e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • AMAZONOMAHIJA, battle of the Grecian heroes (Bellerofonta, Gerakla, Teseja, Ahilla, etc.) and amazons. A popular scene in the Grecian art.
  • AMAZONIAN LOWLAND (Amazonian region), in bass. r. Amazon, primarily in Brazil, and also in Columbia, Ecuador, Peru. The largest on the Earth (over 5 million êì2), with predominary equatorial climate, a heavy-bodied high-water fluvial net and the wet ever-green forests (selvas).
  • AMALITSKY Vladimir Prohorovich (1860-1917), the Russian geologist and a paleontologist. Has discovered (1896; pipettings 1899-1914) fossils amphibian and kowtowing a Permian (t. n. A Severodvinsk fauna).
  • AMAL, an oil deposit in Libya (the Saharo-Libyan oil-and-gas-bearing basin). It is open{discovered} in 1959. Deposits on depth of 1,8-4,5 kms. Beginning inventories 204 million t. Firmness of petroleum of 0,85 g / sm3. Center of production - Bengasi.
  • AMALGAM (medieval an armour. amalgama - an alloy), an alloy of mercury with other metal. Amalgam apply, napr., at gold plating, in manufacture of mirrors, in nonferrous machine industry (amalgamation).
  • AMALGAMATION in nonferrous machine industry - a way of extraction of metals from ores or concentrates through mercury. At watering by mercury metals will derivate amalgams and are abjointed from rock refuse. It is used basically for extraction of noble metals.
  • AMALGAMATION, in economy - one of forms of a centralization of the capital by means of amalgamation of business as a result of which they lose former independence.
  • AMALDI (Amaldi) Ugo (1875-1957), italian mathematician and the mechanics. The main{basic} probes fall into group theories and mechanics. Has introduced the investment in the theory of continuous transformation groups and geometry of exterior ballastics. The president of the Italian mathematical society (1941-43).
  • AMALDI (Amaldi) Edoardo (1908-89), italian physics, foreign member AN the USSR (1958). Transactionses on spectroscopy, a nuclear physics, an elementary particle physics. Participat (1934) in discovering a neutron moderation in substance.
  • AMALRIK Andrey Alekseevich (1936-80), the Russian writer, the publicist. Doubly it was adjudged to the reference (1965) and to the conclusion in camps of a stringent mode (1970). With 1976 in emigration. Whether the greatest popularity was received with the istoriko-sociological composition " Soviet Union up to 1984 years Will exist? ". In absurdistskih the plays noted by a block type, irony, an alogism, satirically figures the Soviet real. Books: " Not desired traveling to Siberia " (1970); " the Note of the dissident " (1982), etc.
  • AMALRIK (Amalric) Bensky (mind{wit}. ok. 1207), medieval mistik, the founder of religious sect amalrikan. Taught at the Parisian university. It{him} panteisticheskoe the doctrine has been convicted on Parisian (1210) and Lateran (1215) cathedrals in Rome.
  • AMALRIK Leonid Alekseevich (r. 1905), the Russian film director, the honored worker of arts of Russia (1965). Cartoon films - fairy tales: " the Grey neck " (1948), " Magic shop " (1953), " Koshkin the dwelling " (1958), "Djujmovochka" (1965), "Tower - teremok" (1971), etc.
  • AMALTEJA, the guide of the Jove, is open{discovered} by E.Barnardom (the USA, 1892). The dimensions 135 h 85 h 75 kms, mean distance from the Jove of 181300 kms, cycle time 0,498 sut.
  • AMAN (Aman) Teodor (1831-91), the Romanian painter and the schedule{chart}. The founder of School of fine arts in Bucharest (1864). Patterns on themes of a national history, portraits, idyllic scenes of country life, etchings with the plotting of peasants.
  • AMANAT (arab)., the hostage.
  • AMANGELDY IMANOV (1873-1919), one of chiefs of the Central Asian revolt 1916 and extirpation for the Soviet authority in Kazakhstan. It is killed by adherents of "Alash-horde".
  • AMANZHOLOV Kasym (1911-55), the Kazakh poet. Collections of lyrical verses " the Confession of life " (1938), "Storm" (1948), poems from life of Kazakhstan. Has entered into the Kazakh verse the 10-syllabic line.
