech. alkyon - a halcyon], a fantastic bird with a human face, represented on arcaded cartoon Russian to pictures.ALKSNIS (Alksnis) Adams (1864-97), Latvian risovalshchik and the painter. The chief art a mug "Worker". Realistic water colours, drawings on themes of a history of Latvia, life of Latvian people ("Sower", 1896).ALKSNIS (Astrov) Jacob Ivanovich (1897-1938), the commander. The participant of the Civil war, after its{her} terminal took responsible posts{stations} in Red Army. The commander of 2-nd rank (1935), since January 1937 deputy narkoma defences on aircraft. One of organizers of activity Osoaviahima, accepted active sharing{participation} in organization of flights in Arctic regions, flights of crews of V.P.Tchkalov and M.M.Gromova. It is repressed.ALKUIN (Alcuin) Flakk Albinas (Flaccus Albinus) (ok. 735-804), the Anglo-Saxon scientist, the writer of doctrinal tracts, tutorials of philosophy, mathematics, etc.; the figure " Karolingskogo revitalizations ", adviser Charles Velikogo. Abbe Turskogo of a monastery."ALKEN" (Alcan), the canadian aluminium company. It is based in 1928. Sales volume 8,3 billion dol., a net profit 931 million dol., smelting of aluminium ok. 1,7 million t (1-n in the capitalist world), figure occupied in 56 thousand person (kon. 1980th).ALLA PRIMA (ital. alla prima), painting on crude, the version of lubricated painting requiring of closing-up for one session, up to a drying of paints.ALLANITE, mineral; the same, that ortit.CORDIANINE, one of end - products of an exchange of purine bases for mammals (except for primates); it is secreted with a urine.ALLANTOIS (from grech. allantoeides - kolbasovidnyj), one of embryonic membranes kowtowing, birds and mammals; a respiratory organs and a place for a clump of an excretor products for germs. For mammals participates in education of a placenta.ALLANUROV Hydyr Allanurovich (r. 1922), the Turkmen conductor, the national actor of the USSR (1977). With 1948 at Turkmen theatre of opera and ballet (with 1976 main conductor).The ALLAH (arab)., a name of the God in moslem faith.The ALLAH - JUN, the river in Yakutia, dextral in-leak{influx} of Aldan. 586 kms, the area of basin of 24,2 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water 169 m3 / with. It is navigable in a high water.To ALLA (Alle) August (1890-1952), the Estonian writer. Social satyr and anti-fascist moods in the collection of feuilletons " the Lilac elephant " (1923), the collection of verses " Cloudy waves " (1930), " Inclement rhythms " (1934), "Epigrammy" (1944).To ALLA (Allais) Moris (r. 1911), the French economist, the representative neoliberalnogo directions of political economy. Has acted with idea of " competitive planning{glide} ", founded on combination of state programming of economy to a competition of private enterprises. Transactionses under the theory of the markets, an effective utilization of material resources{safe lifes}, etc. The Nobel Prize (1988).ALLEGORY (grech. allegoria - an allegory), the plotting of the abstracted idea (concept) by means of a mode{an image}. The sense of allegory, as against a multivalued numeral, is unequivocal and unbound from a mode{an image}; communication{connection} between value and a mode{an image} is established{set} on similarity (a lion - force, an authority or tsarstvennost). As trails the allegory is used in basnjah, parables, moralite; in fine arts expresses fixed attributes (justice - woman with weights). It is most typical for medieval art, Revitalization, manjerizma, Baroque, a classicism.ALLEGRETTO (ital. allegretto, will moderate. From allegro), in music, 1) rate, more sluggish, than allegro, but faster, than moderato; 2) the title of the play or a part of product{creation} in rate allegretto.ALLEGRI [ital. allegri - (be cheerful - an inscription done{made} on the empty ticket of lottery], lottery in which draw is effected right after purchases of the ticket.ALLEGRO (ital. allegro, characters. - cheerful, alive), in music, 1) fast, mobile rate; 2) the title of the play or a part sonatnogo a cycle (routinely first) in rate allegro (see. Sonatnaja the form).ALLELES (from grech. allelon - one another, it is relative{mutual}) (allels), the different forms of the same gene located in equal epines (locuses) of homologous (twin) chromosomes; determine versions of development of the same attribute. At a normal diploid cell can be present no more than two alleles simultaneously.ALLELOPATHY (from grech. allelon - it is relative{mutual} and... patija), interaction interference of plants against each other (a deceleration in growth, flowerings, etc.) as a result of secretion by them in an environment of different organic substances (antibiotics, phytoncids, etc.).ALLEMANDA (frants. allemande, characters. - german), arcaded (since 16 century) court French dance of a german origin. The musical dimension 4/4.ALLEMANOV Dmitry Vasiljevich (1867-1918), the Russian spiritual composer, the priest, the writer of 93 church canticles, including "All-night vigil" and seven "Heruvimskih".PROPADIENE (Allen) Vudi (an ice-film. A name and fam. Allen Stjuart Kenigsberg) (r. 1935), the American film director, the actor, the scripter, the writer. Has delivered films: "Bananas" (1970), " Enni Hall " (1977), "Manhattan" (1979), "Zelig" (1983), " the Magenta rose - tree of Cairo " (1985). In the basis{fundamentals} of many films - a ridicule at genre conditionalities of a cinematograph, household realities of daily occurrence, stereotype of intellection.PROPADIENE Uolter (r. 1911), the English writer and the literary critic. Compositions on a history of the realistic novel in literatures of the Great Britain and the USA. Roman " that only was not in life " (1959).ALLENTOWN (Allentown), city on the orient the USA, pieces. Pennsylvania. 105 thousand inhabitants (1990). The large centre of manufacture of lorries, instrumentation technologies. It colonized with german colonizers with 1762.ALLER (Aller) Lawrence Hju (r. 1913), the American astronomer, spektroskopist, professor Michiganskogo and Californian universities. Probeed chemical composition of the Sun, asters and gas fogs. Has discovered asters with a major deficit of heavy chemical elements (1951).ALLERGY (from grech. allos - other and ergon - action), heightened or misinterpreted sensitivity of an organism to any allergen - to the substance triggering an allergy. Reaction to an allergen can weep by the way hypersensitivity of immediate or delayed type. The allergy bases t. n. Allergic diseases (napr., a bronchial asthma).ALLERGOLOGY, the range of medicine investigator the causes of originating, mechanisms of development, development, methods of diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of allergic responses and diseases (see. An allergy).ALLIGATORS, set of crocodiles; actuates naturally alligators and kajmanov, only 7 kinds{views}. Naturally alligators - 2 kinds{views}: missisipsky (length up to 6,3 ì), it was saved predominary in bogs of Florida; Chinese (length up to 2,5 ì), in r. Yangtze. Cultivate on farms. 4 kinds{views} of alligators in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources.ALLYL ALCOHOL, CH2=CHCH2OH, a colourless liquid, têèï 96,9 °C. Allyl alcohol and his{its} derivative (primarily ethers) are used for synthesis of polymers, glycerine, acrolein, as odorous substances, etc.The HALLELUJAH (from dr .-åâð. hallelujja - praise the god), in Christian worship service a refrain of church canticle, in a judaism an intonement glorifying the god.ALLYL CHLORIDE, CH2=CHCH2Cl, a colourless liquid with a sharp irritant odor, têèï 44,96 °C. It is applied to obtaining epichlorohydrin, allyl alcohol, cyclopropane, glycerine, medicinal preparations, insecticides.
ALBIAN STAGE - LONGUM (Alba Longa), ancient city to a southeast from Rome. Under the legend, it is based ok. 1152 up to n. e. In nach. 1-st thousand centre of the Latin union; in 7 century up to n. e. It eroded by Romans.ALBACETE (Albacete), city in Spain, in region. Murcia, an administrative centre prov. Albacete. 129 thousand inhabitants (1991). Arcaded manufacture of knives. Wine-making. Chemical, tanning, a cement industry."ALBATROSS", the aircraft manufacturing firm of Germany. It is based in 1909, has become the first supplier of an aeronautical engineering for armed forces of Germany. In total in this firm 100 models of airplanes are built from above. In 1931 factories " Albatrosses " went to "Fokke-Woolf".ALBATROSSES, set of oceanic birds of order of petrels. Length up to 1,5 m, side panels in scope{span} up to 4,25 m. Highly ability to gliding flight is developed. 13 kinds{views}, in tropics and subtropics primarily Austral hemisphere, few kinds{views} - in a north Quiet ok. Nest colonys on oceanic islands. Number of some kinds{views} is reduced. Belospinnyj the albatross is extremely rare.ALBEDO (from pozdnelat. albedo - whiteness), the value defining ability of a surface to reflect a torrent dropping on it{her} of electromagnetic radiation or particles. The albedo is equal to attitude{relation} of a reflected torrent to dropping. In astronomy the important characteristics of planets, etc. bodies of the Solar system.ALBENIS (Albeniz) Isaak (1860-1909), the spanish composer, the pianist. Among compositions - " the Spanish suite " (1886), "Spain" (1890), "Iberia" (1908) for a piano, a symphonic suite "Catalonia", sarsuely.ALBERVIL (Albertville), the title of. Kalemie in Zaire up to 1968.ALBERVIL (Albertville), city on the orient France, for interflow rr. Izer and Arli. 18 thousand inhabitants (1982). Electrometallurgy. XVI winter Olympic Games (1992).ALBERS (Albers) Joseph (1888-1979), the german and American artist. The master of geometrical abstractionism in his{its} most clear and stringent version. Worked with 1933 in the USA. Has bridged tradition "Bauhauza" to the American postpicturesque abstraction.ALBERT (Albert), the title an eskar. Mobutu-Sese-Seko in Africa up to 1973.ALBERT I (Albert) (1875-1934), Belgian king with 1909.ALBERT I background Appeldern (Albert) (12-13 centuries), diocesan Riga (1199-1229), has distributed christianity in Lifljandii, the founder of order " brothers Christly knights " (mechenostsev) (1202).ALBERT II (r. 1934), Belgian king with 1993, from Saksen-Koburgskoj dynasties. Son Leopolda III.ALBERT GREAT (Albertus Magnus), Albert background Bolshtedt (ok. 1193-1280), the german philosopher and the theologian, the representative of scholasticism, the black friar. Began rearrangement and encyclopaedic systematization of roman theology on the basis aristotelizma, completed by his{its} pupil Thomas Aquinas. Taught in Cologne and Paris. Tracts about minerals, plants, animal, etc.ALBERT (Alberta), 1) a province on a southwest of Canada. 