e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • ADVENTISTS (from an armour. adventus - coming), Protestant church (primarily in the USA, has arisen in 30th of 19 century). Preach affinity{proximity} of " second coming of the Christ " and approach to the Earth " a thousand-year kingdom bozhija ". Adventists of the seventh day (in Russia since 1880th) are most numerous.
  • ADVERBIALIZATSIJA (from an armour. adverbium - an adverb), transition in adverbs of words (or their separate word forms) other parts of speech. Napr., adverbializatsija nouns: Russian "at home", in "evening", german abends.
  • The ATTORNEY (an armour. advocatus, from advoco - I invite), a face, which trade - rendering of legal assistance to citizens and organizations, including protection of their interests in court. One of the most ancient trades. See. Protection judicial.
  • ADVOCACY, voluntary homing organization of attorneys. As a rule, in all countries there are associations (associations, boards) advocacies (in regional, regional or other scale) for protection of rights of attorneys. In Russia the advocacy has been established by the judiciary reform 1864.
  • ADHESION (from an armour. adhaesio - a sticking), coupling of surfaces of heterogeneous ph. Due to an adhesion coagglutination, a weldment, etc., and also education of top skins (napr are possible{probable} deposition of the galvanic and paint coatings., oxide).
  • ADDA (Adda), the river in a north of Italy, the left-handed in-leak{influx} r. On. 313 kms. The area of basin of 8 thousand êì2. Headstreams in the Alpes, weeps through an eskar. Komo, in a lower reaches - on plain Padanskoj. Average discharge of water 250 from a river plant. The channel up to Milan departs. During the Italian marching Russian and Austrian troops under a command of general - field marshal A.V.Suvorova 15-174.1799 on Adde have divided the French army of general Z.Moro.
  • ADDAMS (Addams) Jane (1860-1935), one of organizers of motion for social rights of citizens the USA. The founder (1889) and the director (up to 1935) "Hull-House" in Chicago - first in the USA a charitable foundation on moving deprived immigrants in the comfortable home units. The vice-president of the American association for the elective franchise of women (1911-14). The president of International women league for the world and freedom (1919-29). The Nobel Prize of the world (1931, together with N.M.Butler).
  • ADDIS-ABEBA, capital (with 1889) Ethiopia, an administrative centre of like administrative terrain. 2,4 thousand in m. 1,7 million inhabitants (1989) is located at the altitude. An international airport. Metal-working, alimentary, mild, wood-working, a cement industry. University. Headquarter of the Economic commission of the United Nations for Africa and Organizations of African unity (OAE). It is based in 1887. Palace Menelika II (1894), the Dwelling of Africa (1963, the stained glass - A.Tekle).
  • ADDISON (Addison) Joseph (1672-1719), the English writer. "Spectator" (1711-14) participated in the issuing of educational log-books "Talker" (1709-11); has put in pawn a fundamentals nravoopisatelnogo an essay and the realistic novel of 18 century.
  • ADDISON Thomas (1793-1860), the English doctor. Has described bronze disease (Addisonovu disease) and a pernicious anaemia.
  • ADDISONOVA DISEASE, the same, that bronze disease.
  • ADDITIVITY (from an armour. additivus - added{gained}), the property of values consisting in a volume, that the value of value conforming to the whole object, is equal to the sum of values of the values conforming to his{its} parts by what a mode{an image} the object has been battered. Napr., additivity of volume means, that the volume of the whole body is peer to the sum of volumes of his{its} parts.
  • ADEQUATE (from an armour. adaequatus - equal, equal), conforming, valid, precise; in theory knowledges - valid reproduction in intellection of communications{connections} and attitudes{relations} of the objective world.
  • ADELAIDE (Adelaide), city and a port in Australia, in a hall. Saint Vincent, an administrative centre pieces. JUzh. Australia. 1,1 million inhabitants (1991, with suburbs). A machine industry, oil refining, chemical, flavoring, a light industry. University. An observatory. It is based in 1836.
  • ADELUNG Feodor Pavlovich (1768-1843), the Russian historian, the bibliographer, corresponding member (1809), the honorary member (1838) Petersburg AN. The first Russian probe on book statistics, the bibliography of notes of aliens about Russia, etc.
  • ADELGEJM, brothers: Robert Lvovich (1860-1934) and Raphael Lvovich (1861-1938) Russian actors, national actors of Russia (1931). Acting in classical repertoir in many cities, promoted raising of scenic crop of theatres of a rim.
  • ADELFY Onifissky (Egyptian) (mind{wit}. Between 337-361), diocesan, the confesser. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on May, 21 (on June, 3), in Roman catholic on September, 21.
  • ADEN, economic capital of Yemen, administrative centre muhafazy Aden. 318 thousand inhabitants (1984). A transit port on the Arabian m. An international airport. Oil refining, textile, a food-processing industry. A ship repair. University. In an antiquity it is known under the title of Adant (Asana). In 1839 - 1967 English military base.
  • ADEN, colonial possession of the Great Britain in November, 1839-1967.30 1967 in terrain of Aden the independent state is built. See. Yemen.
  • ADENAUER (Adenauer) Konrad (1876-1967), the federal chancellor of Germany in 1949-63. In 1917-33 ober-burgomaster of Cologne, in 1920-32 chairman of a Prussian Council of state. One of osnovatelej (1946) and with 1950 chairman of the Christian Democrat union. Has introduced the considerable investment in building of the Fundamental law (constitution) and the state Germany. In 1951-55 Minister for Foreign Affairs. Has achieved method of Germany in the West-European Soyuz and the NATO. In 1955 government Adenauera has placed{installed} diplomatic relations with the USSR.
