e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • AJLIL, in irish mythology the marital partner of queen Medb who have argued with her about a volume, whose stem ancient and the richman. Conflict between them has become a scene of the central saga of a cycle about hero Kuhuline " Abduction of the bull from Kualnge ".
  • AJLISLI to Acres (an ice-film. fam. And name Naibov-Ajlisli to Acres Nadzhaf ogly) (r. 1937), the Azerbaijan writer. Collections of stories (" Of heart do not joke ", 1973, etc.). A cycle of stories " People and trees " (1966-68) about life of the Azerbaijan village during Great Domestic war and in post-war years. Transfers{translations}.
  • AJMAK, 1) a stem, nation for Mongolian and Turkic peoples. 2) the Administrative and territorial unit (area) in Buryatiya and Republic Altai. 3) the Main{Basic} administrative and territorial unit of Mongolia.
  • " AJMAN SHOLPAN ", Kazakh national liriko-epicheskaja a poem 1-st floor. 19 century; glorifies a mode{an image} of the courageous and magnanimous Kazakh girl.
  • AJMANOV SHaken Kenzhetaevich (1914-70), the Kazakh actor and the film director, the national actor of the USSR (1959). With 1933 at the Kazakh theatre him{it}. Auezova (Alma-Ata). One of the first producers of national kino. Films: " we here live " (1957), " our lovely doctor " (1958), " the Earth fathers " (1967), " the End of the ataman " (1971), etc. The State premium of the USSR (1952).
  • AJMARA, American Indian people in Bolivia, Peru and Chile. An aggregate number 2,55 million person (1992). Tongue ajmara. Believers - roman catholics.
  • AJMARA, tongue of people ajmara. One of 3 official languages of Bolivia. Traditionally falls into to family kechumara (kechua-ajmara) American Indian tongues. Writing on the basis of the latin alphabet.
  • AJMEDOVA Majagozel (r. 1941), a Turkmen actress, the national actress of the USSR (1987). With 1964 in Turkmen TJUZe. Acted in film. The state premium of the USSR (1973).
  • AJMURZAEV ZHolmurza Murzauly (r. 1910), the Karakalpak writer, the national writer of Uzbekistan (1981). Stories, stories, novels " On coasts Amu-Darji " (1958), " I like you, people " (1978). Verses, poems. Plays.
  • AJNAZHI (up to 1917 official title Gajnash), city (with 1928) in Latvia, on coast Riga a hall. A depot. 1,2 thousand inhabitants (1991). A museum of seaworthy school.
  • AJNALOV Dmitry Vlasjevich (1862-1939), the Russian historian of art, corresponding member Petersburg AN (1914). Transactionses are dedicated aesthetic and historical and cultural interpretation of the byzantian, Russian, italian art.
  • AJNI (an ice-film. Name Sadriddin Said-Murodzoda) (1878-1954), the Tadjik writer, the scientist, the public figure. The first president (with 1951) AN Tadjikistan. Stories; in novels "Dohunda" (it is published 1930) and "Slaves" (1934) are reflected life of Tadjik people during a century; "Memories" (kn. 1-4, 1949-1954). Transactionses on a history and the literature of peoples Compare. Asia. The state premium of the USSR (1950).
  • AJNSKY TONGUE, tongue ajnov. Genealogical communications{connections} are not established{installed}. For 20 century has quitted from the alive use.
  • AJNY, people on about. Hokkaido, in Japan. 20 thousand person (1992). Tongue ajnsky. Believers - Buddhists.
  • IOWA (Iowa), staff in Compare West the USA. 146 thousand êì2. The population 2,8 million person (1992). Adm. ts. - Des Moines.
  • AJOWAN, stem of herbaceous plants of a set umbrella. Ok. 20 kinds{views}, in Africa and Asia. Odorous (the ajowan, or an ajowan) cultivate an ajowan (including in Compare. Asia) as a spicy plant and for obtaining an essential oil (in fruits), keeping a thymol.
  • AJON, an island in the East - Siberian m., for an orifice to Chaun bay. Ok. 2 thousand êì2. An altitude up to 64 m. The arctic tundra prevails{dominates}.
