e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • ALBIAN STAGE - LONGUM (Alba Longa), ancient city to a southeast from Rome. Under the legend, it is based ok. 1152 up to n. e. In nach. 1-st thousand centre of the Latin union; in 7 century up to n. e. It eroded by Romans.
  • ALBACETE (Albacete), city in Spain, in region. Murcia, an administrative centre prov. Albacete. 129 thousand inhabitants (1991). Arcaded manufacture of knives. Wine-making. Chemical, tanning, a cement industry.
  • "ALBATROSS", the aircraft manufacturing firm of Germany. It is based in 1909, has become the first supplier of an aeronautical engineering for armed forces of Germany. In total in this firm 100 models of airplanes are built from above. In 1931 factories " Albatrosses " went to "Fokke-Woolf".
  • ALBATROSSES, set of oceanic birds of order of petrels. Length up to 1,5 m, side panels in scope{span} up to 4,25 m. Highly ability to gliding flight is developed. 13 kinds{views}, in tropics and subtropics primarily Austral hemisphere, few kinds{views} - in a north Quiet ok. Nest colonys on oceanic islands. Number of some kinds{views} is reduced. Belospinnyj the albatross is extremely rare.
  • ALBEDO (from pozdnelat. albedo - whiteness), the value defining ability of a surface to reflect a torrent dropping on it{her} of electromagnetic radiation or particles. The albedo is equal to attitude{relation} of a reflected torrent to dropping. In astronomy the important characteristics of planets, etc. bodies of the Solar system.
  • ALBENIS (Albeniz) Isaak (1860-1909), the spanish composer, the pianist. Among compositions - " the Spanish suite " (1886), "Spain" (1890), "Iberia" (1908) for a piano, a symphonic suite "Catalonia", sarsuely.
  • ALBERVIL (Albertville), the title of. Kalemie in Zaire up to 1968.
  • ALBERVIL (Albertville), city on the orient France, for interflow rr. Izer and Arli. 18 thousand inhabitants (1982). Electrometallurgy. XVI winter Olympic Games (1992).
  • ALBERS (Albers) Joseph (1888-1979), the german and American artist. The master of geometrical abstractionism in his{its} most clear and stringent version. Worked with 1933 in the USA. Has bridged tradition "Bauhauza" to the American postpicturesque abstraction.
  • ALBERT (Albert), the title an eskar. Mobutu-Sese-Seko in Africa up to 1973.
  • ALBERT I (Albert) (1875-1934), Belgian king with 1909.
  • ALBERT I background Appeldern (Albert) (12-13 centuries), diocesan Riga (1199-1229), has distributed christianity in Lifljandii, the founder of order " brothers Christly knights " (mechenostsev) (1202).
  • ALBERT II (r. 1934), Belgian king with 1993, from Saksen-Koburgskoj dynasties. Son Leopolda III.
  • ALBERT GREAT (Albertus Magnus), Albert background Bolshtedt (ok. 1193-1280), the german philosopher and the theologian, the representative of scholasticism, the black friar. Began rearrangement and encyclopaedic systematization of roman theology on the basis aristotelizma, completed by his{its} pupil Thomas Aquinas. Taught in Cologne and Paris. Tracts about minerals, plants, animal, etc.
  • ALBERT (Alberta), 1) a province on a southwest of Canada. 661,2 thousand êì2. The population 2,5 million person (1991). Adm. ts. - Edmonton. 2) the Coal basin in Canada. It is developed with it is grey. 19 century. The area over 250 thousand êì2. Reserves ok. 228 million t. Production ok. 54,4 million t (1988) open way.