661,2 thousand êì2. The population 2,5 million person (1991). Adm. ts. - Edmonton. 2) the Coal basin in Canada. It is developed with it is grey. 19 century. The area over 250 thousand êì2. Reserves ok. 228 million t. Production ok. 54,4 million t (1988) open way.ALBERTI (Alberti) Leon Battista (1404-72), the italian scientist, the architect, the theorist of art of epoch of Early Revitalization. Theoretical tracts (" About a statue ", 1435, " About painting ", 1435-36, " About art of building "; it is published in 1485) have extended experience of the modern to him arts and humanistic science in range of study of an antique inheritance. In the architecture used antique order system (church Sant-Andrea in Mantua, 1472-94, palace Ruchellai in Florence, 1446-51) .ALBERTI (Alberti) Leon Battista (on February, 18 1404, Genoa - April 1472, Rome), the italian humanist, the philosopher, the architect, the artist, the theorist of art. Was born in family of the notable Florentine exile. Studied for known humanist Gasparino yes Bartsitstsa in Padua, then in Bologna for Franchesko Filelfo and at university after which terminal has become the doctor canonical and a civic right. A little bit{Some} flying ministered for church ierarhov, and with 1432 and up to the extremity of life took place the abbreviator (some kind of the notary) at papal kurii. The writer and the architect Literary heritage Alberti is rather different: to 1425 comedy "Filodoks" (1890) concerns, then tracts "Deifira" (1481) and " About advantages and hardships of occupation by sciences " (1890) have been written; the first three books of dialogues " About family " (1844) are constituted in 1432-1434, in 1440 or in 1441 to nymas one more is supplemented; in 1435 tracts " About a statue " (1568) and " About painting " (1540) are composed, much later, in 1449, Ten books about art of building " (1485) are built "; between 1434 and 1443 tracts " About the right " (1890) and "High priest", " the Biography St. have appeared. Potita " (1568), "Òåîäæåíèî (1490 dialogues and " About calmness showers " (1844); after 1443 the allegorical tract " Mom, or about sovereign " (1520), in 1449 - " Mathematical entertainments " (1568) is written; "Table-talks" concern to most considerable products consequent a flying (1890) and "Domostroj" (1848). Under design Alberti in 1446-51 B.Rossellino has built palace Ruchellani - new phylum of a private residence - palace, in registration of fronts of churches the Dignity - Franchesko to Rimini and the Dignity - Andrea in Mantua Alberti used motives drevnerimskoj architectures (triumphal arcs and arcades) .Krug occupations and entrainments Though a large part of life Alberti has conducted in Rome and other cities of Italy and only occasionally navedyvalsja to Florence, under influence of pulses of cultural and art medium of this city there was his{its} world outlook, the circle of his{its} occupations and entrainments more and more extended. The person of scalene bestowals and broad crop, Alberti is known first of all as the given away theorist of art and the architecture; At the same time, he and architects - practices, the writer of well-known architectural designs, was engaged in painting, a sculpturing and other kinds{views} of art, and not only graphic - he was well disassembled in music and perfectly{finely} played on an organ. As the writer - humanist his{its} attention both a life of society, and foundations of family attitudes{relations}, both problems of the person, and principles of managing, and problems of ethics, policy, the right, psychology equally involved. He found out major knowledges of mathematics, optician, mechanics, conceived and designed different devices and instruments, devoted special activities to breeding of fine woods of horses, secrets of a women W.C., codes{ciphers}, a graphology. The baking plate to become this vseohvatnosti interests and creative aspirations personality Alberti, emblematichnaja for all Renaissance humanism. Immeasurable diligence and persistence he achieved unusual successes in physical preparation and military exercises, perfectly acquired any branch of science and art, formed the moral appearance, persistently educated in itself philantrophy, manner, generosity, restraint - such, becoming already for contemporaries a person - legend, he is embodied in the biography of 15 century which authorship not without justification attribute itself Alberti. Ñî÷èíåíèÿ:Äåñÿòü books about art of building. Ì., 1935. T. 1-2. Religion. Virtue. Fate and fate // Compositions of italian humanists of Renaissance (XV eyelids). Ì., 1985. Seconds 152-161. About family // Experience of millenary. Ì., 1996. Seconds 362-411. Alberti L. B. Opere volgari. Bari, 1960-1973. V. 1-3. Ëèòåðàòóðà:Ëåîí Battista Alberti. Ì., 1977. Mancini G. Vita di Leon Battista Alberti. Roma, 1911. Gadol J. Leon Battista Alberti. Universal man of the early Renaissance. Chicago; London, 1969. About. F. KudryavtsevALBERTI (Alberti) Rafael (r. 1902), the spanish poet. Anti-fascist and revolutionary verses (collections of " Stanza Huana Panadero ", 1949; " Poems of expulsion{relegation} and hope ", 1976), anti-war " Ballads and songs of the river Parana " (1954), the lyrical collection " Verses on love " (1967), a poetic cycle " About painting " (2 izd., 1968), the play " Night of war in museum Prado " (1956), the book of memories " the Forgotten grove " (1959), "Pablo Picasso" (1977). The international Lenin premium (1965).ALBERTINA (Albertina), actuarial collection in Vienna: drawings, miniatures, posters, gravures, lithographs of Western-European masters. It is based in 1776 as a collection of duke Albert.The ALBERT-CHANNEL (Albert Kanaal), in Belgium, bridges rr. Maas (for Liege) and Schelde (for Antwerp). It is open{discovered} in 1939. Length ok. 130 kms.The ALBIGENSIAN WARS 1209-29 attempted under the initiative of the papacy crusades of the severo-French knights on the south of France against albigenses. At the end of wars crusaders has adjoined with the troops and the French king Lui VIII. albigenses have been routed and the part of the Toulouse county is adjoined to royal domain.ALBIGENSES, participants of heretical motion in JUzh. France 12-13 centuries, adherents of the doctrine of catarrhs. Opposed tenets of a latin church, a church landholding and a tithe. Albigenses were adjoined with a part aboriginal znati. Are convicted by Ecumenical council 1215, are routed in Albigensian wars.ALBINAS (it is grey. 2 century), the antique philosopher - platonik writing in the Grecian tongue. The writer " the Tutorial platonovskoj " - taught philosophy in Smyrna, one of the fullest expositions of philosophy Platona in the season{term} of mean platonizma.ALBINI (Albini) Ex (1905-1977), the italian architect. Construction of 1930th differ laconic singleness of component parts and purity of lines (a country house in Milan, 1938). In 1960-70-Ñ - on items of rationalism (the building Hot ban, Italy, 1967). Was engaged also in restoral and construction of museum buildings (activity on restoration of palaces of Renaissance, the new building of museum Tezoro di Dignity Lorentso in Genoa, 1952).ALBINISM (from an armour. albus - white), inborn absence of a xanthopathy, a hair, an iris of the eye of eyes for the person and animal; for plants - absence of green colour. An organism, denuded colour, call as an albino.ALBION (Albion), the title of the British islands known still{even} for ancient Greeks.CAMPOS ALBISU (Albizu Campos) Pedro (1893-1965), one of chiefs of motion for independence of Puerto Rico; with 1930 chairman of Nationalist party.ALBITE (from an armour. albus - white), porodoobrazujushchy a mineral of group plagioklazov, Na [AlSi3O8]. White, yellowish, pinkish crystals; units. Half-and-halfs are often. Hardness 6-6,5; firmness ok. 2,6 g / sm3. Ceramic raw material.ALBITOFIR, an effusive rock, paleotypal analog of the andesite, consisting primarily from an albite.SILK TREE, stem of trees and bushes of a set of pod-bearing plants. Ok. 125 kinds{views}, in tropics, subtropics, primarily Eastern hemisphere. Ò. n. A silk - tree - an ornamental plant. For some silk trees a fine wood and affluent tannins a bark.ALBITSTSI (Albizzi), the Florentine stem, which representatives took in 13 - 1-st floor. 15 centuries the maximum state positions in Florence; rivaled with it come from Medici.ALBIAN STAGES Michael Nilovich (1851-1911), the Russian writer. Psychologism and bytopisatelstvo in stories " Day of the total " (1879), " Unknown street " (1881), " the End of Unknown street " (1882), the novel "Long robe" (1883). In the trilogy " Day yes night " ("Melancholy", 1890; "Fatherless", 1901; " Glafirina secret ", 1903) - dramatic nature of existence of the inhabitants who have been held down by a monotonicity of ordinary life.ALBUM (from frants. album), 1) tangled{interlaced;bound} leafs for drawing, autographes, collections. 2) Collection of reproductions, photos, drawings, etc., issued by the way books, often with an explanatory comment.ALBRECHT BRANDENBURG (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (1490-1568), the last grandmaster of Teutonic order (with kon. 1510); in 1525, having paid grounds of order in society duchy, has become the first duke of Prussia.ALBRECHT the BEAR (ok. 1100-70), the german feudal lord, one of chiefs of aggression against polabskih slavs on which grounds has based markgrafstvo Brandenburg (markgraf with 1150).ALBRECHT (Albrecht) Fridrih Rudolf (1817-95), Austrian ertsgertsog, field marshal (1863). During avstro-italian war by 1866 commanding Austral army which has gained victory in battle under Kustotsej.ALBUQUERQUE (Albuguergue), city on a southwest the USA, pieces. New Mexico. 385 thousand inhabitants (1990, with suburbs of 449 thousand inhabitants). An international airport. The large centre of probes in range of atomic energetics. Development, manufacture of automatic weapon. A climatic health resort; the tourist centre.ALBUMENS, the simple globular proteins keeping in an albumen, whey of blood, milk and seeds of plants. Are applied in a confectionery and textile industry, and also in medicine.ALBUNEJA, in Other. Rome one of Sivill, tiburskaja sivilla.ALVARADO ARELJANO (Alvarado Arellano) Uberto (1927-74), the secretary general of a Central Committee of the Guatemalan consignment of transactionses with 1972. The writer, the publicist. It arrested and killed.ALVARADO MONSON (Alvarado Monzon) Bernardo (1925-72), the secretary general of a Central Committee of the Guatemalan consignment of transactionses with 1954. arrested and killed.ALVARES (Alvarez) Luis Uolter (1911-1988), American physics. Has discovered electron capture (1938). Has created the modern technique of activity with bubble chambers. Has discovered many resonances (1960). The Nobel Prize (1968).ALVARO (Alvaro) Korrado (1895-1956), the italian writer. Realistic products{creations} about life of peasants: stories, the story " People from Aspromonte " (1930.) Roman " the Short youth " (1946); diaries (1954, 1959).ALVEN (Alfven) Hannes (r. 1908), Swedish of physics and astrophysicses, the foreign member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; foreign member AN the USSR with 1958). The founder of hydromagnetics, has predicted one of phylums of waves in plasma (wave Alvena). The Nobel Prize (1970). A golden medal him{it}. Lomonosov AN the USSR (1971).ALVEN (Alfven) Hugo (1872-1960), the Swedish composer, the teacher, the conductor. For the first time in the Swedish symphonic music used national folklore. Ballets " Mountain king " (1923), " the Lascivious son " (1957), 5 concordances, chamber compositions.ALVENA WAVES, cross waves in the plasma, extending along a magnetic field with speed, where r - firmness, H - magnetic density. The title by name Hannesa Alvena.ALVEOLA (from an armour. alveolus - a cell, a deepening, an alveole), 1) jachejkovidnyj the tip department of gland included in an acinus. 2) Puzyrkovidnoe education in a lung of mammals, braided a network{grid} of capillaries. Through walls of alveolas (in lungs of their person over 700 million) there is a gas exchange. 3) the Dental hollow - a deepening in a maxilla in which it is evaluated the root a tooth.
