e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • AUTOPOLYPLOIDY (from avto... And a polyploidy), a hereditary variation consisting in aliquot increase of figure of sets of chromosomes in cells of plants, less often animal the same kind{view}. On the basis of a synthetic autopolyploidy new forms and grades of a buckwheat are received{obtained}, neigh, sugar-beet, etc.
  • SELF-PORTRAIT (from avto... And a portrait), the portrait of the artist plump by him{it}. In a self-portrait the artist expresses the self-consciousness, an assessment{evaluation} of the natural personality and creative principles.
  • AUTOMATIC POSITION PLOTTER, the device, automatically charting a vessel on a navigational chart on the basis of indications{readings} of a gyrocompass and data about covered distance. Earlier an automatic position plotter called as an odograph.
  • AUTORADIOGRAPHY (from avto... And a radiography), a method of registration rasprelenija radoactive substances in object. The film with a sensing emulsion to a radioactive radiation is imposed on a surface (cut). Radoactive substances as though themselves photograph (from here the title). Places of a blackening on a film after a development correspond{meet} to localization of hot particles. It is used in biology, medicine, technique.
  • The AUTOABSTRACT (from avto... And the abstract), run-down by the writer of the content of the scientific product{creation}, activity.
  • The AUTHORIZED TRANSFER{TRANSLATION}, the transfer{translation} approved by the writer of a first copy.
  • AUTHORITARIANISM (from an armour. auctoritas - an authority), system of an authority, characteristic for anti-democratic political modes. Routinely combines{blends} with personal dictatorship. The Asian tyrannies concern to historical forms of authoritarianism, tyrannical and absoljutistskie forms of government of an antiquity, a Middle Ages and new time, military - police and fascist modes, different versions of a totalitarianism.
  • AUTHORITY (from an armour. auctoritas - an authority, influence), in a broad sense - the conventional influence of a face or organization in different orbs of public life, founded on knowledge, moral dignities, experience; in fine-bored - one of forms of implementation of an authority.
  • The SIGNATURE, unit of volume of a literary work, is peer to 40 thousand printed characters, or 700 lines of a poetic material, or 3 thousand in sm2 of a stamped actuarial material.
  • The COPYRIGHT, the section of a civic right regulating attitudes{relations}, the bound with building and use (the issuing, performance{fulfillment}, etc.) products{creations} of science, the literature and the art, the expressed in oral, written or other objective form conceding their reproduction. The copyright is distributed to products{creations} both exhausted, and not issued. It is adjusted{regulated} by the national law and international conventions on guarding{preservation} copyrights. Copyrights fall into to figure of objects of intellectual property.
  • GYROPILOT (gyropilot), a navigation device for automatic deduction of a vessel on a selected heading. Action of a gyropilot is based on automatic closing of a steering mechanism at deviation{rejection} of a vessel from a course. The gyropilot works in combination to a gyrocompass or other course indicators.
  • AVTORHANOV Abdurahman Genazovich (1908-97), the Russian historian and the writer. Up to 1943 in the USSR (in 1937 it is repressed), then the Sowing is deported with occupied a german troops. Caucasus to Germany where has remained after war. Transactionses about totalitarian system in the USSR - " the History of personality cult in the USSR " (a course of lectures via radio), " Technology of an authority " (1959, it is published in Russia 1991), " the Riddle of mors of Stalin (plot Berii) " (1976, is published in Russia 1992); " Empire of the Kremlin. The Soviet phylum of a colonialism " (1988, Vilnius, 1990); "Memoirs" (1983).
  • MOTOR SHOW, exhibition (or its{her} section) for demonstrating new models of automobiles{cars}.
  • AUTOMATIC RELEASE, in a photo - the device ensuring an automatic operation of a gate of the camera through 10-15 with ambassador of his{its} inclusion.
  • AUTOMATIC STOP (from avto... And English stop - a shut-down), the device (electrical, mechanic) for an automatic braking of a train at the approach to a line signal forbidding motion.
  • TRAFFIC WAY (ital. autostrada) (motoring-highway), a highway, routinely major expansion and high throughput, with a middle strip for a uncoupling of the counter traffic streams, not having traverses flush with other ways. It is intended for a mass high-speed vehicular traffic.
  • AUTOSTRIPS, see. Strips.
  • AUTOMATIC COUPLER, the device for an automatic clutch (at impact or pressing) locomotives and rail cars with a manual declutching.
  • AUTOTYPE (from avto... And grech. typos - an impress, the form), 1) a mechanical process of manufacturing of printed forms with relief printing areas. It is applied to reproduction of half-tone images (pictures, pasteless drawings, etc.) by a means of a relief printing. 2) the Reprint with raster (see. A screen) a wood block.
  • FISSION (from avto... And grech. tome - blocking off) (autotomy), ability some animal at a sharp irritation spontaneously to reject{jettison} parts of the body (actinia reject{jettison} feelers, cancers - a claw, the lizard - a tail). The lost parts of a body are routinely recovered{restored}.
  • AUTOTRANSFORMER, the electrical transformer with one winding having of a little bit{some} breedings for connection to the ac source and to a load. Potent autotransformers are applied to communication{connection} of the electrical networks{grids} having close values of pressure{voltage;stresses}, low-powered adjustable - in laboratory practice.
  • AUTOTROPHIC PLANTS (from avto... And grech. trophe - nutrition, a feed) (autotrophic organisms), the organisms synthesising from inorganic matters (primarily waters, carbon dioxide, inorganic compounds of nitrogen) all organic substances necessary for life, using power of a photosynthesis (all green plants - fototrofy) or a chemosynthesis (some bacteria - hemotrofy). Autotrophic plants, the main{basic} producers of an organic substance in ecumene, ensure existence of all of other organisms. Compare. Heterotrophs.
