e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • AMMONIUM CHLORIDE (muriate of ammonia), NH4Cl, colourless crystals. Nitrogenous fertilizer (up to 25 % N) for neutral{inert} and alkaline soils under the crops weakly reacting to excess yellowwort (sugar-beet, rice, corn). Apply also in manufacture of dry galvanic cells, at soldering and tinning, in medicine, as the smoke generator.
  • AMMOSOV Alexander Nikolaevich (1823-66), the Russian poet. Poem "Elegija" (" the Has-damascene daring!... ", 1858) has become national odes.
  • AMMOPHOS, double combined fertilizer for miscellaneous soils under different agricultural crops. Basically NH4H2PO4 impure; contains not less than 43 % P2O5 and 11 % N. Solves in water.
  • AMMUN Iraklijsky (mind{wit}. Between 307-324), the deacon, the martyr damaged in persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on September, 1 (14).
  • AMNESIA (from a - a negative prefix and grech. mneme - memory{remembrance}, memory), absence of memories or incomplete memories on events and experiences of the fixed season{term}. Miscellaneous kinds{views} of an amnesia are supervised at many diseases of a brain.
  • AMNESTI INTERNESHNL, see Emnesti Interneshnl.
  • AMNION (grech. amnion), one of embryonic membranes for kowtowing, birds, mammals. Will derivate a cavity, the filled a liquid protecting a germ from bruises and ensuring an aqueous medium for his{its} development. The similar environment is present for some Invertebrata (napr., hexapods).
  • AMNIOTY, the maximum vertebrates (kowtowing, birds, mammals) for which at early stages of development embryonic membranes will be derivated, including an amnion.
  • AMNESTY (from grech. amnestia - oblivion, pardoning), discharging of punishment under criminal law or changing of the punishment appointed as court by more mild. Implements under the solution of the chief of state or the maximum representative body of an authority. Amnesty can be general (for all faces which convicted or have been instituted criminal proceedings under fixed articles of the criminal law) or private{individual} (see. Pardon).
  • AMNOKKAN, the Korean title r. Yalu Jiang.
  • AMO (the Joint-stock machine-building society), mark of domestic lorries and the buses released in 1924-34 factory AMO (nowadays the Moscow motor-works him{it}. I.A.Lihacheva). Carrying capacity of the first lorries in USSR ÀÌÎ-Ô15 1,5 t, passenger capacity of buses AMO-4 22 persons.
  • AMOGHASIDDHI, budda, honored in Tibet, a saver of a north; it was figured green, with a raised arm{hand}.
  • AMOY, city in China, see. Hsiamen.
  • AMOK (malajsk)., subitaneously originating mental derangement (exaltation with aggression and wanton assassinations), described predominary for natives Malayan arh. Consider{count} as a version of a twilight condition.
  • "AMOKO" (Amoco), the petroleum company the USA. It is based in 1889, up to 1985 - " the Standard ojl kompani (Indiana) ". Sales volume 21,2 billion dol., a net profit 2,1 billion dol., a crude production 40 million t, from them of 45 % in the USA, a thorough revision 44,1 million t, figure occupied in 53,4 thousand person (kon. 1980th).
  • AMON, in drevneegipetskoj mythologies the god - promoter Thebes, has gradually become to be identified with supreme god Ra (Amon-Ra).
  • AMONASHVILI SHalva Alekseevich (r. 1931), the Georgian teacher and the psychologist. One of creators of system of elementary education of children of six-year age. Transactionses on psychology and a technique of elementary education.
  • AMONIT Melitinsky (mind{wit}. 298), one of 33 kappadokijskih the soldiers - martyrs damaged in persecution of emperor Diokletiana. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on November, 7 (20).
  • AMONTON (Amontons) Guillaume (1663-1705), French the mechanics and physics. Transactionses under the theory of abrasion, a thermometry, improvement of physical devices. Has shown (1699), that abrasion is proportional to the relative{mutual} pressure rubed. Has constructed a hygrometer (1687), a mercurial barometer (1695), the air thermometer (1702). Has come to idea of an absolute zero which under his{its} data will be received at - 293,8 °S.
  • AMORALISM (immoralizm), denial of intellectual foundations and the conventional standards of behaviour in a society, nigilistic attitude{relation} to any moral principles.
  • AMOREI, see. Amority.
  • AMORELI, grades of a cherry with pink both light-red fruits and uncoloured juice (the Bottle, the Blister beetle early, etc.).
  • AMORIM (Amorim) Enrike (1900-60), the Uruguayan writer. The social trilogy "Carriage" (1933), " Poseljanin Agiljar " (1934) and " the Horse and its{her} shade " (1941) - about gaucho; the political novel " Victory does not come itself " (1952); the poetic collection " Washing Rhodinum " (1960).
  • AMORITY (amorei), semiticheskie nations, natives of Arabia. In 24-16 centuries up to n. e. Were settled on the Syrian steppe. Ok. 1894 up to n. e. Have trapped Babylon and have based a kingdom played the considerable role. Palestines have gradually mixed up with local population Dvurechja, Syria.
  • The ABSORBER (from frants. amortir - to slacken, extenuate), the device for cushioning in machines (the automobile{car}, an airplane, etc.) and structures, for protection against concussions and impulsive load. In the absorber use springs, torsion bars, rubber elements, and also liquids and gases.