  • ALBERTI (Alberti) Leon Battista (1404-72), the italian scientist, the architect, the theorist of art of epoch of Early Revitalization. Theoretical tracts (" About a statue ", 1435, " About painting ", 1435-36, " About art of building "; it is published in 1485) have extended experience of the modern to him arts and humanistic science in range of study of an antique inheritance. In the architecture used antique order system (church Sant-Andrea in Mantua, 1472-94, palace Ruchellai in Florence, 1446-51) .ALBERTI (Alberti) Leon Battista (on February, 18 1404, Genoa - April 1472, Rome), the italian humanist, the philosopher, the architect, the artist, the theorist of art. Was born in family of the notable Florentine exile. Studied for known humanist Gasparino yes Bartsitstsa in Padua, then in Bologna for Franchesko Filelfo and at university after which terminal has become the doctor canonical and a civic right. A little bit{Some} flying ministered for church ierarhov, and with 1432 and up to the extremity of life took place the abbreviator (some kind of the notary) at papal kurii. The writer and the architect Literary heritage Alberti is rather different: to 1425 comedy "Filodoks" (1890) concerns, then tracts "Deifira" (1481) and " About advantages and hardships of occupation by sciences " (1890) have been written; the first three books of dialogues " About family " (1844) are constituted in 1432-1434, in 1440 or in 1441 to nymas one more is supplemented; in 1435 tracts " About a statue " (1568) and " About painting " (1540) are composed, much later, in 1449, Ten books about art of building " (1485) are built "; between 1434 and 1443 tracts " About the right " (1890) and "High priest", " the Biography St. have appeared. Potita " (1568), "Òåîäæåíèî (1490 dialogues and " About calmness showers " (1844); after 1443 the allegorical tract " Mom, or about sovereign " (1520), in 1449 - " Mathematical entertainments " (1568) is written; "Table-talks" concern to most considerable products consequent a flying (1890) and "Domostroj" (1848). Under design Alberti in 1446-51 B.Rossellino has built palace Ruchellani - new phylum of a private residence - palace, in registration of fronts of churches the Dignity - Franchesko to Rimini and the Dignity - Andrea in Mantua Alberti used motives drevnerimskoj architectures (triumphal arcs and arcades) .Krug occupations and entrainments Though a large part of life Alberti has conducted in Rome and other cities of Italy and only occasionally navedyvalsja to Florence, under influence of pulses of cultural and art medium of this city there was his{its} world outlook, the circle of his{its} occupations and entrainments more and more extended. The person of scalene bestowals and broad crop, Alberti is known first of all as the given away theorist of art and the architecture; At the same time, he and architects - practices, the writer of well-known architectural designs, was engaged in painting, a sculpturing and other kinds{views} of art, and not only graphic - he was well disassembled in music and perfectly{finely} played on an organ. As the writer - humanist his{its} attention both a life of society, and foundations of family attitudes{relations}, both problems of the person, and principles of managing, and problems of ethics, policy, the right, psychology equally involved. He found out major knowledges of mathematics, optician, mechanics, conceived and designed different devices and instruments, devoted special activities to breeding of fine woods of horses, secrets of a women W.C., codes{ciphers}, a graphology. The baking plate to become this vseohvatnosti interests and creative aspirations personality Alberti, emblematichnaja for all Renaissance humanism. Immeasurable diligence and persistence he achieved unusual successes in physical preparation and military exercises, perfectly acquired any branch of science and art, formed the moral appearance, persistently educated in itself philantrophy, manner, generosity, restraint - such, becoming already for contemporaries a person - legend, he is embodied in the biography of 15 century which authorship not without justification attribute itself Alberti. Ñî÷èíåíèÿ:Äåñÿòü books about art of building. Ì., 1935. T. 1-2. Religion. Virtue. Fate and fate // Compositions of italian humanists of Renaissance (XV eyelids). Ì., 1985. Seconds 152-161. About family // Experience of millenary. Ì., 1996. Seconds 362-411. Alberti L. B. Opere volgari. Bari, 1960-1973. V. 1-3. Ëèòåðàòóðà:Ëåîí Battista Alberti. Ì., 1977. Mancini G. Vita di Leon Battista Alberti. Roma, 1911. Gadol J. Leon Battista Alberti. Universal man of the early Renaissance. Chicago; London, 1969. About. F. Kudryavtsev
  • ALBERTI (Alberti) Rafael (r. 1902), the spanish poet. Anti-fascist and revolutionary verses (collections of " Stanza Huana Panadero ", 1949; " Poems of expulsion{relegation} and hope ", 1976), anti-war " Ballads and songs of the river Parana " (1954), the lyrical collection " Verses on love " (1967), a poetic cycle " About painting " (2 izd., 1968), the play " Night of war in museum Prado " (1956), the book of memories " the Forgotten grove " (1959), "Pablo Picasso" (1977). The international Lenin premium (1965).