  • AJOTSDZORSKY the BACKBONE (Daralagezsky hr.), in the south of the Armenian mountains, within the limits of Republic Armenia. Length of 70 kms. An altitude up to 3120 m. Mountain meadows and steppes.
  • AJ-PETRI, top of the Main patch of Crimean mountains, in area Alupki. 1233 m.
  • AJRAVATA, in vedijskoj and induistskoj mythologies the elephant who has appeared in the beginning of creation, acts as well as fitting Indry.
  • AJRAPETJAN Boris Aleksandrovich (r. 1955), the Russian scripter and the producer. Has delivered under natural scripts films: " There, where the root lays on ground " (1988), "Killer" (1993), etc. The Founder and the president of competition of national premiums " St.. Anna " among film-schools of Russia, the CIS and the Baltics.
  • AJRENY, monostroficheskaja the poetic form of the Armenian medieval poetry. Will consist of four 15-composite verses. See Kuchak Naapet.
  • " AJRON MEJDEN " (Iron Maiden), the English rock group, is derivated in 1976 in the London. Structure: Steve Harris (bass - gear quadrant), Dejv Mjurrej (gear quadrant), the Floor of Dee Anno (vocal), Arches the Simpson (impact). Activities of group have laid foundation to style hevi-metal, in particular{personally}, "spid-metal" and partly "trash". At products{creations} of group there are elements of art - fate. Has received the title " groups of incentive metal ". One of the best discs - " The Number Of The Beast " (1982). In an album " Somewhere In Time " (1986) many original arrangements, beautiful transitions from "hevi" to art - fate. The main{basic} composer of group - Steve Harris, the master of improvising.
  • AYRTON (Ireton) a Henry (1611-51), the ideologist moderate independentov during the English revolution of 17 century; spodvizhnik O.Cromwell. With 1650 lord - viceroy of Ireland.
  • ICEBERG (English iceberg), the masses which have broken away from an icehouse of the different form; can be afloat or sit aground. An altitude above a water plane up to 70 m (Arctic regions), 100 m (Antarctic Region); a large part of volume underwater. The main{basic} areas of education - ice shelfs of Antarctica, an island Canadian Arctic arh., Greenland.
  • AJSORY, see. Assyrians.
  • AJSTIS (Aistis) (an ice-film. fam. Aleksandravichjus; Kossu-Aleksandrishkis) Jonas (1904 - 73), the Lithuanian poet. Since 1930th of cable cores in Zap. To Europe, with 1946 - in the USA. Poetry elegicheskih moods: collections " Quenched eyes of a chimera " (1937), " In a crystal coffin " (1957), "Katarsis" (Vilnius, 1988). Books of an essay.
  • AJTAKOV Nedirbaj (1894-1938), the political figure. With 1923 vice-president, the chairman of the Turkestani Central Electoral Committee. With 1925 chairman of the Central Electoral Committee Turkmen SSR. It is groundlessly repressed; it is rehabilitated posthumously.
  • AJTVARAS, in the Lithuanian mythology the igneous snake, giving to people oof.
  • AJTIEV Gapar Ajtievich (1912-84), the Kirghiz painter, the national artist of the USSR (1971), corresponding member AH the USSR (1973), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1982). Epicheski hangover, poetic landscapes (" Midday on Issyk Kul ", 1954), portraits (" Passageway of portraits of contemporaries ", 1979), paintings, etc.
  • AJTMATOV Ilgiz (r. 1931), the Kirghiz scientist, the academician (1989) and the president (with 1990) AN Kirghizia. Brother C.Ajtmatova. The main{basic} transactionses in range of geomechanics of rock masses. The state premium of the USSR (1989).
  • AJTMATOV CHingiz (r. 1928), the Kirghiz writer, the national writer of Kirghizia (1968), the academician (1974) AN Kirghizia, the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1978). Writes in the Kirghiz and Russian tongues. In stories "Dzhamilja" (1958), " the Parent field " (1963), " Farewell, Gulsary! " (1966), " the White motorship " (1970), " Skewbald pes, running an edge{a boundarouse} starving " (1977), in the novel " And longer eyelid lasts day " (" Burannyj an optional stop ", 1980), "Half-timber" (1986) - acute philosophical, ethical and social issues of our time. Prose Ajtmatova combines the psychologic analysis with traditions of folklore, mythological figurativeness, gravitates to a genre of a parable. The managing editor of the log-book " the Foreign literature " in 1988-90. The lenin premium (1963), the State premium of the USSR (1968, 1977, 1983).
