e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • AKTUARIUS, in Russia 18 century the clerk in the official bodies, recording certificates{acts} or their amounting.
  • CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION, the facts legal (a birth, mors, the conclusion and divorcing, vicissitude of a name, a patronymic and a surname) which registration in statutory organs (in the mayoralty, registry offices, etc.) are subject.
  • AKTYUBINSK (up to 1891 Aktjube), city in Kazakhstan, the centre of the Aktyubinsk region, on r. Ilek. A depot. 267 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: ferro-alloies, chromium connections, an agricultural machine industry, rentgenoapparatury, etc.; software "Aktjubinskhimplastmass". Mild, a food-processing industry. 3 high schools, theatre. 2 museums. It is based in 1869.
  • The AKTYUBINSK RANGE, in Kazakhstan. 298,7 thousand êì2. The population of 753 thousand person (1991), urban 54 %. 7 cities, 3 urban settlements (1991). Adm. ts. - Aktyubinsk.
  • The AKTYUBINSK OPERATION, see. The Orsko-Aktyubinsk operation.
  • AKTYUBINSK FOSFORITONOSNYJ BASIN, in Kazakhstan. The area of 25-30 thousand êì2. Basically of 3 large deposits (main - CHilisajskoe). One layer sedimental zhelvakovyh phosphorites (power 0,6-1,0 ì). Common stocks 700 million t. Content P2O5 in ore of 9-11 %.
  • AKULINA IVANOVNA, a name of three t. n. "Mothers of God" in sect of whips.
  • AKULICHEV Victor Anatoljevich (r. 1939), Russian a geophysics, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1990). The main{basic} transactionses on mechanics of heterogenous mediums and geophysics of undular processes.
  • AKULOV Nikolay Sergeevich (1900-76), Byelorussian physics, academician AN of Belarus (1940). Transactionses under the theory of a ferromagnetism, a magnetic flaw detection, etc. The State premium of the USSR (1941).
  • SHARKS, superorder plastinozhabernyh fishes. Length from 0,2 m (a black acanthous shark) up to 20 m (basking shark). 21 set, ok. 250 kinds{views}. Are distributed widely, primarily in tropical seas. Ok. 10 kinds{views} (including a colewort), in Black, Barentsevom, Baltic and Far East seas. Object of a craft (meat use in I peep, from a liver receive a fish oil, from a skeleton - glue). Large sharks are hazardous to the person.
  • AKUNDINOV Timotheus (1617-53), the Russian poet. The representative of Russian Baroque, the poet t. n. " prikaznoj schools ". CHetvertovan in Moscow as the impostor.
  • ACUPUNCTURE (from an armour. acus - a needle and punctura - an injection) (acupuncture, a stylostixis), a method of reflex treatment (see. A reflexotherapy) many nervous, allergic, etc. diseases by injections (special needles) in fixed points of a body. Exists{breathes} ok. 5000 flying, goes back to the Chinese national medicine.
  • SOUNDMAN (from grech. akustikos - acoustical), in a broad sense - the section of physics probing elastic waves from the low frequencies up to highest (1012 - 1013 Hz); in fine-bored sense - the doctrine about a note. General and theoretical soundman their interactions with medium are engaged in study of regularities of radiance and distribution{propagation} of elastic waves in different mediums, and also. Soundmen concern to sections electroacoustics, an architectural acoustics and building soundman, an aero-acoustics, a geoacoustics, the sonarman, physics and technique of ultrasonic sound, psychologic and physiological soundman, the musical of soundman.
  • The ACOUSTIC CHARGE, the gear effecting sound waves very{very much} of low frequency, capable to collapse load-carrying structures of buildings; in the person invokes{produces} the strongest nausea. Renders relaxing influence on a digestive tract, stimulates an internal ear and upsets a coordination of motions, a herpes of the person of ability to stand on legs.
  • ACOUSTIC TRAUMA, the damage of an acoustic organ called by action of a note of major intensity or duration; results in drop of ear.