  • ALBERTINA (Albertina), actuarial collection in Vienna: drawings, miniatures, posters, gravures, lithographs of Western-European masters. It is based in 1776 as a collection of duke Albert.
  • The ALBERT-CHANNEL (Albert Kanaal), in Belgium, bridges rr. Maas (for Liege) and Schelde (for Antwerp). It is open{discovered} in 1939. Length ok. 130 kms.
  • The ALBIGENSIAN WARS 1209-29 attempted under the initiative of the papacy crusades of the severo-French knights on the south of France against albigenses. At the end of wars crusaders has adjoined with the troops and the French king Lui VIII. albigenses have been routed and the part of the Toulouse county is adjoined to royal domain.
  • ALBIGENSES, participants of heretical motion in JUzh. France 12-13 centuries, adherents of the doctrine of catarrhs. Opposed tenets of a latin church, a church landholding and a tithe. Albigenses were adjoined with a part aboriginal znati. Are convicted by Ecumenical council 1215, are routed in Albigensian wars.
  • ALBINAS (it is grey. 2 century), the antique philosopher - platonik writing in the Grecian tongue. The writer " the Tutorial platonovskoj " - taught philosophy in Smyrna, one of the fullest expositions of philosophy Platona in the season{term} of mean platonizma.
  • ALBINI (Albini) Ex (1905-1977), the italian architect. Construction of 1930th differ laconic singleness of component parts and purity of lines (a country house in Milan, 1938). In 1960-70-Ñ - on items of rationalism (the building Hot ban, Italy, 1967). Was engaged also in restoral and construction of museum buildings (activity on restoration of palaces of Renaissance, the new building of museum Tezoro di Dignity Lorentso in Genoa, 1952).
  • ALBINISM (from an armour. albus - white), inborn absence of a xanthopathy, a hair, an iris of the eye of eyes for the person and animal; for plants - absence of green colour. An organism, denuded colour, call as an albino.
  • ALBION (Albion), the title of the British islands known still{even} for ancient Greeks.
  • CAMPOS ALBISU (Albizu Campos) Pedro (1893-1965), one of chiefs of motion for independence of Puerto Rico; with 1930 chairman of Nationalist party.
  • ALBITE (from an armour. albus - white), porodoobrazujushchy a mineral of group plagioklazov, Na [AlSi3O8]. White, yellowish, pinkish crystals; units. Half-and-halfs are often. Hardness 6-6,5; firmness ok. 2,6 g / sm3. Ceramic raw material.
  • ALBITOFIR, an effusive rock, paleotypal analog of the andesite, consisting primarily from an albite.
  • SILK TREE, stem of trees and bushes of a set of pod-bearing plants. Ok. 125 kinds{views}, in tropics, subtropics, primarily Eastern hemisphere. Ò. n. A silk - tree - an ornamental plant. For some silk trees a fine wood and affluent tannins a bark.
  • ALBITSTSI (Albizzi), the Florentine stem, which representatives took in 13 - 1-st floor. 15 centuries the maximum state positions in Florence; rivaled with it come from Medici.