And, the first character of the Russian alphabet; the digital value 1 goes back to the cyrillic character ("az"), having, except for acoustical, also.À.., a prefix (grech). In value "not", "without" (napr., asymmetric); before vocal - an... (napr., anaerobes).And the CHAPEL (ital. And cappella), choral mnogogolosnoe singing without tool{instrument} tracking. Typically for national musical art (Russian, Georgian), church music (early roman catholic and orthodox), products{creations} of composers of the Netherlands school, creativity Palestriny. Among the modern compositions and a chapel of 10 poems of D.D.Shostakovich.AAV (Aav) Evald (1900-39), the Estonian composer and the choral conductor. The writer of first considerable Estonian opera " Âèêåðöû " ("Vikings", 1928), a symphonic poem "Life" (1935), etc.AALTO (Aalto) Alvar (1898-1976), the Finnish architect. Combining national traditions with principles funktsionalizma and the organic architecture, reached freedom and expressiveness of the volumetric - regional composition entered in natural or a urban environment (sanatorium in Pajmio, 1929-33; a palace "Finland" in Helsinki, 1967-71).AALTONEN (Aaltonen) Vjajne (1894-1966), the Finnish sculptor, the honorary member AH the USSR (1958) .Portrety ("Sibelius", 1935), statues ("Chaser Nurmi", 1924-25), a monument (a monument "World" in Lahti, 1950-52). A golden medal of the World (1953).AARE (Ape) (Aare), the river in Switzerland, left-handed in-leak{influx} Ðåéíà.295 km, the area of basin of 17,8 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water 560 m2 / with. The beginning in the Alpes. It is navigable up to Tunskogo an eskar. A river plant. To Aare - Bern.AARNE (Aarne) Antti Amatus (1867-1925), the Finnish specialist in folklore. Has developed a methodology of the comparative analysis and grading of products{creations} of folklore. Has constituted fundamental " the Index{Indicator} of fantastic phylums " (1910; it is prolonged and supplemented by S.Thompson).AARON, the first antiquated high priest, the brother of the prophet of Moseses. Outcome is told about Aaron, Leviticus and Figures in books. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church in a week sacred father and the forefather.AARONOVSHCHINA, in staroobrjadchestve the consent separated in 2-nd floor 18 of century from filippovtsev, as against them admitted spoilage and rejecting marginal asceticism. The founder - Andrey (Aaron) of Bugs.AAH (JAh) (dr .-åãèï. month, the moon), in egyptian mythology the godhood of the moon, was honored in Thebes.AAJUN, city in Zap. To Sahara, see. El Aaiun.ABA (Aba), city in the south of Nigeria, on r. Aba. 264 thousand inhabitants (1991) .Pishchevkusovaja, a textile industry.ABADAN, city on a southwest of Iran, a port on r. Øàòòýëü-Àðàá.340 one thousand inhabitants (1983). An international airport. Oil refining and a petrochemical industry; an oil pipeline from Khuzistan.ABAZE, city (with 1966) in the Russian Federation, Khakassia, on r. Abakan. A depot. 18 thousand inhabitants (1992). Production of iron oxide.ABAZE Alexander Ageevich (1821-95), the Russian statesman, bordered on to group " liberal bureaucrats " .V 1880-81 Minister of Finance, has conducted cancellation of the salt excise. With 1866 member of the Council of state.ABASIN TONGUE, falls into to the Caucasian (iberijsko-Caucasian) tongues (abhazsko-adygskaja group) .Pismennost on the basis of the Russian alphabet.ABASINS (the self-title - an abaze), people in the Russian Federation, in Karachaevo - Circassia (27 thousand person). In total in the Russian Federation 33 thousand person (1992). Live also in Turkey (10 thousand person) and Arabian countries. An aggregate number of 44 thousand person (1992). Tongue Abasin. Believers - moslems - sunnity.ABAJ (up to 1961 settlements. CHurubaj-Nura), city in Kazakhstan, the Karaganda region, bliz zh.-d. An item. Karabas. 47,3 thousand inhabitants (1991). A coal mining. Wood-working combine and other enterprises. It is called by name Abaja Kunanbaeva.STEPPE ABAJSKAJA, intermountain hollow between hr. Terektinsky and Holzun, on Altai. Length of 25 kms, an altitude ok. 1100 m. The large part ploughed up.ABACAS (from grech. abax - board), 1) board, disjointed on strips where travelled kameshki, bones (as in Russian accounts{invoices}), for arithmetical calculations in Other. Greeces, Rome, then in Zap. To Europe till 18 century 2) In architectural orders a top plate of a column cap, an engaged column, a pilaster; has square lineaments{outlines} with direct (doric, ionichesky warrants) or concave (the corinthian warrant) edges{boundarice}.ABACA, 1) (abaca banana), perennial herbaceous plant of a stem a banana. Rhodinum - the Philippine islands; it is cultivated in tropics. 2) the Same, that an abaca.ABAKAN (in 1925-31 Hakassk), city in the Russian Federation, adm. ts. Khakassias. Landing stage on r. Abakan, for its{her} lockin to Yenisei. A railway junction. 158,2 thousand inhabitants (1992). An industry: mild, alimentary, a building materials. Software "Abakanvagonmash", factory " Ëåãìàø ", etc. Pedagogical institute. 3 theatres. Has arisen in 1823 as seconds. Ust-Abakanskoe.ABAKAN, the river to Khakassias, the left-handed in-leak{influx} of Yenisei (runs in Krasnoyarsk vdhr.). 514 kms, the area of basin of 32 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water 381 m2 / with. Driveable. In Minusinskoj to a hollow of water are used for an irrigation.STEPPE ABAKANSKAJA, plain on a left bank rr. Abakan and Yenisei. An altitude of 200-500 m. It in part ploughed up.ABAKANSKY the BACKBONE, in southeast Zap. Siberia. Length of 300 kms, the Altitude up to 1984 m. On downslopes - a taiga.ABAKANSKOE the DEPOSIT iron-ore, in the Russian Federation, in the south of Krasnoyarsk kr. It is known with 1856. Kontaktovoe a deposit (skarny) magnetite ores. Known reserves over 140 million t ore with content Fe of 41,7 %. Center of production-. An abaze.ABAKELIJA Tamara Grigorjevna (1905-53), the Georgian sculptor and the schedule{chart}, the honored worker of arts of Georgia (1942). A sculptural frieze on an administrative - public building in Tbilisi (1936-37); case histories.ABAKUMOV Gleb Arsentjevich (r. 1937), the Russian chemist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1987). Transactionses on chemistry of free radicals, organometallic and complexes. The state premium of the USSR (1985).ABALAKIN Victor Kuzmich (r. 1930), the Russian astronomer, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1987). Transactionses on a stellar dynamics, ephemerical astronomy and a gravitational astronomy. The state premium of the USSR (1982).ABALAKOVY, the Russian climbers, brothers: 1) Vitaly Mihajlovich (1905/06-86), the engineer, the deserved master of the mountaineering (1935), the deserved master of the sport (1941), the deserved trainer of the USSR (1961). Pervovoshozhdenie to Lenin peak (Pamir, 1934). 2) Eugeny Mihajlovich (1907-48), the sculptor, the deserved master of mountaineering (1934). Pervovoshozhdenie to Communism peak (Pamir, 1933); named Eugeny Mihajlovicha the peak Abalakov on Pamir is called.ABALKIN Leonid Ivanovich (r. 1930), the Russian economist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1987). The main{basic} transactionses on theoretical and methodological problems of political economy. On scientific and pedagogical activity with 1956. With 1986 director of Institute of economy of the Russian Academy of Science. In 1989-91 vice-president of Council of Ministers of the USSR.ABARBANEL Ieguda (Leon the Jew) (1470-1521), the ispano-jewish religious writer and the thinker - neoplatonik (see. Neoplatonizm). The writer " Dialogues about love ", exerted influence on spanish mistikov.ABARIS, in the Grecian mythology inhabitant Giperborei, the divinator and sacrificer Apollo. Did without nutrition and flied on the magic boom presented to him by Apollo.ABASOV Mitat Tejmur ogly (r. 1926), the scientist, academician AN of Azerbaijan (1980), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1984). Transactionses on development of petroleum and gas condensate deposits.ABASTUMANI, a urban settlement in Georgia, in 28 kms from zh.-d. An item. Ahaltsihe. 2,6 t.. (1991). Gornoklimatichesky a health resort. Bliz Abastumani - an astrophysical observatory.ABASYJANYK (Abasiyanik) Sait Faik (1907-54), the turkish writer. Realistic stories (in the collection " the Superfluous person ", 1948, "Company", 1951, "not so sweet", 1954) and novels have exerted influence the modern turkish prose.ABACHA (Abacha) Sledge (r. 1933), the chief of state Nigeria, the chairman of Temporary ruling advice{council}, the chairman of federal executive advice{council} (government) since November 1993 and Minister of Defence since November 1990. The general - lieutenant (1987).ABASHA, city (1964) in Georgia. A depot. 