  • The PHASE STABILITY (phase resistance), consists in a volume, that on the average for major group of accelerated particles of high energy (because of relation of period between consequent speedups from total energy particles) the synchronism (resonance) between motion of particles and a gearing up electric field is automatically sustained.
  • AVTOHORIJA (from avto... And grech. choreo - I advance), distribution{propagation} of seeds and spores of plants with the help of adaptations of the plant, without sharing{participation} a wind, animal, etc. external agents (napr., for a bean the pod) bursts.
  • AUTOCHTON (from grech. autochthon - aboriginal, native born), in geology - the part of the wrinkled structure which have stayed at-sight at education of overthrust sheets, - in contrast allohtonu.
  • AUTOCHTHONOUS ROCK, breed, which initial stock has arisen at-sight its{her} educations (napr., mineral coal).
  • AUTOCHTONS (natives), in biology - kinds{views} (stems), sets of organisms which from time of the becoming dwell{live} in the given district. Napr., a duckbill platypus - an autochton of Australia, a feral{natural} potato - autochton JUzh. America. Compare. Allohtony.
  • FIELD EMISSION (tunnel emission, autoelectronic emission), emitting of electrons by a surface of solids and liquids under action of the strong electric field; it is stipulated by a tunnel effect.
  • ASSETS (frants. avoir, characters. - property), 1) assets (money resources, check plots, bills, transfers{translations}, letters of credit) at the expense of which payments are effected and are repaid obligations. 2) the Means of bank in a foreign exchange on his{its} accounts{invoices} in foreign banks. 3) Contributions of private persons and organizations to banks.
  • AVUDIM Tenedossky (mind{wit}. nach. 4 century), the Christian martyr; it come with about. Tenedos in Aegean sea; has suffered in persecution of emperor Diokletiana. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 15 (28).
  • AVUNDY Roman (mind{wit}. 258), the Christian martyr damaged in persecution of emperor Valeriana. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 13 (26).
  • AVUNKULAT (from an armour. avunculus - the uncle on mother), the custom establishing{setting} the rights and the obligations between the uncle from the parent party and nephews. Saves communication{connection} of children with it come from mother in epoch of patriarchy. It is known for many ancient and as a vestige for some modern peoples.
  • AVTSYN Alexander Pavlovich (1908-93), the Russian pathologist and the physiologist, academician AMN the USSR (1965). With 1961 - the director of Institute of structural botany of person AMN the USSR. Transactionses on histopathology of nervous system, a pathological anatomy of contagions, tsitopatologii. Basic activities on t. n. A geographycal pathology (see. Medical geography). Experimentally has shown in 1960 influence of hormones on development of some tumours of a brain. Has described one of attributes of a sapropyra - availability of a conjunctival crop.
  • AGA, anurous amphibian sets of toads. Length up to 25 see In JUzh. And Center. To America aga cultivate on plantations of a cane for extermination of insects. Secretions of dermal glands are toxicant (strelnyj a poison).
  • AGA (the turki. - mister), an officer title in Ottoman empire. In the modern turkish village - the prosperous peasant.
  • AGA MOHAMMED-KHAN KADZHAR (1742-97), a check of Iran with 1796, the founder of dynasty Kadzharov.
  • AGABABJAN Grigory Gareginovich (1911-77), the Armenian architect, the honored worker of arts of Armenia (1961). The central covered market (1952), B.Razdansky the bridge (1956) and road service station (1961) in Yerevan.
  • AGAVES (1 century), the Christian prophet mentioned in Particular acts of apostles (11:28, 21:10-11); apostle from 70-òè, the martyr damaged, under the legend, in Antioch. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on January, 4 (17) and on April, 8 (21).
  • AGAVE, stem of perennial plants of a set agavovyh. St. 300 kinds{views}, from the south the USA up to boreal ranges JUzh. America, but especially in Mexico. Time in life blossom, derivating a peduncule in length up to 12 m with many flowers (up to 17 thousand) then disappear. Some kinds{views} cultivate in tropics for obtaining a fiber{filament} (t. n. A sisal), in Mexico from sweet juice of an agave plot an alcoholic beverage to a pulque. Many kinds{views} cultivate as ornamental plants.
  • AGAVE, in the Grecian mythology daughter Kadma and Harmonies, sister Semely. Has refused to believe that Dionis the god, for what have been punished by a folly. Together with vakhankami during an orgy has broken off on a part a body of son Penfeja.
  • AGAVVA (Avvas) Ismailtjanin, Syrian (5 century), the Christian outlet box - pustynnozhitel, podvizalsja in Syrian desert; the pupil Saint Evsevija Syrian. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on November, 22 (on December, 5).
  • AGAVSKIE TONGUES, see. Kushitskie tongues.
  • AGADZHANOV Paul Artemjevich (r. 1923), the Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1984). The main{basic} transactionses on technological problems of data support. The lenin premium (1957).
  • AGADZHANJAN Stepan Meliksetovich (1863-1940), the Armenian painter, the national artist of Armenia (1938). Psychologic portraits ("Uncle Sedrak", a self-portrait - both 1926).
  • AGADZHARI, a gazokondesatno-oil deposit, one of the largest in Iran, within the limits of Persian gulf oil-and-gas-bearing basin. It is open{discovered} in 1938. Beginning inventories of petroleum 1,3 billion t, gas 263 billion in m3. Firmness of petroleum of 0,85 g / sm3, content S of 1,42 %.
  • AGADIR, city and port to Morocco, an administrative centre prov. Agadir. 700 thousand inhabitants (1987). An international airport. Fish canning and a cement industry. Center of tourism and leisure time activities. It is based in 16 century.
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