e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • AGISH (Agishev) Sagit Ishmuhametovich (1905-73), the Bashkir writer. Stories; the novel "Base" (1950) about life of the Bashkir village; short stories, comic and satirical stories.
  • AGLABIDY, a dynasty of Arabian emirs in the Sowing. To Africa in 800-909; vassals Abbasidov. Have gorged in extirpation with Fatimidami.
  • AGLAIDA Roman (mind{wit}. 308), Christian podvizhnitsa. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on December, 19 (on January, 1).
  • AGLAY (Aglaj) Sevastijsky (mind{wit}. ok. 320), the policeman damaged together with a magpie sevastijskimi by martyrs. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on March, 9 (22), in Roman catholic on March, 10.
  • AGLAY (Aglaj) Sevastijsky (mind{wit}. ok. 320), the policeman damaged together with a magpie sevastijskimi by martyrs. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on March, 9 (22), in Roman catholic on March, 10.
  • AGLIBOL (to ares. kolesnichy It is white), in zapadnosemitskoj mythologies the god of the moon. It was figured by the way the soldier in a corona from lunar rays, it was honored in Palmira.
  • AGLIKON (genin), the rest{remainder} of any organic compound which is generatrix together with carbohydrates a molecule of glycoside.
  • AGLIPAJANSKAJA CHURCH (" the Philippine independent church "), reformatorsko-religious flow of Protestant sense on Philippines. It is based in 1902 priest G.Aglipaem (G. Aglipay). Has involved{attracted} many adherents. After 2-nd world war its{her} influence has decreased.
  • AGGLOMERATE (from an armour. agglomero - I attach{append;add}, I save), in geology - friable clumps of not rolled rock wastes; at case hardening will derivate a breccia.
  • AGGLOMERATION, in metallurgy - a thermal way of a ball milling of small-sized mining materials (sintering) for improvement of their metallurgical properties. A product of agglomeration - the agglomerate used in the capacity of of raw material for black and nonferrous machine industry.
  • AGGLOMERATION of OCCUPIED POINTS, see. A urban agglomeration.
  • AGLOPORIT, a synthetic expanded aggregate for the light betons, received by a heat treatment of argillaceous rocks or washery refuses and a coal firing (slags, leaches) with consequent cleavage of a product on a fraction.
  • AGNESA, Agnija (3 century), the Christian martyress widely honored already since 4 century; from notable Roman family. Memory{remembrance} on January, 21.
  • AGNI, the god of fire in vedicheskoj religions.
  • AGNIVTSEV Nikolay Jakovlevich (1888-1932), the Russian poet. In verses (collections " mine pesenki ", 1921; "Saint Petersburg", 1921, the processed issuing - " Brilliant Saint Petersburg ", 1923) through external attributes of a household activities nostalgicheski is resurrected a mode{an image} of the going around Russia. Books for children. In 1921-23 in emigration in Berlin.
  • AGNON SHmuel Josef (1888-1970), the Israeli writer. Wrote in a Hebrew and a yiddish. Psychologic novels " Issue in marriage " (1929), "Recently" (1945), stories, collections of stories "Sheafs" (1963), " Stories for forgiving " (1967). The Nobel Prize (1966).
  • AGNOSTICISM (from grech. agnostos - unavailable to knowledge), the philosophical doctrine negating a capability of knowledge of the objective world and an accessibility of true; limits a role of science only to knowledge of the phenomena. The serial agnosticism is submitted{shown} in doctrines Dzh. Berkeley and D.Juma.
  • AGNUS DAYS (an armour. Agnus Dei - Lamb of God), see in an item. A mass.
  • AGOGIKA (from grech. agoge - withdrawal), in the musical performance{fulfillment} small deviations{rejections} from content rate in the art purposes.
  • AGOL Israel Iosifovich (1891-1937), Russian genetics and the philosopher, academician AN USSR (1934). With 1929 - the director of Biological institute him{it}. K.A.Timirjazeva at Communist academy. Transactionses on problems of genetics and philosophical problems of natural sciences. Probeed influence of X-rays on the genetic apparatus (on an example of the fruit fly), has executed (1929) original activity on study of fine structure of the gene, A.S.Serebrovskogo carried out{spent;conducted;performed} under a guiding. It is repressed; it is rehabilitated posthumously.
  • AGONISTICS (from grech. agonistikos - capable of extirpation), Christian sect in Roman Africa in 4-5 centuries, the left-handed wing of donatists.
  • AGONY (from grech. agonia - extirpation), the final (terminal) moments of life precedent to clinical mors. Changes in the season{term} of an agony, as well as clinical (as against biological) morses, in some cases are reversible{convertible}, on what reanimation is based.
  • AGORA (agora), for ancient Greeks public assembly, and also the area where it descended (on the parties of the area were temples, official bodies, porticoes with trade lavkami).
  • AGOSHKOV Michael Ivanovich (1905-93), the Russian scientist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1981), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1991). Transactionses on a underground extraction of ore deposits. The state premium of the USSR (1951, 1983).
  • AGRA, city in India, on r. Jumna, pieces. Uttar Pradesh. 899 thousand inhabitants (1991.) Center of handicraft industries (stone carving, hand weaving). Manufacture of kozhevenno-boot items, cottons. University. In 16-19 centuries a residence of Great Moguls. An architectonic monument: " an Agra - a fort " (16 century; a palace, 16 century; " the Pearl mosque ", 17 century), the mausoleum Tadzh-waves.
  • AGRAM (Agram), the german title Zagreb.
  • AGRAMANT (frants. agrements - dressings), a figured canework from a cord (woollen, silk or a metallized filament), serving for furnish of a dress, zanavesej, upholstered suite, etc.