  • AMEN the Market (1908-81), the Turkmen actor, the playwright, the national actor of the USSR (1965). With 1929 at Turkmen theatre of a drama him{it}. Mollanepesa (Ashkhabad).
  • AMANULLA-KHAN (1892-1960), the Afghani king in 1919-29. Has headed liberation war against the Great Britain, has achieved confession of full independence of Afghanistan (1919). In 1919 has concluded with the Soviet state the amicable agreement, in 1926 - from the USSR about neutrality and the relative{mutual} non-aggression. Reforms of Amanully-khan promoted development of national economy and crop, strengthening of national independence of the state. As a result of rebelion will overthrow, has emigrated.
  • AMAPA (Amapa), staff in a north of Brazil. 142,4 thousand êì2. The population of 289 thousand person (1991). Adm. ts. - Makapa.
  • AMARAVATI, city in a central part of India, pieces. Maharashtra. 434 thousand inhabitants (1991). Cotton industry. Residues of most major of kept indian memorial structures - mortar boxes (originally construction of 2 century up to n. e.). Reliefs from Amaravati are well-known.
  • AMARANTH (amaranth), stem predominary annual grasses of a set amarantovyh. Ok. 60 kinds{views}, in warm and moderate belts. Weedy, grain, vegetable, ornamental plants. Due to high nutritiousness and singleness of cultivation it is widely introduced into crop in many countries, especially tropical.
  • AMARI, see Tsetlin M.O.
  • AMARILLIS, a stem of bulbous plants of a set amarillisovyh. 1 kind{view}, in JUzh. To Africa. Cultivate everywhere in rooms and greenhouses.
  • AMARILLISOVYE, a set of monocotyledonous plants. Perennial grasses, are more often with bulbs. Ok. 1100 kinds{views} (85 stems), the majority in JUzh. To Africa, Center. And JUzh. To America. Many amarillisovye cultivate as ornamental plants (a narcissus, amarillis, a crinum, gippeastrum, etc.).
  • AMARILLO (Amarillo), city in the south the USA, pieces. Texas. 158 thousand inhabitants (1990). Large shopping center of a farming area (cattle, wheat, a sorghum). Copper refining, assembly of automatic weapon, air, a food-processing industry. Bliz Amarillo - large storehouse of helium.
  • AMARNA (Tel-el-Amarna), an occupied point in Egypt, at-sight capitals of Other Egypt Ahetatona at pharaon Ehnatone (14 century up to n. e.). Palaces, temples, residential buildings, barns, workshops, archive of documents (see. Tel-el-Amarnsky archive).
  • AMASONAS (Amazonas), terrain in the south of Venezuela. 175,8 thousand êì2. The population of 60 thousand person (1990). Adm. ts. - Puerto-Ajakucho.
  • AMAT (Amamat) (dr .-åãèï. pozhiratelnitsa), in egyptian mythology a monster dwelling{living} in Duate and gobbling trespassers.
  • AMATI (Amati), family of italian masters of stringed instruments. An ancestor - Andrea (ok. 1520 - ok. 1580), the creator of a violin of classical type. His{its} sons: Andrea Antonio (ok. 1540 - after 1600) and Dzhirolamo (1561-1630). The son of the latter - Nikolo (1596-1684) which instruments are appreciated especially highly is most known. Pupils Nikolo Amati: his{its} son Dzhirolamo of 2-nd (1649-1740), A.Gvarneri, A.Stradivari.
  • AMATERASU, in sintoizme the supreme goddess, olitsetvorenie the Suns.
  • AMATSUMARA, in Japanese mythology the godhood who has produced a magic mirror - one of relics of Japanese emperors; the promoter of smiths.
  • AMASHUKELI Elgudzha Davidovich (r. 1928), the Georgian sculptor, the national artist of the USSR (1988), corresponding member AH (1988). A statue "Mother - Gruzija" (1958, 1963) and a monument to Vakhtang Gorgasalu (1967) to Tbilisi, a monument of Victory in Burn, a memorial of Glory to heroes - seamen in Poti (both 1979) differ lapidarnostju volumes, patheticalness of modes{images}. The state premium of the USSR (1982).