  • ACOUSTIC WIND (acoustic streaming), regular flow of medium (a liquid, gas), generatrix in a sound field of major intensity. At sound intensity ok. 100 W / sm2 speed of an acoustic wind in water can compound{make} tens sm / seconds.
  • The SOUND RANGER, the hydroacoustic device for definition of distances up to submerged objects. Action of the sound ranger is based on definition of time which expends a ultrasonic signal radiated by him{it} on transit of distance up to object and back.
  • ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE, complex impedance which represents attitude{relation} of complex amplitude of a noise load to voltage of volumetric vibratory speed. It is introduced by consideration of oscillations of a speaker system (radiators, horns, pipes, etc.).
  • ACOUSTIC INSTITUTE him{it}. N.N.Andreeva of Russian Academy of Science (AKIN), is built in 1953 in Moscow. Theoretical and experimental researches in range soundmen, ultrasonic sound, etc.
  • ACOUSTIC LOGGING, method of geophysical investigations in chinks, founded on study of acoustic properties of rocks (rates of propagation and decay of elastic waves), crossed by a chink.
  • ACOUSTO-OPTICS, section soundmen in which interaction of optical waves with sound waves in solid is studied and fluid bodies on the basis of that there are different devices.
  • ACOUSTOELECTRIC EFFECT, originating of a permanent electric field in metals and semiconductors at distribution{propagation} to them of ultrasonic sound or a hypersound. The field is directed along a wave direction. The acoustoelectric effect is connected excitedly charge carriers by a sound wave.
  • ACOUSTOELECTRONICS, section of science and technique on the joint soundmen of a solid, physics of semiconductors and radio electronicses. Studies problems of intensifying and generation of elastic waves at interaction last with charge carriers during their distribution{propagation} to semiconductors, transformations{conversions} and machining of radio signals by acoustic methods, and also building of the conforming devices.
  • AKUTAGAVA Rjunoske (1892-1927), the Japanese writer. "Mysteriousness", unpredictability of human consciousness - in short stories - parables (not without influence estetizma) "Rasemon" (1915), " In a thicket " (1922); tragical conflicts of duties of goods in the world of social evil - in psychologic short stories "Autumn" (1920), "Cold" (1924). Social - fancy allegory " In country water " (1927). Loneliness of the person, his{its} impotence before time, a history - in a final story - confession " Life of the idiot " (1927).
  • AKUTAGAVA JAsusi (1925-89), the Japanese composer. Operas " Dark mirror " (1960), " Orfej in Hiroshima " (1967), ballets of " the Dream of lake " (1950), " Lost paradise " (1951), the Triptych for a string band, etc.
  • AKUTION (Akuty, Akusty) Puteolsky (mind{wit}. ok. 305), the Christian martyr damaged in persecution of emperor Diokletiana. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on April, 21 (on May, 4).
  • The MIDWIFE (from frants. accoucher - to help at stems), the medical officer with the mean professional education, having the right self-contained to assist pregnant and to parturient women.
  • OBSTETRICS, the most ancient, alongside with therapy and surgery, a medical trade and range of clinical medicine (and also a veterinary science), investigator the bound with pregnancy and stems processes in an organism of woman and a fruit, a pathology of this season{term} and treatment-and-prophylactic measures (an obstetrics - with reference to agricultural animal). The scientific obstetrics develops from 17-18 centuries in connection with successes of anatomy, an embryology, physiology and clinical medicine. The modern obstetrics and gynecology compound{make} unified discipline.
  • ACCELERATION, the same, that an acceleration.
  • ACCENT (from an armour. accentus - shocking), 1) see. Shocking. 2) the Features of a pronunciation which are inherent speaking not on the native language. 3) the Mark by which shocking is marked. 4) In music - secretion, underlining of a note or a chord by his{its} dynamic intensifying or increase of duration, changeover of harmony, tone, a direction of melodic motion and so forth.
  • ACCENT VERSE (striker), ground form clean - tonic stihoslozhenija; a verse with approximately settled quantity of shocking in a line and the arbitrary quantity of shock-free syllables between them. In Russian literary poetry it is common with nach. 20 century (V.V.Majakovsky, etc.). Compare. Raeshnyj a verse.
