e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • ADONTS Nikolay Georgievich (1871-1942), the Armenian historian. With 1920 abroad; with 1930 professor of the Bruxelles university. Transactionses on a history of Armenia, the armjano-byzantian attitudes{relations}.
  • ADORATSKY Vladimir Viktorovich (1878-1945), the Russian political figure, the historian, academician AN the USSR (1932). The participant of Revolution 1905-07 (Kazan). With 1920 one of chiefs of Central archive steering. In 1931-39 director IMEL. Transactionses on a history of marxism.
  • ADORNO (Adorno) (Vizengrund-Adorno) Teodor (1903-69), the german philosopher, the sociologist, the musicologist. The representative of the Frankfurt school. Has acted with criticism of crop and a society (" Dialectic of Enlightenment ", 1948, together with M.Horkhajmerom) and ideas of " negative dialectic ". Adorno and his{its} employees have conducted in nach. 1940th in the USA probe of " the authoritative personality " as social - psychologic premise of fascism. In the concept of " new music " as legal fixing of " not clarified travail " will orient by creativity of composers of new austrian school.
  • ADRAR-IFORAS (Adrar de Iforas) (Iforas), the arid tableland cut by valleys uedov, in the south of Sahara, in Republic Mali. An altitude up to 890 m.
  • ADRASTEJA, the guide of the Jove, is open{discovered} by D.Dzhuittom and Dzh. Danielsonom (the USA, 1979). Distance from the Jove ok. 130 thousand in km, a diameter ok. 40 kms.
  • ADRASTEJA, in the Grecian mythology the goddess of revenge, was identified with Nemesidoj. Also a name of the nymph rearing Zevsa.
  • ADRENALIN, hormone of a medulla of suprarenal glands animal and the person. A mediator of nervous system holodnokrovnyh. Acting{going} in blood, increases oxygen consumption and arterial pressure, a sugar content in blood, boosts a metabolism, etc. At emotional experiences, reinforced muscle activity the content of an adrenalin in blood is increased.
  • CORTICOTROPIN (AKTG, corticotropin), a hormone animal and the person, produced by a hypophysis. Initiates the growth a bark of suprarenal glands and education in her of hormones - corticosteroids. At mobilization of phylactic powers of an organism synthesis of a corticotropin strengthens. On a chemical nature - a peptid. It is applied in medicine at his{its} defect in an organism and many diseases.
  • ADRENOLYTIC MEANS, the medicinal adrenceptor blocking agents relaxing or preventing{precluding} effects of an adrenalin, Noradrenalinum, etc. adrenomimeticheskih a means at the expense of violation{disturbance} of interaction of a mediator with the conforming receptors.
  • ADRENOMIMETICHESKIE the MEANS, the medicinal substances triggering effects, similar to effects of Noradrenalinum, an adrenalin, and an irritation of sympathetic nervous system.
  • The ADDRESS (frants. adresse), 1) a site of establishment, the enterprise or a residence of a face. 2) the Written congratulation, primarily on the occasion of a anniversary. 3) the Address in computer facilities - a symbology of a field of memory{remembrance} (a cell or a zone of the memory device) in which data are placed; as the address often call an address part kamandy a computer.
  • The ADDRESSEE (a nem. Adressat), the recipient (a face, establishment) to which the item of mail is addressed.
  • DRES-CALENDAR, the official annual issuing (1765-1916) in Russian empire, a list of officials of all official bodies (central and aboriginal).
  • ADRIAN (Hadrianus) (76 - 138), Roman emperor with 117 from dynasty Antoninov. Rested on riders. At a nem the imperial authority and a centralization of official bodies have amplified. On borders{limits} of empire Adrian has created system of potent strengthening and defensive shafts.
  • ADRIAN (Andrey) (1627 or 1639-1700), the Russian patriarch with 1690. In 1678-86 archimandrite of Chudovo of a monastery. With 1686 metropolitan Kazan and Svijazhsky. Condemned introduction by Peter I bradobritija, smokings, cancellation of Russian national clothes{clothing}. The writer of church compositions.