7,2 thousand inhabitants (1991). Hlopchatotkatskaja, tea factories; factories of mixed foods, efirnomaslichnyj, mechanic.ABASHEVSKAJA the TOY, the Russian art craft formed in district Spasskom, nowadays area Bednodemjanovskom of the Penza range. Originating promyslaProizvodstvo toys has arisen in 19 century on the basis an aboriginal earthenware craft. Replacement{expulsion} in the beginning of 20 century of handicraft items factory ware has caused a gradual extinction of pottery and secretion of a toy in a do-it-yourself craft. As against the majority of the toy centres predominary men here worked. Master Larion ZotkinIzvestnost which acquires a craft at the end of 1920th, it is connected to name Lariona Zotkina, the talented master from village Abashevo, the writer of many interesting toys: fantastic lions, bizarre dogs, amusing bears. At this time there are characteristic for abashevskih masters sculptural methods and features of paintings. Features abashevskoj igrushkiAbashevskaja a toy are the penny whistles figuring animal, quite often accepting phantasmagoric fantastic appearance. Figures have the elongated trunk with the short, widely placed legs and the lengthy refined neck. On the small, carefully moulded head penetrating harrowed eyes are secreted. Heads of a bench, deers, rams are topped curved, sometimes with pluristratal horns. The rank forelocks, curly beards and a mane are legiblly simulated, their circuits, delineated stekoj, have stringent drawing and a high relief. Paintings igrushekSvistulki are colored by bright enamel colours - blue, green, red, in the most unexpected combinations. Separate component parts, for example, horns, can be painted by silver or gold. Occasionally parts of figures remain unpainted and sharply enamels contrast with bright spots. Routine domestic animals at hand masters turn in fantastic entities. The modern masters Handcraft abashevskoj toys prolong the modern masters - T.N.Zotkin, I.L.Zjuzenkov, A.I.Eskin. Some artists become to cover the penny whistles colourless a polyhowl that does{makes} figures more streamlined and less bright. Ëèòåðàòóðà:Äèíöåñ L.A.Russkaja a clay toy. Ì.; L.: AN the USSR, 1936. Boguslavskaja I.J.Russkaja a clay toy. M.: Art, 1975. A fundamentals of art handcraft / the Baking plate red. V.A.Baradulina. M.: Enlightenment, 1979. Dajn G.L.Russkaja a national toy. M.: the Light industry, 1981. N.V.GaevskajaA. L.IordanskyABASHEVSKAJA CROP, a bronze age (2-n a floor. 2-nd thousand up to n. e.), in Compare. The Volga region and Priuralje; the title on a seconds. Abashevo in Chuvashia. Residues of settlements and tumuluses. An economy: agriculture, cattle breeding, a hunt, fishery.ABASHIDZE Grigol Grigorjevich (1914-94), the Georgian writer, academician AN of Georgia (1979), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1974). In poetry - historical (a poem "George Shestoj", 1942); (a cycle of verses " Lenin in Samgori ", 1950; the State premium of the USSR, 1951) and the modern themes (the collection " the Golden vineyard ", 1966). Novels from life of Georgia 13 century.ABASHIDZE Irakly Vissarionovich (1909-92), the Georgian poet, academician AN of Georgia (1960), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1979). Main themes - destiny of Georgia in past and true, a humanistic debt of the poet. Collections of verses "Approaching" (1966), " And these songs - my Georgia " (1971); cycles of verses " Palestine, Palestine ", " On tracks Rustaveli " about the great Georgian poet."ABBA" (ABBA - on the first characters of names of participants of group), the Swedish pop group, has arisen in 1973. Structure: Benny Andersson (keyboard, the synthesizer, a vocal), Bjorn Ulveus (the gear quadrant, a vocal), Agneta Feltskog (vocal), Anni-Fried Lingstad Frederiks (vocal). In 1970 and nach. 80th went on tour in many foreign countries and has conquered world popularity. Texts of songs in English. The most popular songs "Waterloo" (Waterloo) (1974), "Fernando" (Fernando), " Money, Money, Money " (Money, money, money) (both 1976), " Knowing Me Knowing You " (1977), etc., have a beautiful melody and differ emotional performance{fulfillment}. The most known discs - "Waterloo" (1974), "ABBA" (1975), "Voulez-Vous" (1979). In 1983 has broken up.ABBADO (Abbado) Klaudio (r. 1933), the italian conductor. With 1968 conductor of theatre " Ac the Rock " (in 1971-86 artistic administrator), with 1971 main conductor Austrian philharmonic, with 1979 - London symphonic orchestras, with 1986 artistic administrator of the Austrian state opera, it is simultaneous with 1989 main conductor of the Berlin philarmonic society. 1-n the premium at competitions of conductors in the USA him{it}. S.A.Kusevitskogo (1958) and D.Mitropulosa (1963). Goes on tour in many countries, including in 1974 in Moscow, with theatre " Ac the Rock ".ABBAJ, the title of headwaters r. Light-blue Nile limits of Ethiopia. ABBANJANO (Abbagnano) Nikola (1901-90), the italian philosopher, the adherent t. n. The positive existentialism, seek to overcome subjectivity and pessimism of other representatives of this doctrine (Heidegger, Sartr).ABBAS I (1571 - 1629), a check of Iran with 1587. At Abbase I the state Sefevidov has reached{achieved} the greatest power.
AUGUST III (August) Fridrih (1696-1763), king Polish and kurfjurst saxony with 1733. It was affirmed on a holy table as a result of war for the Polish patrimony 1733-35. Board of August III - time of political crisis of Speech Pospolitoj.AUGUST JAn (1500-1572), the Czech ecclesiast, belonged to a community of the Czech brothers. Has constituted confession of belief of the community (1535), Luther received approval.AVGUSTALY, in Other. Rome sacrificers, vedavshie departure of a cult of emperor.AUGUSTINE (mind{wit}. 604 or 605), the first archbishop Kenterberijsky (c 601), " apostle of England ", sent by a dad Grigory I Great in the chapter of Christian mission to England in 596.AUGUSTINE (Vinogradsky Alexey Vasiljevich) (1766-1819), the Russian spiritual writer and the ecclesiast, archbishop Moscow and Kolomna (1818). "Compositions" are issued in 1856.AVGUSTINTSY, members of mendicant order, founded in it is grey. 13 century in Italy. The charter is attributed to Augustine (from here the title). The order avgustintsev acted in many countries Zap. And Center. Europe.AVGUSTINCHICH Antun (1900-79), the Croatian sculptor, the honorary member AH the USSR (1973). Pupil I.Meshtrovicha. Indicative, heroic monuments on spirit (a monument of the Soviet Army in Batina-Skela, 1945-47, to Country revolt 1573 in Stubitse, 1973; a monument of the World for the building of the United Nations in New York, 1952-55), portraits, statues and torses.AVDA Persian (mind{wit}. 418 or 421), the martyr, diocesan Susa in Persia. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on March, 31 (on April, 13).AVDAKOV Nikolay Stepanovich (1847-1915), the Russian businessman, the mining geologist. In 1900-05 chairman of advice{council} of cross-overs gornopromyshlennikov the South of Russia, with 1907 chairman of advice{council} of cross-overs of representatives of an industry and trade. With 1906 member of the Council of state.AVDEEV Valentine Nikolaevich (1915-72), the Russian scientist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1958). Transactionses on designing and "know-how" of electronic devices.AVDEEV Ivan Vasiljevich (1818-65), the Russian chemist - neorganik. Transactionses on chemistry of metals of the second and third periods of elements. Has defined{determined} (1842) precise structure of series of compounds and minerals of beryllium, experimentally has placed{installed} the formula of a beryllium oxide, has studied his{its} chemical properties.AVDEEV Mihail Vasiljevich (1821-76), the Russian writer, the critic. In trilogy "Tamarin" (1852) - tragedy of " the superfluous person ". A burning social problematics in novels "Reef" (1860), " Mezh two fires " (1868). Stories, travelling sketches. The book of literary - critiques " our society (1820-1870) in heroes and heroines of the literature " (1874).AVDEEV Sergey Vasiljevich (1956), pilot - astronaut of the Russian Federation (1993), the Hero of the Russian Federation (1993). Flight on " Soyuz TM-15 " and an orbital complex "World" (July 1992 - February 1993).AVDEEVKA, city (1956) on Ukraine, Donetsk region. A depot. 40 thousand inhabitants (1991). Cokery; manufacture of a building materials, sewing and notions items. It is based in 1884.AVDEEVSKAJA PARKING, epoch of a serotinal{late} paleolith, for a seconds. Avdeevka about Kursk. Residues of dugs out, silicon and bone instruments, figurines of women, mammoths.AVDEENKO Alexander Ostapovich (r. 1908), the Russian writer. " I like the autobiographical novel " (kn. 1, 1933, kn. 2, 1967), the military - adventure story " Above Tissoj " (1954), the novel " In sweat of the face " (the separate issuing 1979). The book of memories "Excommencement" (1989).AVDELAJ (Abdalaikl) Selevkijsky (mind{wit}. 344), the martyr, the presbyter damaged in Selevkii in persecution SHapura II together with over. Simeonom, diocesan Selevkii and Ktezifonta. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on April, 17 (30).AVDIEVSKY Anatoly Timofeevich (r. 1933), the Ukrainian choral conductor, the national actor of the USSR (1983). With 1966 artistic administrator and the main conductor of the Ukrainian national chorus him{it}. G.G.Verevki. The state premium of the USSR (1978).AVDIES Persian (mind{wit}. 362 or 364), the Christian martyr damaged in Persia in persecution SHapura II. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on April, 9 (22).OBADIAH (9 century up to n. e.), the hebrew prophet, one of twelve small prophets. The writer of the book of the Old Testament wearing his{its} name. Memory{remembrance} in Orthodox and the Latin church on November, 19.OBADIAH (Avid) Persian (mind{wit}. 412), the Christian martyr damaged in Persia in persecution of tsar Jezdegerda I. For confession of the Christ has been killed by thorny sticks. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on September, 5 (18).AVDIKY Persian (mind{wit}. ok. 380), the martyr, the deacon damaged in Persia in persecution SHapura II. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on April, 10 (23).AVDIFAKS Persijanin, Roman (mind{wit}. 269), the Christian martyr, the son of martyrs Marina and Marthas, the brother of Habacuc damaged together with them in Rome in persecution of emperor Klavdija II. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 6 (19).AVDON (Abdan) Persian, Roman (mind{wit}. ok. 251), the Christian martyr, the persian prince. Together with over. Sennisom has buried bodies of christians, killed in Kordule (Korduve) in persecution of emperor Detsija, for what have been executed in Rome. Memory{remembrance} in Orthodox and in the Latin church on July, 30.GLOBE FLOWERS, a set of birds of order zhuravleobraznyh. Length 40-55 see 9 kinds{views}, basically in tropics and subtropics (except for the Sowing. America), in deserts and steppes, on coasts of the rivers and seas. Are awake in twilights and at night; well run and fly.AVDUYEVSKY Vsevolod Sergeevich (r. 1920), the Russian scientist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1979). Transactionses on aerodynamics and heat exchange at high speeds, hydromechanics of planetary atmospheres. The lenin premium (1970), the State premium of the USSR (1978).AB MARY (an armour. Ave Maria - be pleased, Maria), a roman catholic pray, and also a piece of music written on the canonical or loose text, including the circulation to maiden Maria. Arias and songs Ave Maria - are known for F.Shuberta, L.Kerubini, S.Guno, etc.AVEJDE Oscar (1837-97), one of chiefs of Polish revolt 1863-64, the member of Central national committee and ZHonda Narodovogo. It is banished in Vjatskuju lips. " The note about Polish revolt 1863 ".ABEL, in the Bible the son of Adam and Eve, " the shepherd ovets ", killed with envy the higher brother Cain - the farmer when the god of Jahveh has preferred gifts of Abel. Figuratively - an innocent victim of cruelty.ABEL (1757-1841), an outlet box - predictor, from peasants. For the forecasts (days of mors of Ekaterina II and Paul I, irruption of the Frenchmen and incinerating of Moscow, etc.) multiply hitted in prisons, having conducted in the conclusion ok. 20 flying. Has died in an imprisonment in Suzdal Spaso-Evfimjevskom a monastery.AVEN Oleg Ivanovich (1927-92), the Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1984). Transactionses under the analysis and synthesis of the automized guidance systems and methods of their designing, evaluation test and optimisations of computing systems.AVEN Peter Olegovich (r. 1955), ðîññèécêèé the statesman, the financier. Son O.I.Aven. In 1989-91 leading expert of International institute of applied{economic} systems analysis (Austria). In 1991-92 chairman of State committee of foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation. With 1992 minister for external economic ties of the Russian Federation. With 1993 president of "Alpha - bank".AVENARIUS Vasily Petrovich (1839-1923), the Russian writer. The didactic stories of an antinigilistic directivity convicting moral licentiousness (" the Modern idyll ", 1865; "Epidemic", 1867). Books for children: " the Fairy tale on a bee mohnatke " (1879), " That a room speaks " (1880). The sci-fi story " the Unusual history about revived pompejtse " (1889). Popular biographies of writers (a story about D.I.Fonvizin, A.S.Pushkin, N.V.Gogole).AVENARIUS Michael Petrovich (1835-95), Russian physics, corresponding member Petersburg AN (1876). Probeed thermoelectric phenomena and critical states.AVENARIUS (Avenarius) Rihard (1843-1896), the Swiss philosopher, one of founders empiriokrititsizma (mahizma). Considered{counted}, that in experience the contrast of a matter and spirit is taken out; has put forward the theory of " a principled coordination " according to which " without the subject there is no object " (without consciousness - matters).ABNER Indian (4 century), under the legend, indian tsar, father Saint Ioasafa. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on November, 19 (on December, 2).AVENTIN (Aventinus), one of 7 hills on which has arisen Other. Rome. According to the legend, on Aventin plebeians in the season{term} of extirpation with patritsijami left.AVENUE (frants. avenue), in France, the USA, the Great Britain and some other countries the broad street routinely surrounded with trees.AVERBAH Leopold Leonidovich (1903-39), the Russian critic, the publicist. The managing editor of the log-book " On a literary post{station} " (1926-32), the secretary general and active figure RAPP. Staked on the proletarian literature, pursued{adopted} a policy of replacement{expulsions} of writers of "fellow travellers". Collections of points: " the Cultural revolution and problems of the modern literature " (1928), " About problems of the proletarian literature " (1928), etc. It is repressed.AVERBAH Michael Iosifovich (1872-1944), the Russian ophthalmologist, academician AN the USSR (1939), one of organizers of Ophthalmologic institute him{it}. Helmholtz (1935). Transactionses on physiological optician, an ophthalmosurgery, to professional damages of eyes. The state premium of the USSR (1943).AVERBAH Jury Lvovich (r. 1922), the Russian chess player; the international grandmaster (1952), the checkrow writer and the theorist. The outstanding figure of international and domestic checkrow motion. With 1962 managing editor of the log-book " Chess in Russia " (up to 1992 " Chess in the USSR "). The champion of the USSR (1954). The winner of some large international tournaments, including in Moscow (1962), Rio de Janeiro (1965), Poljanitse-Zdruj (Poland, 1975). One of writers multivolume theoretical transactionses " the Checkrow terminals " (1 issuing; 1956-58).AVERINTSEV Sergey Sergeevich (r. 1937), the Russian philologist, the culturologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1987). Investigates and transfers{translates} products{creations} pozdneantichnoj, rannehristianskoj and the medieval literature of the Mediterranean locale (including byzantian, latin and syrian). Transactionses on philosophy of crop of 20 century; transfers{translations} of european prose and poetry of 20 century. The state premium of the USSR (1990).AVERKAMP (Avercamp) Hendrik (1585-1634), the Netherlands painter. Characteristic for the Netherlands realism nach. 17 century zhanrovo-landscape patterns ("Ice skating").AVERKIEV Dmitry Vasiljevich (1836-1905), the Russian writer, the publicist, the theatrical critic. Historical plays (" the Comedy about the Russian nobleman Frole Skobeeve... ", 1869; " Kashirskaja olden time ", 1872;, etc.) reconstruct an atmosphere of left epoch through destiny of the private{individual} person. The book " About a drama. Critical reasoning " (1893). Publicism of a conservative directivity.AVERKY (1 century), the Christian martyr, under the legend, the son of apostle from 70-òè Alphaeus. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on May, 26 (on June, 8).
AVITSENNA, see Ibn Sina.AVKSELY Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23).AVKSENTY Vifinsky (mind{wit}. ok. 470), a Christian outlet box - hermit, podvizalsja in Vifinii on mountain Oksija bliz the Chalcedon. It come from Persia, was tsaredvortsem at a yard of emperor Feodosiya Junior. Having accepted inochestvo, ministered the deacon, then the presbyter in Constantinople. Participat in 4-th Ecumenical council. Memory{remembrance} in Orthodox and the Latin church on February, 14.AVKSENTY Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23).AVKSENTY Pertsovsky, Vologda (mind{wit}. 1521), Saint, has based in 1499 year (together with Saint Onufriem) Pepper deserts in place Grjazovets near Vologda. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on June, 12 (25).AVKSENTY Sevastijsky, Arabian (mind{wit}. nach. 4 century), the martyr, the presbyter in Aravrake, one of five martyrs damaged in the Sebasta Armenian in the persecution of emperor Diokletiana. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on December, 13 (26).AVKSENTY Solovetsky, Kashkarensky (17 century), Saint. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 9 (22) (cathedral Solovetskih sacred).AVKSENTY Chalcedonian (mind{wit}. ok. 816), the Christian confesser, Saint, spodvizhnik diocesan Kosmy, damaged together with nymas in the Chalcedon in aniconic persecution at emperor the Lion the Armenian. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on April, 18 (on May, 1).AVKSENTEV Nikolay Dmitrievich (1878-1943), one of leaders eserov. In 1917 chairman of the All-Russia Advice{Council} of country deputies and Preparliament, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Providing government. The participant of extirpation against the Soviet authority during the Civil war. Then in emigration.AVKSILY Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23).AVLAKOGEN (from grech. aulax - a furrow and genes - bearing), an intraplatform linear mobile zone by the way a steep fine-bored sag, restricted faults; combination of a sag - a graben and raising - horst is routine.AVLOS (grech. aulos), an ancient greek musical instrument, 2-ñòâîëüíûé such as an oboe. Has been distributed also in Other. Rome and countries of the Mediterranean.AVM, see. The analog computer.The AVOGADRO (Avogadro) Amedeo (1776-1856), italian physics and the chemist. In 1811 has put forward a molecular hypothesis of a structure of substance, has placed{installed} one of the gas laws, called as his{its} name.The AVOGADRO the LAW, in equal volumes of ideal gases at equal pressure and temperature is contained equal figure of molecules; A.Avogadro in 1811 is open{discovered}.ALLIGATOR PEAR, woody plant of a stem a persea, a fruit crop. Rhodinum - Center. And JUzh. America where it is long since cultivated (the USA, Brazil, Argentina). Cultivate also in Australia, on Cuba, etc., with 1904 - on Black Sea a shore of Caucasus. The evergreen tree an altitude up to 20 m, is durable, fruits about 4-5 flying. Fruits (150-200 pieces from a plant) with an oily pulp, on taste remind a Persian walnut, are very nutritious, almost do not contain some carbohydrates.ABRAHAM (Abram), in the Bible an ancestor of Jews, father Isaaka. On command of Jahveh Abraham should sacrifice the son, but at the moment of immolation has been stalled{stopped} by an angel.AVRAAMY (in world Afanasy) (mind{wit}. 1672), the old believe writer, the outlet box, the pupil protopopa Habacuc. The employee for the substantiation of dissents between old believers and nikonianami has constituted kompiljativnyj the collection " Hristianoopasnyj a board of belief against a heretical home guard ".AVRAAMY Arvilsky (mind{wit}. 344 or 347), the martyr, diocesan Arvilsky (Arbelsky) in Persia, damaged in persecution SHapura II. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on February, 4 (17), in Roman catholic on February, 4 and 8.AVRAAMY Bulgarian, Vladimirskiy (mind{wit}. 1229), the Christian martyr, chudotvorets. It come Volzhsko-Kamskoj from Bulgaria; having addressed to christianity from Moslem, racked by fellow citizens of native city. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on April, 1 (14).AVRAAMY Galichsky, CHuhlomskoj, Gorodetsky (mind{wit}. 1375), the abbot, the pupil Saint Sergija Radonezhskogo, the educator chudi. Has based 4 monasteries, has found (1350) wonderworking icon Bozhiej of Mother (Galichsko-CHuhlomskaja "Affection"). Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 20 (on August, 2).AVRAAMY the Hermit, Hidansky (mind{wit}. ok. 360), the Christian outlet box, the ascetic, more than 50 flying podvizalsja in Syrian desert. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on October, 29 (on November, 11), in Roman catholic on March, 16.AVRAAMY Karrijsky (mind{wit}. 450), the Christian man of faith, diocesan Karrijsky (in Mesopotamia). Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on February, 14 (27).AVRAAMY (in shime Anthony) Kensky, Kozheezersky (mind{wit}. 1634), abbot Kozheezerskoj of a mansion, the pupil Saint Serapiona Kozheezerskogo. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on June, 7 (20).AVRAAMY Mirozhsky (12 century), the first abbot Pskov Spaso-Mirozhskogo a monastery, chudotvorets. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on September, 24 (on October, 7).AVRAAMY Paleostrovsky (15 century), abbot Paleostrovskoj of a mansion, the pupil Saint Kornilija Paleostrovskogo. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 21 (on September, 3).AVRAAMY PALITSYN, see Palitsyn And.AVRAAMY Pechengsky, Vologda (mind{wit}. After 1492), Saint, has based (together with Saint Kopriem) deserts Spasskuju in Grjazovetskom for. Near Vologda on r. Pechenga. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on February, 4 (17).AVRAAMY Pechersky (12-13 centuries), a name of each of three men of faith, pogrebennyh in Short-range (Antonievyh) and Long-distance (Feodosievyh) caves Kievo-Pecherskoj laurels. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on September, 28 (on October, 11) and on 2 Sunday of quadragesima (cathedral Kievo-Pecherskih of fathers).AVRAAMY (in world Averky) Rostov (11 century?), Saint, chudotvorets, the founder and archimandrite Bogojavlenskogo of a monastery in. Body height - Yaroslavl. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on October, 29 (on November, 11).AVRAAMY SMOLENSK (mind{wit}. Up to 1224), Saint, chudotvorets, the ecclesiast, the icon-painter; the first abbot of a monastery in honour of the Rule{Situation;Position} of the Chasuble of the Holy Virgin Theotokos (later - Spaso-Avraamiev a monastery). The wide circulation in Russia has received " ZHitie sacred Avraamija ", written by his{its} pupil Efremom. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 21 (on September, 3).AVRAAMY Spassky (Korjazhemsky) (mind{wit}. In nach. 17 century), the abbot. Memory{remembrance} in an orthodox church on 2 Sunday on the Pentecost (a cathedral of all sacred, in ground Russian beamed).AVRAAMY Yaroslavl (Preobrazhenskiy), (mind{wit}. After 1219), the abbot. Memory{remembrance} in an orthodox church on September, 23 (on October, 6).ABRAHAMS Arseny Mihajlovich (1886 - 1944), the Russian musical theorist, the specialist in folklore, the composer. In 1917 - 18 commissioner of arts Narkomprosa RSFSR, one of organizers Proletkulta. Aspired{tried} to give revolutionary holidays solemn registration, including with the help of factory hooters (" the Concordance of hooters ", 1922).ALL-HANDS EVOLUTION (English over all - upward all), activity on the ship{spacecraft}, executed{designed} simultaneously all or nearly so all staff called by a special signal and a command " all upward ".AVRAMOV Ivan Ivanovich (1915-85), the Russian actor, the national actor of the USSR (1976). In 1936-37 and with 1945 in Komi drama theatre (Syktyvkar), in 1961-82 main producer.AVRAMOV Mihail Petrovich (1681-1752), the first director of the Petersburg printing house in 1711-27, the clerk of the Armory Museum. The writer of many designs of reforms: introductions of censorship, folding money, buildings of grain reserves, etc. In 1732 it is cut in outlet boxes; was in the reference, the conclusion.HEDGEHYSSOP, stem of grasses of a set of a figwort family. Ok. 20 kinds{views}, in moderate and cool belts and in mountains of tropics. The hedgehyssop medicinal is toxicant; it is used as purging, emetic and diuretic.AVRANEK Ulrih Iosifovich (1853-1937), the chorus master and the conductor, the national actor of Russia (1932), the Hero of Transactionses (1934). By origin cheh. With 1874 in Russia. With 1882 conductor and the chorus master of Major theatre.AVRELIAN (Aurelianus) (214 or 215-275), Roman emperor with 270. Has reunited with empire Palmira in 272/273, Gallia in 273, has superseded from Retsii and Italy alemannov.AVRELY VICTOR (Aurelius Victor) Sixths, the Roman historian of 4 century. The writer of the book " About tsezarjah " in which brief biographies of Roman emperors from August up to Konstantsija (30 up to n are given. e. - 360 n. e.).AVRELY (Aurelius) Mark (121-180), Roman emperor with 161 from dynasty Antoninov. Rested on senatorial estate. Has reduced the Roman protectorate above Armenia and has trapped Mesopotamia in war 162-166 with parthians; in 166-180 led t. n. Markomanskuju war. The representative of serotinal{late} stoicism (the philosophical composition of "Speculation").* * *MARK AVRELY Antonin (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus) (on April, 26 121, Rome - on March, 17 180, Sirmy, Lower Pannonija), Roman emperor, the representative of serotinal{late} stoicism, the writer of philosophical "Speculations". The son pretora Annija Belief belonged to a notable spanish stem. In the childhood, after bullock Adriana, has been adopted by the future emperor Antoninom Piem. Has received perfect{fine} education, specially studied the right. On March, 7 161 together with Lutsiem Verom, also adopted Antoninom Piem, has been professed by emperor. For the period of his{its} board flood of Tiber, revolt of British and germen, successful for rimljan wars with Armenia and Parfiej, the long-lived war with markomanami came. Emperor has conducted a large part of life in military marchings, attempting to reflect the barbarians restricting Roman borders{limits}. At the same time he cared of an internal accomplishment of empire, placing emphasis on the legislation and legal proceedings. Personally participated in meetings of a senate, in proceedings, has entered in the capacity of punishment for the false denunciation civil dishonor. The collection of rescripts of Mark Avrelija under the title "Semestria" enjoyed authority for lawyers of succeeding generations. Has died of a plague during war with markomannami. Mark Avrely was the person moral and modest. Since a youth he led vozderzhannyj a mode of life: wore a modest Grecian storm coat, slept on ground, escaped entertainments. Long-sufferingly tried to tolerate all falsities sent to him by life, "not noting" lack of talent sopravitelja Lutsija Belief, rasputstva wife Faustiny Junior, daughters Antonina Pija, misunderstanding of ambient people, bad inclinations of son Kommoda which has enclosed the best tutors and teachers (afterwards he has become one of the most severe emperors in a history of Rome). " Speculations "(" To themselves "), written by Mark Avreliem in Greek and retrieved after his{its} mors in a marching tent (for the first time are issued in 12 books in 1558 with parallel latin transfer{translation}), in brief, sometimes aphoristic expressions state stoical views of this philosopher on a throne: " Time of human life - an instant; its{her} nature - perpetually flow; the sensation is vague, the structure of all body faddies; a shower it is unstable, the destiny is mysterious; the glory - is uncertain. All relating to a body is similar to a torrent, relating to a shower - to a dreaming and a smoke. Life - extirpation and journey on foreign land. But what can introduce to a path{route}? Anything, except for philosophy. To philosophize - signifies to preserve the internal genius from ponoshenija and flaw, to achieve, that he stood above enjoying and travails... " .V consequent eyelid of a classical antiquity Mark Avrely recognized to one of the best emperors of Rome. The plenty of portraits of Mark Avrelija figuring it{him} in miscellaneous age was saved. An equestrian statue of Mark Avrelija on the Capitols in Rome (in Middle Ages considered as a monument to Konstantin Velikomu) - the most well-known monument of art of his{its} time. Ñî÷èíåíèÿ:Ðàçìûøëåíèÿ. SPb., 1993. The literature: Renan E.Mark Avrely and an end of a classical antiquity. Ì., 1991. Eliahs Kapitolin. The biography of Mark Antonina of the Philosopher // the Lords of Rome. Ì., 1992. Kotlyarevsky Seconds Mark Avrely // Roman stoiki. Ì., 1994. V.E.SuslenkovAVRELY Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23)."AVRO" (A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd), the aircraft manufacturing firm in the Great Britain, founded A.V.Ro. In 1930th was part of concern " Hoker Sidli ", it is closed in 1963. During 2-nd world war has adjusted a mass production of bombers "Lancaster" è "Lincoln".AURORA, in Roman mythology the goddess of a morning dawn. Corresponds{meets} Grecian Eos."AURORA", publishing house, Saint Petersburg. It is based in 1969. Graphic production (cards, a reproduction, etc.), books on art."AURORA", cruiser of Baltic fleet. In formation with 1903, participat in TSusimskom battle 1905. In the evening 25.10.1917" Aurora " a blank shot from the instrument has signalled to capture by bolsheviks of the Winter palace. A historical monument; branch of the Central marine museum (with 1956).AVRORIN Valentine Aleksandrovich (1907-77), Russian jazykoved, corresponding member AN the USSR (1964). The explorer of tunguso-manchurian tongues, problems of a typology, comparative-historical linguistics, sociolinguistics.