  • AGRANULOCYTOSIS (aleukia), sharp reduction of figure of neutrocytes or their absence in blood; results in a fever, a stomatitis, quinsy, necrosises of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, bleedings, a septicaemia. The causes: a toxic defeat of bone marrow, etc.
  • AGRANULOCYTES (agranulocytes), leucocytes animal and the person, free of in a cytoplasm of grains (granules). Agranulocytes - cells of immunological and cytophagous system; are divided on lymphocytes and monocytes.
  • AGRARIAN - SOCIALIST LEAGUE, Russian narodnichesko-eserovskaja organization, Geneva, 1900-02; leaders: F.V.Volhovsky, L.E.Shishko, V.M.Chernov, etc. Has joined a consignment eserov.
  • AGRARIAN (an armour. agrarius), land, relating a landholding, land tenure, napr., an agrarian question.
  • AGRAFFE (frants. agrafe - a peg, a fastener; a buckle), 1) an ornate hairpin for a hair with which help feathers fixed in hairdresses, flowers, synthetic ringlets and t. ä.2) the Fastener or a buckle by the way brooches for a dress, hats, shoes, etc. Agraffes have become current in 18 century, at this time they were worn not only women, but also by men.
  • AGRAPHIA (from and - a negative prefix and grech. grapho - I write), loss of ability to write (at safety of motions of a paintbrush) owing to a defeat of parietotemporal range of the left-handed hemisphere (for right-handed persons) a brain. Routinely combines{blends} with an aphasia.
  • PENINSULA AGRAHANSKY, on western coast of the Caspian m. Length ok. 50 kms, width up to 8 kms. Semideserts with sand hills and solonchaks.
  • AGRBA Aziz Rashidovich (r. 1912), the Abkhazian actor and the producer, the national actor of Georgia (1954). With 1931 at the Abkhazian theatre in Sukhumi (in 1939-63 main producer).
  • The UNIT (from an armour. aggrego - I attach{append;add}), 1) a building block of the machine (napr., the electromotor, the pompe), executing{designing} fixed functions. Units have full interchangeability. 2) Some machines, working in a complex (mashinno-tractor, etc. units). Connection of the unit in the machine or machines in the unit calls as unitization. 3) Set{Combination} of mineral grains or their intergrown pieces which are generatrix a rock or its{her} part.
  • AGGREGATION STATES of substance, condition (phase) of the same substance (napr., waters, gland, sulfur), transitions between which are accompanied by a step change of some physical properties (firmness, an entropy, etc.). Routinely consider gaseous, fluid and solid aggregation states (sometimes in addition plasma). Existence for substance of several aggregation states is stipulated by distinctions{differences} in thermal agitation of his{its} molecules (atoms) and in their interaction (see. Gas, the Liquid, the Solid, Plasma).
  • UNIT-TYPE MACHINE TOOL, the cutting muchine gathered in main{basic} from normalized (unitized), kinematicly irrelevant among themselves units (t. n. Unit-type spindle heads with personal drives).
  • AGREZHE (frants. agrege, characters. - adopted in a society), in France - the academic status adjudged ended full course of university by results of special competitive zkzamenov. Entitles to replacement of the position of the teacher of liceum and some faculties of university.
  • The AGREEMENT (frants. agrement, from agreer - to approve); in the international law - the consent of one state to accept a face offered other state in the capacity of of diplomatic representation (the ambassador, the envoy, his{its} chapters).
  • AGRENEV-SLAVONIC (an ice-film. fam. Agrenev) Dmitry Aleksandrovich (1836 or 1834 - 1908), the Russian singer (tenor), the choral conductor, the collector of national songs. The organizer of chorus " the Slavonic chapel " (1868).
  • AGGRESSION (from an armour. aggressio - an offence), concept of the modern international law which envelops any pirate from the point of view of the UN Charter application of armed force by one state against the sovereignty, the territorial integrity or political independence of other state or people (nation). It is considered tjagchajshim international crime against peace and safety of mankind. The concept of aggression actuates in the capacity of mandatory an attribute of superiority{championship} or the initiative (application by any state of armed force first). 29-n session of General Assembly of the United Nations (1974) has accepted a definition of aggression.
  • AGRIGENTO (Agrigento), city in Italy, in the south about. Sicily. 56 thousand inhabitants (1989). Manufacture of a building materials. Residues of ancient greek temples 6 - 3 centuries up to n. e. Gothic churches 13 - 14 centuries.
  • AGRIKOLA (Agricola) George (an ice-film. fam. Bauer, Bauer) (1494-1555), the german scientist. For the first time has extended experience of mountain - metallurgical manufacture in transactionses " About mining... " (1550, 12 books, it is issued 1556) which till 18 century ministered the main{basic} allowance on geology, to mining and metallurgy.
  • AGRIKOLA (Agricola, naturally Schinitter) Iogann (1492-1566), figure Reformatsii in Germany, spodvizhnik Luther.
  • AGRIKOLA (Agricola) Mikael (1508-1557), figure Reformatsii in Finland, diocesan of city Turku (1550). Pupil Luther and Melanhtona. Has translated into on the Finnish tongue the New testament (it is issued in 1548 in Stockholm) and some books of the Old Testament.
  • AGRIPPA (Agrippa) (ok. 63 - 12 up to n. e.), the Roman commander, spodvizhnik August. It is known block constructions in Rome (the water-pipe, the Pantheon, terms) and in Gallia.
  • AGRIPPA (Agrippa) Nettesgejmsky, Genrih Cornelius (1486-1535), the german humanist, neoplatonik. In the composition " About secret philosophy " has stated the doctrine about magic, founded on submission about interrelation of all things.
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