  • AJTHOZHIN Murat Abenovich (1939-87), the Kazakh biochemist, the academician (1983) and the president (1986-1987) AN Kazakhstan. The main{basic} activities on a biosynthesis of protein and his{its} regulation for higher plants. The lenin premium (1976).
  • AJTYS. (Kazakh). (ajtysh), song - improvising in the form of a dialogue - contest of two akynov for tjurkojazychnyh peoples Compare. Asia and Kazakhstan.
  • AJFE, in irish mythology the queen - voitelnitsa who has trained Kuhulina to battle art and given birth him of the son (the saga " Courtship to Emeras ").
  • AJH (Ejh) (Eich) Gjunter (1907-72), the german writer. The member " Groups 47 ". The humanistic lyrics using methods of modernist poetry (collections of " the Message of a rain ", 1955, " To business ", 1964). Stories, radioplays.
  • AJHAL, a urban settlement in Yakutia. 13 thousand inhabitants (1991). It is derivated in 1962 in connection with discovering almazonosnoj tubes "Ajhal".
  • AJHENVALD July Isaevich (1872-1928), the Russian critic and the publicist. The representative t. n. impressionisticheskoj criticism. In activities on the Russian and Western-European literature ("Pushkin", 1908; " Etudes about western writers ", 1910; " Poets and poetesses ", 1922) he{it} uses a method of intuitive "comprehension". In the book of an essay " Outline profiles of Russian writers " (1906) - revision of literary reputations (including M.Gorkogo, V.J.Bryusov). In poslerevoljutsionnoj to publicism estimated bolshevistsky tumble as tragically the objective ending of a history of empire. It is deported abroad (1922).
  • AJSHA-BIBI, a mausoleum of 11-12 centuries in a seconds. Golovachevka, bliz Dzhambul (Kazakhstan). Bricky, kupolno-tsentrichesky, with columns on angles and an affluent decor from carved terra-cotta.
  • AJJUB the STORAGE - N-NUN (r. 1908), the Arabian writer and the publicist (Iraq). One of initiators of a genre of the realistic story in the national literature (the collection "Workers", 1939). Novels, including anti-war publicistic " the World on ground " (1972).
  • AJJUBIDY (Ejjubidy), a dynasty setting in kon. 12-13 centuries in Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, JUzh. Arabias. It is based in 1171 Grease ice - ad-dinom. Led successful wars with crusaders. Main{basic} (egyptian) branch Ajjubidov in 1250 is liquidated mamljukami.
  • AJJA, headland on Austral coast of Crimea, in 13 kms to a southeast from Balaklavy.
  • AJJA DE AC the TORR (Haya de la Torre) Victor Raul (1895-1979), one of organizers (1924) and the leader of natsional-reformist Peruvian people party (up to 1945 American national - revolutionary alliance - APRA).
  • AJJAM the AL-ARAB (characters. - days of arabs), a genre of the Arabian epos about interbreeding wars; developed in 5-7 centuries; it is known in records of 8-10 centuries (cycles " War Basus ", " War Abs and Zubjan ").
  • AKA GJUNDJUZ (1885-1958), the turkish writer. Novels " Aster Dikmena " (1928), " the Unknown soldier " (1930) about national-liberation extirpation. Social - ethical novels (" Daughters of this ground ", 1935).
  • AQABA (Ale - Akaba), city and port in Jordan, on coast a hall. Aqaba Red m. Ok. 40 thousand inhabitants. An international airport. Fishery. Handicraft industries.
  • AQABA, bay of Red m., between p-ovami Arabian and Sinaisky. Length of 180 kms, width up to 28 kms, depth up to 1828 m. A port - Aqaba.
  • ACADEMISM (frants. academisme), 1) only theoretical direction, traditsionalizm in science and education. 2) Isolation of science, art, education from life, public practice. 3) In fine arts the direction which has been usual in art academies of 16-19 centuries: followed to external shapes of classical art of antiquity and Revitalization, implanted the conditional idealized modes{images}, far from life the scenes, the abstracted norms{standards} of beauty.
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