AXON (from grech. axon - a shaft) (a neurite, the axial cylinder), the process of a nervous cell (neurone) conductive nervous impulses from a body of a cell to innerviruemym to organs or other nervous cells. Bunches of axons will derivate nerves. Compare. A dendrite.AXONOMETRY (from grech. axon - a shaft and... metrija), a way of the plotting of subjects on the drawing through the parallel projections, consisting in a volume, that the subject is figured on a plane together with a space system of coordinates to which he is referred, and his{its} projection to one of coordinate planes.AKSTAFA, city (with 1941) in Azerbaijan, in a valley of the Hen. A depot. 10,2 thousand inhabitants (1991). A cotton-mill, vinodelcheskie the enterprises.AKSTAFA (Agstev), the river in Armenia and Azerbaijan, dextral in-leak{influx} of the Hen. 121 kms, the area of basin of 2,5 thousand êì2. It is used for an irrigation.AKSU, the river in Kazakhstan. 316 kms, the area of basin 5040 êì2. Runs into an eskar. Balkhash. It is used for an irrigation.AKSUMSKOE the KINGDOM, the ancient state (2-11 centuries) predominary on terrains of the modern Ethiopia, the title on main city Aksum.AK-SUU (up to 1985 settlements. May Day), city in Kirghizia. Depot (Belovodskaja). 9,5 thousand inhabitants (1991). Alimentary, a building materials an industry. It is based in 1939.The CERTIFICATE{ACT} (from an armour. actus - action, actum - the document), 1) an act, action. 2) the Diploma. The deed, is emited by a state organ, the official within the limits of their competence of the statutory form (the law, the decree, the decree, etc.). 3) the Concluded part of drama product{creation} or theatrical submission. The same, that action.The CERTIFICATE{ACT} (a nem. Akt), in fine arts the plotting of an exposed human figure; the same, that a nu.The CERTIFICATE{ACT} AND POTENCY (a real and a capability), the grades of philosophy Aristotelja perceived by thomism; the certificate{act} (power) - active implementation something, a potency ("djunamis") - force, ability to such implementation; were considered the same as the form and a matter. " The clear certificate{act} ", i.e. a real keeping full implementation of all capabilities, - "mind{wit}" (nus), in scholasticism - the god.AKTASH, city (with 1967) in Uzbekistan, the Samarkand region. Depot (Zirabulak). 30 thousand inhabitants (1991). Hlopkoochistitelnyj, dairy - cheese-making factories.AKTASH, a urban settlement in the Russian Federation, Mountain Altai, 3,6 thousand inhabitants (1989). Production of mercury. Timber loggings; a wood raw reprocessing.AKTG, the reduced title of a corticotropin.The CERTIFICATE{ACT} (Achte) Emmi (1850-1924), the Finnish singer (soprano), the teacher. Solistka opera theatre in Helsinki, the chief of natural opera troupe (1891-1922).The CERTIFICATE - JALANDER (Ackte-Jalander) Ajno (1876-1944), the Finnish singer (a drama soprano). Solistka opera theatres of Paris, New York, the London. The certificate - JAlander one of osnovatelej (1911) opera theatres in Helsinki (with 1914 " the Finnish opera ").ASSET (from an armour. activus - active), 1) the most active part of any organization, collective. 2) One of the parties of balance accounting; shows structure, disposition and draft on funds which are assorted to an attribute of their functional role in an economy.ACTIVATION ANALYSIS (radioactivation analysis), method of a quality and quantitative ultimate analysis of substance, founded on probe of a radioactive radiation of the nuclides derivated under influence of neutron flux, protons, g - quanta, etc.ACTIVATED COMPLEX, in chemistry - the same, that a transient state.ABSORBITE, the same, that active charcoal.The ACTIVE ZONE in a nuclear reactor, the space in which as a result of chain reaction of division of nucleus of heavy elements (U, Pu) it is secreted a nuclear energy (predominary by the way heat).ACTIVE DESIGN, syntactical design in which the subject of action expresses subject at a transient verb in the true (active) lien, and object of action - a direct object to the same verb, napr. " The boy reads the book ".ACTIVE POWER, mean for the season{term} value of ac power; defines an average speed of transformation{conversion} of an electromagnetic energy and in other forms (thermal, mechanic, light, etc.). It is measured in watts. For a harmonic current it is peer to product{creation} of the operational (efficient) values of current I and pressure{voltage;stresses} U on a cosine of phase angle between them: P = IUcos.ACTIVE MEDIUIM, substance, in which distribution of particles (atoms, ions, molecules) on energy state is not equilibrium (see. Boltsmana distribution), and even for one pair{vapour;couple} of levels of power exists{breathes} inversion of densities of population.The IMPULSE TURBINE, the turbine in which potential energy of a propulsive mass (gas, fallow, a liquid) will be converted to kinetic in fixed channels (nozzles), and on rotor bladings descends only metamorphosis{transformation} of a motive energy into mechanic activity.The ACTIVE ELECTIVE FRANCHISE, the right of citizens to participate in elections of the chief of state and representative bodies of an authority (parliament, municipality, etc.). In the Russian Federation it is granted all citizens who have reached{achieved} 18 flying (behind eliminations, foreseen the constitutional law). See also the Passive elective franchise.PURE RESISTANCE, the value defining resistance of an electric circuit (or its{her} plot) to a current flow, stipulated by irreciprocal metamorphosises{transformations} of electrical power into other forms (predominary in thermal). It is measured in ohms.SOURCE ACTIVITY (in a nuclear physics), figure of disintegrations of radioactive nucleus in unit of time. Activity units - becquerel (1 Bk = 1 disintegration / c) and curie (1 Ki = 3,7.10-10 Bk).ACTIVITY THERMODYNAMIC, the value, permitting to represent in convenient for practical use to the form a concentration dependence of chemical potential of components of a substantial solution. With the help of this value it is possible to apply the thermodynamic relation relating a regular solution to a substantial solution if to substitute in them concentration activities. Attitude{relation} of thermodynamic activity of a component to his{its} concentration calls as an activity coefficient.REACTIVE DYE, the organic dye which are generatrix a strong chemical bond with a fiber{filament}. On chemical grading - predominary monoazo dye and their metal complexes, anthraquinone and ftalotsianinovye dyes. Are applied to a staining of cellulose fibers, a wool, natural silk, less often - polyamide fibers. Colour are resistant against washing, abrasion, a dry-cleaner.ACTIVE ACCOUNTS, the main accounts of book keeping reflecting a condition and motion of separate kinds{views} of a means (the main{basic} and turnaround) economies.ACTIVE CHARCOAL (absorbite), the cellular body received from minerals or wood charcoals by removal of resinous matters, and also a charring of polymers. Use as adsorbent in breathing masks, a vacuum technology, medicine and as the carrier of catalysts.The ACTIVE LEG, in astronautics - a flight segment of a missile or a space vehicle with running engines. On the active leg mission control of a missile (space vehicle) implements.ACTIVE CENTER, in enzymology - a plot in molecules of the ferments, directly interacting to substrate. The structure of an active center includes functional groups of amino asids (a histidine, cysteine, serine, etc.), and also in many events atoms of metals and coenzymes. In an immunology - a plot of a molecule of the anti-body, contacting an antigen.The ACTIN, protein, which fibrillar form will derivate with a miosin the main{basic} sokratitelnyj an element of muscles - an actomyosin.ACTINIDIA, stem of lianes of a set aktinidievyh, a fruit crop. Ok. 40 kinds{views}, in Asia. Cultivate basically an actinidia kolomiktu (the amurense gooseberry). From edible fruits (it is a lot of vitamin C) - jam, "raisin". An actinidia ostrozubchataja - an ornamental plant.ACTINIDES, the same, that actinoids.ACTINIA (marine anemones), order of marine Coelenterata of a class of coral polyps. Ok. 1500 kinds{views}. The dimensions from several millimeters up to 1,5 m. The solitary polyps, denuded a skeleton; feelers with nettle cells. Primarily in tropical and subtropical seas. Some actinia - symbiotes of cancerous - hermits.ACTINIUM (an armour. Actinium), Ac, a chemical element of III group of a periodic system, atomic number 89, atomic weight 227,0278. It is radioactive, most stable isotope 227Ac (a half - life 21,8 years). The title from Grecian aktis - a ray. Siver-white metal, tïë ok. 1050 °C. Meets in a nature in ores of uranium and thorium. A mix 227Ac and 9Be - a neutron-source.ACTINISM, in a photo - an emissive ability to render photographic action on a light-sensitive medium.AKTINO... (from grech. aktis, a stem. Item aktinos - a ray), the part of the composite words conforming on value to words "radiative", "radial" (napr., actinomorphous), to a word-combination "radiant energy" (napr., an actinometry).AKTINOBATSILLEZ, a chronic illness animal, rarely the person, called by actinomyces. Symptoms: abscesses in mild tissues of a head, a neck and in lymph nodes.ACTINOIDS (actinides), set from 14 chemical radioelements (metals), atomic numbers 90-103. Fall into to III group of a periodic system in which follow an actinium. Are close on a structure of electronic shells of atoms and chemical properties. All isotopes of actinoids are radioactive; the majority of them is received{obtained} artificially as a result of nuclear reactions. The actinoids located after uranium, fall into to transuranic elements.ACTINOMETER (from aktino... And... Meter), a gauge meter of intensity of a direct sunshine (radiance) on an intensity of temperature absorptive radiation zachernennoj surfaces.ACTINOMYCOSIS, chronic illness animal, less often than the person, called by actinomyces. Symptoms: purulent tumours - granulomas in any organs and tissues.ACTINOMYCES, the order of the bacteria which are generatrix branching cells, or a hypha. To aktinimitsetam attribute naturally actinomyces, mycobacteria, streptomitsety, etc., all ok. 700 kinds{views}. Are distributed in soil, water reservoirs, in air and on plant residues; some - parasites animal, the person (invoke{produce} diseases - an actinomycosis, a tuberculosis, a diphtheria and so forth) and plants. The kinds{views} which are generatrix antibiotics (primarily streptomitsety), pigments, vitamins, etc., are used in a microbiological industry.AKTUALIZM, a comparative-historical method in geology according to which, studying the modern geological processes, it is possible to judge analogous processes of the remote past. It is applied with allowance for a course of development of the Earth and changed geologic conditions{situation}. As a scientific principle aktualizm put forward{introduced} in 1-st floor. 19 century the English geologist C.Lajelem.ACTUAL DIVISION of the PROPOSAL, semantic partitioning of the proposal at which are secreted known, given (the basis{fundamentals}, a theme), that intercommunicates about given, new (a nucleus, rema) and (some scientists) elements of transition. Expresses a word order, intonation, etc. a means; it is contrasted a formal analysis{disassembly} of the proposal on sentence parts.URGENCY (from pozdnelat. actualis - actually existing, true, the modern), importance, significance something for the true moment, a modernity, topical character.