  • ADEN LE RUA (Adenet le Roy) (ok. 1240 - ok. 1300), the French poet. Last from great truverov, the writer of poetic novels " Berta Bolshenogaja ", etc.
  • ADENINE, purine base. It is contained in all living organisms in structure of nucleic acids (one of 4 "characters" of a genetic code), adenosin phosphates, some coenzymes, etc. biologically important substances.
  • ADENOVIRAL DISEASES, acute contagions of the person and animal, called by adenoviruses. Weep in the form of acute respiratory diseases or with a primary defeat of mucous membrane of eyes, an intestines.
  • ADENOVIRUSES (from grech. aden - gland and viruses), a set of the DNK-KEEPING viruses triggering in the person and animal adenoviral diseases.
  • ADENOZINMONOFOSFAT CYCLICAL (TSAMF), a nucleotide, one of the major biochemical adjusters. Participates in molecular mechanisms of action of many hormones, drives of nervous exaltation, a vision, a muscle contraction, etc.
  • ADENOZINTRIFOSFAT (ATF), a nucleotide; will consist of a purine base of an adenine, a monosaccharide of a ribose and 3 residues of a phosphoric acid. In all living organisms executes{designs} a role of the generalpurpose accumulator and a carrier of power. Under action of special ferments tip phosphate groups are eliminated with energy release which goes on a muscle contraction, synthetic, etc. processes of vital activity. Drugs adenozintrifosfata apply at vasospasms, a muscle dystrophia.
  • ADENOIDS (from grech. aden - gland and eidos - a kind{view}), growth of a pharyngeal almond; more often for children 4-8 flying; hinder nose respiration, quite often depress ear.
  • ADENOCARCINOMA (from grech. aden - gland and karkinoma - a tumour), a malignant tumour from an epithelium of ferruterous organs (a mammary gland, a mucous membrane of a stomach, etc.).
  • ADENOMA (from grech. aden - gland and... An ohm), a benign tumour milk, peltate, etc. glands, and also glands of mucous membrane, napr., a stomach; saves a structure of an initial{a starting} glandular epithelium.
  • ADENOMA of the PROSTATE GLAND, disease of men of advanced age; increase of the gland, the hindered urination, speeded up desires to a urination; complication - an acute ischuria.
  • ADENOS BAY of the Arabian m., between p-ovami Arabian and Somalia. Depth up to 4525 m. Intercommunicates Skull crackers - el-Mandebskim of prol. With Red m. A main port - Aden.
  • ADENTIA (from and - a negative prefix and an armour. dens, a stem. Item dentis - a tooth), absence of all or many tooths owing to violation{disturbance} of formation of dental germs in embrionalnom the season{term}.
  • The ADHERENT (from an armour. adeptus, characters. - reached{achieved}), 1) dedicated in secrets of any doctrine, sect. 2) the Zealous adherent of any doctrine, idea.
  • ADZHA EKAPAD (sanskr. One-legged rebound landing), vedijskoe the godhood, the intermediary between heaven and earth.
  • ADZHAMETSKY RESERVATION, in the west Georgia. It is based in 1935. The area 4849 ga. Woods from relict species: an oak imeretinskogo, oak Gartvisa, a zelkova grabolistnoj, etc.
  • ADZHARIANS, see in an item. Georgians.
  • ADZHATASHATRU (5 century up to n. e.), old indian tsar, the contemporary of the Buddha.
  • ADZHEMI ibn Abu Bekr (1120th - nach. 13 century), the Azerbaijan architect. The representative of the Nakhichevan architectonic school. Monumental structures with refined partitionings forms and a decor (mausoleum JUsufa ibn Kusejira, 1162, and Momine-hatun in Nakhichevan).
  • ADZHEMJAN Vartan Mkrtichevich (1905-77), the Armenian producer, the national actor of the USSR (1965), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1975). With 1928 at the Armenian theatre him{it}. Mravjana (Leninakan), with 1939 at the Armenian theatre him{it}. Sundukjana (Yerevan, with 1953 main producer). The state premium of the USSR (1951).
  • ADZHIVIKA, the old indian religious - philosophical flow which was putting forward idea of a predeterminancy of all phenomena, a dominating role of destiny, fate. Negated authority Ved.
  • ADZHIMUSHKAJ, underground stone pits (nowadays in feature Kerch), in which during Great Domestic war (in May - October 1942) the surrounded Soviet troops (over 10 thousand person) after a troop withdrawal of the Crimean front with Kerchenskogo p-ova were heroically defended.
  • ADZHINA-TEPE, a monument of art Toharistana, residues of Buddhist monasteries of 7-8 centuries bliz Kurgan Tyube in Tadjikistan. Sanctuaries{holy places}, kelji, a mortar box. A clay sculpture (including a 12-meter figure superjacent Buddhas), wall paintings.
  • ADZHIE DZHINDI (r. 1908), the kurdish writer (Armenia). The historico-revolutionary novel "To the aid of" (1967), the novel " Also there has come spring " (1978), stories, activities on the kurdish literature and folklore.
  • ADZHMAN, emirat (principality) in structure of Consolidated Arab Emirates. The area of 251 kms 2. The population of 76 thousand person (1991). Main city - Adzhman.
  • ADZHMER (Adzhmir), city in northwest of India, pieces. Rajasthan. 402 thousand inhabitants (1989). A textile industry, a machine industry. The religious centre. It is based in 12 century. An architectonic monument of 12-16 centuries.
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