e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • ALVEOLITIS, 1) the inflammation of the dental hollow, is routine in connection with infitsirovaniem wounds in the moment or after an odontectomy. 2) the Inflammation of air cells without a defeat of bronchuses.
  • ALVER (Alver) Betti (an ice-film. A name and fam. Elizabeth Lepik, Lepik) (1906-89), the national writer of Estonia (1981.) Roman " the Mistress of a wind " (1927). Collections of verses " the Dust and fire " (1936), " Volant city " (1979), " Corals in river Emajygi " (1986). The spiritual integrity of the lyrical hero, a concreteness of zoetic component parts, container{capacity} of artistic images are characteristic for poetry.
  • ALVIS (dr .-èñë. vsevedajushchy), in the Scandinavian mythology a dwarf, svatavshijsja to the daughter of the god the Torah; in conversation with Torus Alvis gives the description of the world in tongue of gods, people and inhabitants of a underground kingdom (" the Higher Edda ", to " Speech Alvisa "). Overtaken by a dawn, the dwarf turns to a stone.
  • ALVY, in the Scandinavian mythology of the godhood or natural spirits; on " the Junior Edda " (" Vision Gjulvi ") are divided on irradiant alvov light, living in a celestial hall, and black alvov the darkness, living underground. In " the Higher Edda " are opposed the maximum gods - aces.
  • ALGAZEN, see. Ibn al-Hajsam.
  • ALGICIDES (from an armour. alga - a marine grass, an alga and caedo - I kill), chemical drugs from group of herbicides for destruction of water plants in channels, water reservoirs, etc.
  • ALGOLOGY (from an armour. alga - an alga and... logija) (phycology), the section of botany investigator algae.
  • "AL-GUMHURIJA", see "Gumhurija".
  • ALDGELM (640-709), the English church figure and the latin writer. Abbe Malmsberijskogo of a monastery, later - diocesan Shernbornsky. The writer of the collection of "Riddle".
  • ALDEBARAN, a a Taurus, an aster of 1-st stellar magnitude; the red jumbo, a luminosity in 150 times more solar.
  • ALDEHYDES, the organic compounds keeping aldehydic group CHO. Examples of aldehydes - formaldehyde, acetic aldehyde, benzaldehyde, acrolein, a vanillin. Receive oxidation of primary alcohols, etc. methods. Apply in manufacture of polymers, organic synthesis, as odorous substances.
  • ALDER (Alder) Kurt (1902-58), german chemists - organics. Has developed (1928, together with O.Dilsom) a fundamentals of a diene synthesis. The Nobel Prize (1950, together with O.Dilsom).
  • ALDINY, the title of books (ok. 1100), issued in 1495-1597 in Venice Manutsiem Aldom the Higher, his{its} son Paolo and grandson Aldom Junior. Publishing mark - a dolphin wreathing an anchor.
  • ALDOSES, monosaccharides which molecules contain aldehydic group. On figure of atoms of carbon in a molecule (3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) distinguish aldotriozu, aldotetrozy, aldopentozy, aldogeksozy (napr., a glucose), etc. Compare. Ketoses.
  • ALDOSTERONUM, hormone animal and the person, (corticosteroid) produced over bark suprarenal glands; adjusts{regulates} mineral metabolism in an organism, primarily exchange Na +, To + and waters.
  • ALDROVANDA, a stem of water entomophagous plants of a set of a sundew family. At a tangency of a hexapod to a tomentous leaf he densely is occluded. 1 kind{view}, in midland coastal waters of all climatic belts of Eastern hemisphere, excepting Far North.
  • ALENDE the STATE PSYCHIC (Allende Gossens) El Salvador (1908-73), the president of Chile in 1970-73; was put forward{introduced} the unit National unity. One of organizers (1933) and the leader of Socialist party of Chile, in 1939-42 Minister of Health, with 1945 senator (in 1966-69 chairman of a senate). The international Lenin premium (1973). It is killed during military tumble.
  • ALKABALA (from the arab. Al-servitude - collection), the tax to deals in Spain (12 century - 1845) and its{her} colonys (2-n a floor. 16 - nach. 19 centuries). Introduction alkabaly in 1571 in Netherlands (historical) has served one of halters to overall revolt 1572 in a north of country.
  • ALKALD (isp. alcalde, from the arab. Al-thurify - the judge), 1) in medieval Spain the officer executed{designed} administrative functions in provinces. 2) In the modern Spain and some states of Latin America the chapter of urban administration.
  • ALKLAD (from aluminium and English clad - coated{obtected}), a semifinished item (a leaf, a pipe) from an aluminium alloy, coated{obtected} from both parties for a corrosion prevention a layer of high-purity aluminium or other aluminium alloy.
  • ALCOVE (frants. alcove), a niche{well} in a wall for a bed.
  • ALMA, the river in Crimea. 83 kms. Weeps on terrain of the Crimean zapovedno-hunting, the m runs in Black. During the Crimean war 1853-56 on Alma Russian troops have been battered anglo-franko-turetskimi by a troops (20.9.1854).