ABSOLUTE (from an armour. absolutus), 1) irrelative, unconditional. 2) Perfect, full (napr., the absolute rest).ABSOLUTE ZERO of temperature, zero reference datum of temperature on a thermodynamic temperature scale. The absolute zero is located on 273,16 °S below temperature of triple point of water for which the value 0,01 °S is accepted. The absolute zero is essentially unattainable (see. Nernsta the theorem).PERFECT PITCH, see in an item. Ear the musical.ABSORPTION (from an armour. absorbeo - I capture{absorb;imbibe;occlude}), a volume absorption of gases or steams{vapours} a liquid (absorbent) with education of a solution. In an industry execute in absorbers (ustar. - scrubbers), having a developed contact surface of an absorbent with captured{absorbed;imbibed;occluded} substance.ABS-PLASTIC, crashproof plastic on the basis of copolymer of acrylonitrile with a butadien and styrol. It is applied in manufacture of bodies of a wireless and teleinstrumentation, component parts of automobiles{cars}, refrigerators, furniture.ABSTINENT SET OF SYMPTOMS, the painful condition developing for drug addicts at the arrest of method of a junk (alcohol for ill alkogolizmom - t. n. A set of symptoms of a hang-over).ABSTINENCE (an armour. abstinentia), full forbearance from something, napr. From the use of alcoholic drinks, tobacco.The ABSTRACT ART (abstractionism, pointless art, not imaging art), set{combination} of directions in from - crop of 20 century changing naturalistic, easily recognized concreteness more or less loose game of lines, paints and forms (the scene and a subject are only guessed, symbolically are implied or peter generally). Since the old days pointless creativity existed{breathed} by the way a decorative pattern or non-finito, but only in the off-the-shelf history was issued in the special aesthetic program. Among ancestors of the abstract art - V.V.Kandinsky, K.S.Malevich, P.Mondrian, masters orfizma. There were some his{its} versions: geometrical abstraction, the abstract ekspressionizm, informel, tashizm, postpicturesque abstraction.The ABSTRACT EKSPRESSIONIZM, a version of the abstract art. Has arisen under influence of surrealism with his{its} idea of " the automatic letter ". It was most brightly exhibited in painting - in the loose compositions created by large, impulsive Unguentum, sometimes - in technique of " painting of action " (English action painting) when the certificate{act} of the hagiographa of a pattern turned to peculiar performance. The American version of the abstract ekspressionizma, usual in 1940th (is most known for A.Gorki, Â. de Kuning, to R.Mozervell, Dzh. Pollock). European analogs of the abstract ekspressionizma often mean concept tashizma.ABSTRACTION (from an armour. abstractio - an abstraction) (abstract), the form of knowledge, founded on imaginary secretion of essential properties and communications{connections} of a subject and an abstraction from other, his{its} private{individual} properties and communications{connections}; general concept - as outcome of process of abstraction; a synonym "imaginary", "conceptual". The main{basic} phylums of abstraction: isolating{insulating} abstraction (dividing into parts probed the phenomena from some wholeness), extending abstraction (producing the generalized pattern the phenomena), idealization (replacement substantial empirical the phenomena the idealized scheme). The concept "abstract" is contrasted concrete. See. Climbing from the abstract to concrete.NONSENSE (from an armour. absurdus - absurd), nonsense, absurdity.NONSENSE the DRAMA, flow in Western-European dramatic art and theatre 2-nd floor. 20 century. Represents the world as nonsense. Maps pessimism, uncommunicativeness, a presentiment of death. Acts, speeches of characters are alogical, the plot is collapseed. Creators - S.Bekket, E.Ionesko (France).ABSCESS (an armour. abscessus - an abscess, an abscess), a restricted clump of pus in tissues or organs owing to their inflammation with fusion of tissues and education of a cavity. Develops it is acute, with a pain, temperature rise, violation{disturbance} of function of an organ; demands surgical treatment.ABSTSIZOVAJA the ACID, the hormone of plants regulating processes of a wilting, a defoliation, dormancy. Growth of plants inhibits{brakes}. On a chemical nature isoprenoid.ABSCISSA (from an armour. abscissa - severed), one of Cartesian axials of a point, routinely first, meant by x character.ABU BEKR (572-634), the first caliph (with 632) in Arabian halifate. One of the nearest spodvizhnikov Mohammed.ABU BEKR KELEVI (?-1366), the handicraftsman, the leader of revolt serbedarov (1365-1366) in Samarkand. It is executed.ABU MUSLIM (ok. 727-755), the leader of revolt 747-750 in Khurasan against Omejjadov, reduced in authority Abbasidov. It is killed under the order abbasidskogo caliph al-Mansura, afraid influence Abu Muslima.ABU NUVAS (between 762-813), the Arabian poet. Love and gedonicheskaja lyrics.ABU to TAMMS (ok. 796-843), the Arabian poet. Elegicheskie, panegyrical, satirical verses. The maker of the anthology of Arabian poetry.ABU FIRAS (932-967), the Arabian poet. Verses on military exploits, love lyrics, patriotic elegii.ABU HANIFA the HELL - DINAVERI (? - ok. 895), the Arabian philologist, the naturalist, the historian. " The book about poetry and poets ", " the Book about eloquence ", " the Book about plants ", the historical composition " the Book of the lengthy informations ".ABU SHADI Ahmed Zaks (1892-1955), the Arabian writer (Egypt), the philologist. Collections of lyrical verses " Dews at dawn " (1910), " Visions of spring " (1933), plays in verses, historical stories; transactionses on Arabian poetics.ABU JUSUF (731-798), the Arabian writer " Books about podati " - a source on a socio economic history Arabian halifata in 7-8 centuries.ABU-BAKAR (an ice-film. fam. Abakarov) Ahmedhan (1931-91), darginsky the writer, the national writer of Dagestan (1969). Stories about life of the modern Dagestan: " Darginskie girls " (1958), " the Necklace for mine Serminaz " (1965), " the Sun in " the Nest of an eagle " (1975), " Mum, zazhgi the sun " (1983). Verses (the collection " Love a turquoise color ", 1982). Plays.ABU-DABI (Abu-Zabi), capital (temporary) Consolidated Arab Emirates. St. 363 thousand inhabitants (1989). A port in Persian a hall. An international airport. Production and petroleum refining. Fishery.ABU-DABI (Abu-Zabi), emirat (principality) in structure of Consolidated Arab Emirates. The area ok. 67 thousand êì2. The population of 722 thousand person (1988). Main city - Abu-Dhabi.ABUDZHA (Abuja), the capital of Nigeria (with 1991) is constructed in a central part of country. 298 thousand inhabitants (1993). The solution on transmission of capital from Lagos in Abudzhu is accepted in 1976.ABUKARA (Abu-Korre) Theodore (8-9 centuries), diocesan of. Harran in Mesopotamia, the pupil over. John Damascene, the writer of apologetic compositions against heretics and moslems.ABOUKIR, island and headland in delta of Nile (Egypt). About Aboukir 1-2.8.1798 during Egyptian expedition of Napoleon Bonaparte the English fleet (rear admiral G.Nelson) has routed the French fleet, and Bonaparte army has appeared severed in Egypt from France.ABULADZE Tengiz Evgenjevich (1924-94), the Georgian film director, the national actor of the USSR (1980). Worked at studio " Gruzija-film ". Allegorical meaning, plastic expressiveness, cinema skilfulness acquired the increasing value in creativity Abuladze from early films (" Lurdzha Magdany ", 1955, together with R.D.Chheidze, " I, the grandmother, Iliko and Illarion ", 1963), before more mature activities ("Entreaty", 1968, " Drevo desires ", 1977), having reached{achieved} the best expression in "Repentance" (1987) - one of the first domestic antitotalitarian films. The lenin premium (1988).ABULIJA (from and... - a negative prefix and grech. bule - will), painful lack of will, absence of desires and drives{excitings} to activity.ABULHAJR (1693-1748), the Kazakh khan Junior zhuza, commanding the Kazakh home guard in extirpation with dzhungarami in 1720th. In 1731 has was naturalized Russian citizenship, than it was necessary started to apposition of Kazakhstan to Russia.ABULHAJR (1412-68), the Uzbek khan (with 1428) from stem Dzhuchi. Has based in terrain from Siberia up to the Cheese - Darji the state of nomad tribes which has broken up after his{its} mors. Has sufferred a defeat from Kalmyks.ABU-L-ALA al-Maarri, see. Maarri.ABU-L-VEFA Mohammed ibn Mohammed (940-998, under other data, 997), the Arabian astronomer and mathematician from Khurasan. The commentator of transactionses of the Grecian mathematicians probeed motion of moon.ABU-L-GAZI Bahadur-khan (1603-63), the Uzbek writer and the historian. Khivan khan. Books " Parentage drevo turkis " and " Parentage the Turkmen " - valuable literary and historical sources.ABU-L-FARADZH (a literary name Grigory John Bar-Ebrej) (1226-86), the syrian writer, the scientist. The chapter monofisitov. Transactionses on medicine, histories, philosophy, grammar. " The book of entertaining histories " moralizing and satirical character.ABU-L-FARADZH AL-ISFAHANI (897-967?), the Arabian writer, the scientist, the musician. Transactionses on an ancient history, philology. The maker of the fundamental anthology Arabian and arabojazychnoj poetry of 7-10 centuries " the Book of songs ".ABU-L-FIDA (1273-1331), the Arabian historian and the geographer. Compositions on an overall history (up to 1329) and geography in tables with coordinates of districts."ABUMUSLIMNAME", persian " the national novel " 11-13 centuries. Collection of legends, the bound with name Abu Muslima, popular in Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Compare. Asia.ABUNG (self-title), people in Indonesia. Number of 300 thousand person (1992). Tongue lampung. Believers - moslems - sunnity.ABU-SAFA, an oil deposit in Saudi Arabia, in aquatory Persian a hall. (Persian gulf oil-and-gas-bearing basin). It is open{discovered} in 1963. Deposits on depth ok. 2000 m. Reserves 561 million t. Firmness of petroleum of 0,88 g / sm3.ABU-SIMBEL, district on western coast of Nile (Egypt). 2 rocky drevneegipetskih a temple 1-st floor. 13 century up to n. e. Statues, reliefs. On a front of a main temple of 4 sitting colossuses Ramsesa II (at construction Asuanskoj of a dam are transferred in 1967 on a rock for a wash of the river).The ABKHAZIAN UNIVERSITY, Sukhumi, is based in 1979 on the basis the Sukhumi pedagogical institute (it is built in 1932). Plots experts on philology, histories, to the right, biology, geography, economy, physics, mathematics, etc. In 1991 over 3,8 thousand students.The ABKHAZIAN TONGUE, falls into to the Caucasian (iberijsko-Caucasian) tongues (abhazsko-adygskaja group). Writing on the basis of the Russian alphabet.ABHAZSKO-ADYGSKIE TONGUES, western group of the Caucasian (iberijsko-Caucasian) tongues. Will consist from Abkhazian, Abasin, adygejskogo, kabardino-Circassian, ubyhskogo tongues.The ABKHAZIAN REVOLT, July 1866, country motion in Abkhazia. Ok. 20 thousand participants. It is suppressed{quenched} by a troops.