  • BARN (turki)., the elementary granary.
  • AMBARKATSIJA (frants. embarquement - loading, planting), loading of a troops on the ships{spacecrafts} (court) with the purpose of delivery in the appointed place.
  • AMBARNAJA the RAT, the same, that a grey rat.
  • GRAIN MOTH, the butterfly of a set of true moli onion. The pest (caterpillars) of a grain and zernoproduktov. It is distributed widely. Front fenders silver-gray with hulls.
  • GRANARY MITES (grain, or flour, mites), a set of mites of order akariformnyh. Length of 0,2-0,5 mm. Ok. 70 kinds{views}, are distributed widely. Dwell{live} in soil, holes and nests animal, on roots and green parts of plants. At harvesting granary mites are recorded from fields on warehouses where they damage a grain, a meal, etc. foodstuffs.
  • AMBARNYE MELONWORMS, butterflies of a set of melonworms. Pests (caterpillars, especially mill, grain and flour) grains and zernoproduktov. Are distributed widely.
  • GRANARY WEEVIL, the bug of a set of weevils. A grain pest and zernoproduktov. It is distributed widely. Length of 2,2-3,7 mm, dark brown.
  • AMBARTSUMOV Eugeny Arshakovich (r. 1929), the Russian statesman, the politologist. In 1973-91 head of a department of Institute of economy of world system of socialism AN the USSR. In 1990-93 deputy of a Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. C 1995 salting in Mexico.
  • AMBARTSUMJAN Victor Amazaspovich (1908-96), astrophysicses, the academician (1943) and the president (in 1947-93) AN Armenia, academician AN the USSR (1953), doubly the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1968, 1978). The founder and director Bjurakanskoj of an astrophysical observatory (1946). One of founders of a theoretical astrophysics. Transactionses on a cosmogony of asters and galaxies, a stellar dynamics, transient{non-stationary} asters, gas fogs. Has discovered (1947) and probeed sidereal systems of new type (sidereal associations). The state premium of the USSR (1946, 1950). A golden medal him{it}. Lomonosov AN the USSR (1971). The state premium of the Russian Federation (1995).
  • AMBARTSUMJAN Ruben Sergeevich (1911-71), fizikohimik and metalloved, corresponding member AN the USSR (1966). Has created new corrosion-resistant structural alloys, methods of protection of metals from corrosion. The lenin premium (1960), the State premium of the USSR (1949, 1953).
  • AMBIVALENCE (from an armour. ambo - both and valentia - force), duplicity of experience when the same object invokes{produces} simultaneously counter feelings in the person, napr. Love and hatred, pleasure and displeasure; one of feelings sometimes exposs to replacement{expulsion} and is masked other. The term is entered by E.Blejlerom.
  • AMBIOPHONIC SYSTEM (from an armour. ambi - circle, around and grech. phone - a note), set{combination} of electro-acoustic devices (microphones, boosters, reverberators, speakers), used in theatrical, concert, etc. halls for maintenance of good audibility and volumetric sounding in any point of a hall, and also building of acoustic effects.
  • AMBIPOLAR DIFFUSION, simultaneous conveyance in the ionized medium (napr., plasma) charged particles of both marks, napr. Electrons and positively ionized atoms in a direction of incidence{dip} of their concentration.
  • AMBISTOMY, a set caundal amphibian. Length from 8 up to 30 see 4 stems, 35 kinds{views}, in the Sowing. To America. Dwell{live} in the wet places; eggs put aside in water. A larva - an axolotl. 5 kinds{views} in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources.
  • AMBITION (from an armour. ambitio), ambition, the vanity, the tightened self-love, self-conceit; arrogance.
  • AMBLIGONIT, a mineral of a class of phosphates, LiAl [PO4] (F, OH). Contains variable quantity F and OH, sometimes Í2Î; impurity{additives} Na, V. White, sometimes svetlookrashennye, macrocrystalline units. Hardness 6-6,5; firmness ok. 3 g / sm3. Pegmatitic cable cores, albitizirovannye granites.
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