  • ADRIAN (5 century), the outlet box, the presbyter, the writer of the exegectical composition " Introduction in heavenly hagiographas " in which opposes an allegorical method of explanation of the Bible.
  • ADRIAN I (Hadrianus) (mind{wit}. In 795), a dad Roman with 772. Pursued{adopted} a policy the close union with Charles Velikim, aspiring to expansion of papal possessions; struggled with heresy adoptsionizma. Has sent legacies on denounced ikonoborchestvo 7-th Ecumenical council in Nicea after which attitudes{relations} between Eastern and Western tserkvami have improved.
  • ADRIAN IV (Hadrianus) (in the world Nicolas Brejkspir, Nicholas Breakspear) (ok. 1100-1159), a dad Roman with 1154, a unique dad - Englishman. The outlet box, then abbe of an augustinian monastery sacred Rufa bliz Avignon, a cardinal bird (1150), the papal legacy in Scandinavia (1152) where he has reorganized church on principles of the gregorian reform. Combated republican motion in Rome, headed Arnoldom Breshianskim. In 1155 crowned emperor Fridriha I Barbarossa.
  • ADRIAN VI (Hadrianus) (in world Adrian Dedel, Adrian Dedel) (1459-1523), a dad Roman with 1522, the unique dad - Dutch. It come from a Utrecht; the professor of divinity, then rector Luvenskogo of university. With 1507 tutor of the future emperor Charles V. Diocesan Tortozy (1516), the inquisitor of Aragon and Navarry (1516), a cardinal bird (1517). During short pontifikata attempted, though and it is unsuccessful, to conduct reform Roman kurii, to limit distribution{propagation} Reformatsii, to reconcile and aggregate governors of Europe for protection against Turkey.
  • ADRIAN Volokolamsky (16 century), Saint, the founder (together with Zosimoj Volokolamskim) the Sisterly monastery in Volokolamsk district (was not saved). Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on May, 8 (21).
  • ADRIAN Corinthian (mind{wit}. 251), the Christian martyr damaged in Corinth in persecution of emperor Detsija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on April, 17 (30).
  • ADRIAN Manganejsky (mind{wit}. ok. 309), the Christian martyr damaged in Cesarea Palestinian in the persecution of emperor of the Maximin. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on February, 3 (16), in Roman catholic on March, 5.
  • ADRIAN (in the world Amos) Monzensky (mind{wit}. 1610), Saint, the founder (1592) Blagoveshchensk monasteries on river Monza bliz Kostroma. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on May, 5 (18).
  • ADRIAN Nikomidijsky (mind{wit}. Between 305-311), the Christian martyr, pretoronachalnik, damaged in persecution of emperor Maksimiana; the marital partner over. Natalia Nikomidijskoj. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 26 (on September, 8), in Roman catholic on September, 8.
  • ADRIAN Poshehonsky, Yaroslavl (mind{wit}. 1550), the founder (1540) and abbot Uspenskogo of a monastery on r. Votha bliz Poshehonja in Yaroslavl province. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on March, 5 (18) and on November, 19 (on December, 2).
  • ADRIAN Solovetsky (mind{wit}. ok. 1632), pustynnik. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 9 (22) (cathedral Solovetskih sacred).
  • ADRIAN Uglichsky (mind{wit}. After 1504), the hieromonk, the pupil and kelejnik Saint Paisija Uglichskogo, Nikolsky Grehozaruchnyj basing together with nymas a monastery (1489) and becoming his{its} first abbot. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 26 (on September, 8).
  • ADRIAN E. Ä., see Adrian E.D.
  • ADRIANOV Boris Mihajlovich (r. 1921), the pilot - verifier, the deserved pilot - verifier of the USSR. Participat in breakages during Great Domestic war, it is awarded. In 1960 has placed{installed} an absolute world record of speed on a closed curve, noted by International air federation a medal de Lavo.
  • ADRIANOVA-PERETTS Barbarian Pavlovna (1888-1972), the Russian and Ukrainian literary critic, corresponding member AN of Ukraine (1926) and AN the USSR (1943). Probes of the old russian and Russian literature of 17-18 centuries, the Ukrainian literature.
  • ADRIANOPLE, the Grecian title of Edirne (Turkey).