  • ALBIAN STAGES Michael Nilovich (1851-1911), the Russian writer. Psychologism and bytopisatelstvo in stories " Day of the total " (1879), " Unknown street " (1881), " the End of Unknown street " (1882), the novel "Long robe" (1883). In the trilogy " Day yes night " ("Melancholy", 1890; "Fatherless", 1901; " Glafirina secret ", 1903) - dramatic nature of existence of the inhabitants who have been held down by a monotonicity of ordinary life.
  • ALBUM (from frants. album), 1) tangled{interlaced;bound} leafs for drawing, autographes, collections. 2) Collection of reproductions, photos, drawings, etc., issued by the way books, often with an explanatory comment.
  • ALBRECHT BRANDENBURG (Albrecht von Brandenburg) (1490-1568), the last grandmaster of Teutonic order (with kon. 1510); in 1525, having paid grounds of order in society duchy, has become the first duke of Prussia.
  • ALBRECHT the BEAR (ok. 1100-70), the german feudal lord, one of chiefs of aggression against polabskih slavs on which grounds has based markgrafstvo Brandenburg (markgraf with 1150).
  • ALBRECHT (Albrecht) Fridrih Rudolf (1817-95), Austrian ertsgertsog, field marshal (1863). During avstro-italian war by 1866 commanding Austral army which has gained victory in battle under Kustotsej.
  • ALBUQUERQUE (Albuguergue), city on a southwest the USA, pieces. New Mexico. 385 thousand inhabitants (1990, with suburbs of 449 thousand inhabitants). An international airport. The large centre of probes in range of atomic energetics. Development, manufacture of automatic weapon. A climatic health resort; the tourist centre.
  • ALBUMENS, the simple globular proteins keeping in an albumen, whey of blood, milk and seeds of plants. Are applied in a confectionery and textile industry, and also in medicine.
  • ALBUNEJA, in Other. Rome one of Sivill, tiburskaja sivilla.
  • ALVARADO ARELJANO (Alvarado Arellano) Uberto (1927-74), the secretary general of a Central Committee of the Guatemalan consignment of transactionses with 1972. The writer, the publicist. It arrested and killed.
  • ALVARADO MONSON (Alvarado Monzon) Bernardo (1925-72), the secretary general of a Central Committee of the Guatemalan consignment of transactionses with 1954. arrested and killed.
  • ALVARES (Alvarez) Luis Uolter (1911-1988), American physics. Has discovered electron capture (1938). Has created the modern technique of activity with bubble chambers. Has discovered many resonances (1960). The Nobel Prize (1968).
  • ALVARO (Alvaro) Korrado (1895-1956), the italian writer. Realistic products{creations} about life of peasants: stories, the story " People from Aspromonte " (1930.) Roman " the Short youth " (1946); diaries (1954, 1959).
  • ALVEN (Alfven) Hannes (r. 1908), Swedish of physics and astrophysicses, the foreign member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; foreign member AN the USSR with 1958). The founder of hydromagnetics, has predicted one of phylums of waves in plasma (wave Alvena). The Nobel Prize (1970). A golden medal him{it}. Lomonosov AN the USSR (1971).
  • ALVEN (Alfven) Hugo (1872-1960), the Swedish composer, the teacher, the conductor. For the first time in the Swedish symphonic music used national folklore. Ballets " Mountain king " (1923), " the Lascivious son " (1957), 5 concordances, chamber compositions.
  • ALVENA WAVES, cross waves in the plasma, extending along a magnetic field with speed, where r - firmness, H - magnetic density. The title by name Hannesa Alvena.
  • ALVEOLA (from an armour. alveolus - a cell, a deepening, an alveole), 1) jachejkovidnyj the tip department of gland included in an acinus. 2) Puzyrkovidnoe education in a lung of mammals, braided a network{grid} of capillaries. Through walls of alveolas (in lungs of their person over 700 million) there is a gas exchange. 3) the Dental hollow - a deepening in a maxilla in which it is evaluated the root a tooth.
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