  • ALMAGRO (Almagro) Diego de (1470?-1538), spanish konkistador. Has organized 2 expeditions along western shore JUzh. America in 1524-26; the participant of seizure of Peru (1533), headed a marching in Chile (1535-36).
  • ALMAN (Ahlmann) Hans (1889-1974), the Swedish glaciologist and the fiziko-geographer. The participant of expedition to Spitsbergen (1931, 1934), to Iceland (1936-38), Greenland (1939-40). The long-lived glaciological probes in Scandinavia (conditions of originating of icehouses and their feed).
  • The ALMANAC (from the arab. The almanac - a calendar), 1) the acyclic collection of cramps, entertaining or reference, often theme (napr., the nursery geographycal almanac "Terrestrial globe"). 2) the Collection of literary works, consolidated to any attribute (theme, genre, regional).
  • ALMANDINE, mineral of group of pomegranates, Fe3Al2 [SiO4] 3. Red, violet-red, brown crystals, solid masses. Hardness 7-7,5; firmness of 3,8-4,3 g / sm3. In mica slates, granite pegmatitah, granites. Abrasive; diaphanous, beautifully colored crystals - precious stones.
  • AL-MANSUR, see. Mansur.
  • ALMAFUERTE (Almafuerte) (an ice-film. Name Pedro Bonifasio Palasjos) (1854-1917), the Argentina poet. The representative of serotinal{late} romanticism, the writer bogoborcheskih sonnets and poems (the book of "Smashing", 1906, etc.).
  • ALMENDA [a nem. Allmende, from compare - verh.-nem. al (ge) meinde - that belongs to all], in rannefeodalnoj Zap. To Europe the land lands located in the aggregate use of members of a community. With development of feudalism almendy feudal lords seized{caught}.
  • ALMERIA (Almeria), city and a port in Spain, in avt. Region. Andalusia, an administrative centre prov. Almeria. 15,3 thousand inhabitants (1991). Maslobojnaja, kozhevenno-boot, pulp and paper, a cement industry; wine-making, manufacture of musical instruments. Ruins of Arabian strength (8-11 centuries), a cathedral (15 century, it rearranged{reconstructed} in 16 century).
  • ALMETYEVSK, city (with 1953) in the Russian Federation, Tatarija, on r. Zaj. 133 thousand inhabitants (1992). A crude production and gas. Manufacture of machines and the equipment for an oil-extracting industry; factories: wood-working, reinforced concrete constructions, etc. Initial point of an oil pipeline "Friendship". Theatre.
  • ALMKVIST (Almquist) Charles Junas Luve (1793-1866), the Swedish writer. Roman " the Jewelry of queen " (1834) spirit of romanticism, the social - critical novel " Will leave! " (1839), the realistic story from country life " the Mill in SHelnure " (1838).
  • ALMORAVIDY, the title of a dynasty and the state in the Sowing. To Africa (1050-1146). To 1090 state actuated Morocco, Zap. Algeria, Zap. Sahara, Muslim Spain, islands Balearskie. The state Almoravidy is deleted Almohadami.
  • ALMOHADY, the title of a dynasty and the state in the Sowing. To Africa (1146-1269). The state Almohady is derivated during extirpation with Almoravidami. The greatest expansion of terrain to 1161 at Abd al-Mumine. Disintegration of the state began from season{term} Rekonkisty.
  • PARALLEL OF ALTITUDE (arab)., the small circle of celestial sphere parallel horizon.
  • ALPAK, the thin dense silk fabric with the smooth dim background and shining drawing by the way colours or geometric patterns. Apply to a dutchman and as platjevuju a tissue.
  • ALPACA, a domestic cloven-hoofed animal of a stem of llamas; a hybrid of a guanaco and vikunji. Cultivate in a high-mountainous belt of Peru and Bolivia (a valuable wool).
  • AT PAR (ital. al pari, characters. - on the same level), correspondence of an exchange (market) stock market values rate or currency to their nominal value (parity).
  • AT PAR (Alpari) Djula (1882-1944), the Hungarian political figure. The member of a Central Committee of Communist party of Hungary, was included in government of the Hungarian Soviet republic, after its{her} depressing{supression} - in emigrations, edited issuings of Komintern. In 1940 in Paris it is seized gestapo. Has perished in Zaksenhauzene.
  • ALPEROVY, family of Russian circus actors - clowns. Sergey Sergeevich (1859-1923) - the White clown, acted in a duet from Bernardo (the Yellow clown), with 1910 worked with son Dmitry Sergeevichem (1895-1948).
  • ALPERT Maxim Vladimirovich (1895-1980), the Russian master of photoart. One of ancestors of the domestic production reportazhnoj photos.
  • The ALPINE STRAIN (Celtic), is secreted with some anthropologists in structure evropeoidnoj strains for the population of some mountain areas of Europe (Switzerland and accumbent ranges of France, Germany, Austria and Italy). The broad face, dark eyes and a hair are characteristic brahikefalija.
  • The ALPINE VEGETATION, is distributed in mountains (2000-3500 m above sea level). Nizkotravnye carpet meadows (cereals, sedges, primroses, etc.), low shrub formations (rhododendrons, a whortleberry, etc.). It is used as summer pastures.
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