  • DEPRECIATION CHARGES, process of gradual transference of cost of instruments of labour in accordance with their physical and an obsolescence on cost made with their help of production, activities and services with the purposes of accumulation of money resources for a consequent complete rebuild. Depreciation charges are effected on prescribed allowances of amortization{shock-absorption}, their dimension is established{set} for the fixed season{term} on a concrete kind{view} of a fixed capital (group, a subgroup) and expresses, as a rule, in percentage to their book value.
  • AMORTIZATION{SHOCK-ABSORPTION} (from medieval an armour. amortisatio - settlement), 1) gradual snashivanie funds (the equipment, buildings, structures) and transference of their cost in parts on produced production (see. Depreciation charges). 2) Reduction of value of the property taxed (for the sum of the capitalized tax). 3) In technique - absorption, cushioning, vibrations, etc. (see. The absorber).
  • AMORPHOUS STATE, the condensate condition of substance defined by isotropy of physical properties, stipulated by a unregulated arrangement of atoms and molecules. As against a crystalline state transition from solid amorphous in fluid descends gradually. In amorphous state there are different substances: glasses, pitches, plastics materials, etc.
  • AMORPHISM (from grech. amorphos - shapeless), formlessness, a vagueness.
  • AMORPHOUS METALS (metglassy, metal glasses), metals and alloys with the amorphous structure which is generatrix at very quick chilling of a melt (speed up to 106 K/s).
  • AMORPHOUS TONGUES, see. Isolating{insulating} tongues.
  • AMOSES Ivan Afanasjevich (1800-78), the Russian shipbuilder, the engineer - general (1872). Many from constructed Amosovym the ships{spacecrafts} were the most perfect samples of shipbuilding technique of that time.
  • AMOSES Nikolay Mihajlovich (r. 1913), the Ukrainian surgeon, academician AN of Ukraine (1969), corresponding member AMN (1961), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1973). The main{basic} transactionses on a heart surgery and lungs, biological and medical cybernetics. The writer of the book " Ideas and heart " (1965), etc. The Lenin premium (1961).
  • AMPEL (grech. A grape), in the Grecian mythology beloved Dionisa. The god has presented Ampelu a uva and has hung up her{it} highly on a tree. Having mounted for it{her}, the young man has falled and was divided. Has been transformed{has been turned into} into mia maid.
  • AMPELOGRAPHY (from grech. ampelos - a grape and... grafija), science about kinds{views} and grades of a grape. It is connected with uvologiej.
  • AMPELOPSIS, the same, that vinogradovnik.
  • MPELOTERAPIJA (from grech. ampelos - a grape and therapy), treatment by a grape or grape juice of an anaemia, chronic diseases of a liver, bilious ways, kidneys, etc. It Is carried out{is conducted} routinely in combination to a dietotherapy and a climatotherapy.
  • AMPELOUS PLANTS (from a nem. Ampel - a trailing flower vase), ornamental plants with pendent, creeping or runners (a spiderwort, a bell - flower brittle, etc.).
  • The AMPERE, 1) unit of force of a current flow in a SI, is meant And. 1À = 3.109 in terms of ÑÃÑÝ=0,1 in terms of C.G.S.M.; it is called named A.Ampera. 2) Unit of a magnetic potential difference in a SI (the aged name an ampere turn). 1 And = 0,4 p a gilbert = 14p.3.109 a unit. C.G.S.E.
  • AMPERE (Ampere) Andre the Goosefoot (1775-1836), the French scientist, the foreign member Petersburg AN (1830), one of founders of an electrodynamics. Has offered a rule called as his{its} name, has discovered (1820) mechanic interaction of currents and has placed{installed} the law of this interaction (the law of Ampere). Has constructed the first theory of magnetism.
  • AMPERE the LAW, the law of mechanic interaction of two currents current in small cuttings of explorers, located on some distance from each other. From the law of Ampere follows, that parallel explorers with the currents current one-way, are attracted, and in counter - make a start. The law defining force from which the magnetic field acts on a small cutting of an explorer with a current calls as the law of Ampere also.
  • AMPERES - BALANCE, the same, that current balances.
  • AMPERE TURNS, 1) product{creation} of figure of twists of a winding on which the current flow weeps, on value of amperage. 2) the Aged name of unit of a magnetic potential difference (see. Ampere).
  • The AMMETER (from amperes and... Meter), an electrical measuring instrument for a force sensing permanent and (or) alternating-current; in an electric circuit it is actuated in succession. The scale of the ammeter is calibrated in mkA, mA, And or kA.
  • AMPEROMETRIC TITRATION, electrochemical method of a quantitative analysis at which a terminal point of a titration find on jump of current intensity at an electrolysis.
  • AMPERE-SECOND, unit of quantity of an electricity; the same, that a coulomb.
  • AMPERE-HOUR, off-system unit of an electric quantity, equal 3600 Kl. The Amp-hr is meant. In ampere-hours routinely express a charge of accumulators.
  • AMPLY (Apion) (1 century), apostle from 70-òè (the Message to Romans 16:8), diocesan Diospolsky (Palestine), the martyr damaged in. Odissa (nowadays Varna, Bulgaria). Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on January, 4 (17) and on October, 31 (on November, 13).
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