  • ADRIANOPOLSKY the MIR, 14.9.1829, has finished russko-turkish war 1828-29. To Russia have departed a mouth of Danube with islands and a number{series} of strengths on eastern coast of Black m. Turkey has recognized apposition to Russia Georgia, Imeretii, Mingrelia, an autonomy of Moldova, Walachia, Serbia and Greece.
  • ADRIANOPOLSKOE BATTLE, 9.8.378, ok. Adrianople, rising vestgoty have routed Roman army of emperor Valenta.
  • ADRIATIC the PEST, a part of Mediterranean m., between Apenninskim and Balkan p-ovami. 144 thousand êì2. Depth up to 1230 m. Fishery (a mackerel, etc.). A crude production and gas on a shelf. Ports: Venice, Trieste, Rijeka, Split, Durres.
  • ADRONNYJ ATOM, atomopodobnaja system, in which forces of an electrostatic attraction bind a positively charged atomic kernel with negative a hadron ("p"-, To - mesons, an antiproton, etc.). Adronnye atoms will be derivated at braking operation of a negative hadron in substance.
  • HADRONS, the fundamental particles participating in a strong coupling (baryons and mesons, including all resonances).
  • " INFERNAL MAIL ", the monthly satirical log-book, it was emitted in Petersburg in 1769 F.A.Eminym. There were 6 books. In the form of correspondence of two evil spirits ridiculed abuses of officers, landlords; exposed to persuits.
  • ADSORBING MEANS, in medicine - finely ground water-insoluble powders; are applied at diseases of a leather in the form of powderings and inside at poisonings and some intestinal diseases.
  • The ADSORPTIVE POMPE, vacuum pump, which action it is based on an adsorption phenomena of pumped out gas on surfaces of a zeolite or other gazopogloshchajushchego substances, including a getter.
  • ADSORPTION (from an armour. ad - on, at and sorbeo - I capture{absorb;imbibe;occlude}), an occlusion, steams{vapours} or liquids surface layer of a solid (adsorbent) or a liquid. Adsorbents routinely have major specific surface - up to several hundreds m2/. Physical adsorption - outcome of action of dispersion or electrostatic forces. If the adsorption is accompanied by a chemical change of captured{absorbed;imbibed;occluded} substance with adsorbent she calls as a chemosorption. In an industry an adsorption execute in special apparatuses - adsorbers; apply to drying gases, clearing of organic liquids and water, trapping valuable or a hazardous wastes of manufacture.
  • ADULARIA, 1) a mineral, a colourless diaphanous version ortoklaza; 2) in gemmologii - diaphanous ortoklaz with white or light-blue reflections, floods. A jeweller stone. It is characteristic for cable cores of the alpine type. An opalescing adularia - a moonstone.
  • ADUR (Adour), the river on a southwest of France. 335 kms, the area of basin of 22 thousand êì2. The beginning in Pyrenees, runs in Biskajsky a hall. Average discharge of water 360 m3 / with. It is navigable in the lower flow. A river plant.
  • ADHJATMAN (sanskr. The maximum spirit), in vedijskoj philosophy world a shower.
  • ADJECTIVIZATION (from an armour. adjectivum - an adjective), transition of words of other parts of speech in adjectives. Napr., adjectives "sans serif", "tinted" were formed as a result of adjectivization of sacraments.
  • ADJOINTS (from an armour. adjunctus - affixed), 1) in a number{series} of countries Zap. Europe and in Russia up to 1917 face passing scientific training, the mate of the professor. 2) the Officer engaging in adjunkture.
  • ADJUNKTURA, one of ground forms of preparation of scientific and scientific and pedagogical staff{frames} in high schools and research establishments of Armed forces. It is analogous to a post graduate course in civil high schools. Ended adjunkturu and defending a thesis receive a scientific degree of the candidate of sciences.
  • AIDE-DE-CAMP (a nem. Adjutant), the officer consisting at the chief for different assignments{orders}.
  • ADJUTOR African (mind{wit}. Between 249-259), the Christian martyr. Memory{remembrance} in Orthodox and in the Latin church on December, 18.
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