  • AKTSENTOLOGIJA (from an armour. accentus - shocking and... logija), the section of linguistics investigator a nature and functions of shocking.
  • The ACCEPTANCE (from an armour. acceptus - adopted), 1) in a civic right - the consent to conclude the agreement on the conditions indicated in the proposal (offer). 2) One of forms of clearing settlements between organizations.
  • ACCEPTANCE CREDITS, the external trade credits granted by banks the form of the acceptance of bills of exchange (drafts), put out on banks their clients.
  • ACCEPTOR (from an armour. acceptor - accepting) in semiconductors, foreign atom which can "seize{catch}" electrons from a valence band for donors, derivating thus the vacant electron sites participating in electric conductivity (an example of an acceptor - atom Ga in crystal Ge).
  • AKTSEPTUATSIJA (from an armour. acceptare - to accept, approve; to suppose, suffer), 1) making contract according to the proposal other ñòîðîíû.2) the Obligation to pay the presented account{invoice}, the bill in the agreed time 3) the Consent of bank to guarantee payment indicated in the bill or the account{invoice} of the sum.
  • AKTSESSIONNYJ the AGREEMENT (from an armour. accessio - apposition), the agreement for apposition of the state to the agreement earlier encased between other states.
  • ACCESSORY MINERALS (from medieval an armour. accessorius - additive), the minerals included in rocks in very trace amounts (<1 %), but being their objective part; on character of accessory minerals the alliance and an origin of rocks can be established{installed}.
  • JOBBING WORKS, in Russia 1-st floor. 18 century incomes prikaznyh and the office officers who were not receiving the salaries, from a voluntary rate chelobitchikov. Are forbidden to government with introduction of the salaries.
  • JOBBING WORK (jobbing panel), polygraphic reproduction of small forms (forms, certificates, labels, letters, etc.), posters, posters, etc.
  • JOBBING WORK (from an armour. accidentia - an event), the philosophical term meaning random, transitory, unessential property.
  • The EXCISE (frants. accise), a kind{view} of an indirect tax, predominary for mass consumption, and also service. It is actuated in the price of the goods or fares for services. The important source of incomes of a public finance.
  • SHARES, headland for escaping Artskogo a hall. In Ionicheskom m. In 31 up to n. e. During a civil war in Rome for the Share of fleets Oktaviana has divided fleet of Anthony and Kleopatry.
  • SHARES (Accius) Lutsy (170 up to n. e. - after 90 up to n. e.), the Roman playwright and the philologist. The bloom of Roman scenic tragedy is connected to a name the Share. St. 40 tragedies on the Grecian scenes; "Brut", "Eneady" - on themes of a Roman history.
  • The SHAREHOLDER, the natural or legal face, holding shares the given joint-stock company.
  • JOINT-STOCK KOMMANDITA, in civil and the commercial law - the kind{view} of company bridging elements of joint-stock company and limited partnership. The part of participants (investors) answers for obligations joint-stock kommandity all property, and a part (shareholders) only within the limits of the contribution.
  • JOINT-STOCK COMPANY, in civil and the commercial law - the kind{view} of company, which authorized capital separate into fixed figure of shares of an equal nominal value. It is recognized as the legal person and answers for obligations within the limits of inhering to him property. The responsibility of each shareholder is limited to cost of his{its} shares. The law of the Russian Federation from December, 25 1990 " About the enterprises and enterprise activity ", determining joint-stock company as associations of citizens and (or) legal persons for joint economic activities, sections them into inset-type joint-stock companies (the authorized capital will be derivated only at the expense of contributions (shares) of founders) and open joint-stock companies (stock trading implements in the form of the open subscription).
  • The SHARE CAPITAL, fixed capital of joint-stock company, which dimension is determined by his{its} charter. It will be derivated at the expense of share issue.
  • The SHARE (from an armour. actio), action, the performance{statement} undertaken for achievement of any purpose (napr., political action, diplomatic action).
  • The SHARE (from niderl. aktie, a nem. Aktie), the securities indicative of entering of the share in the capital of joint-stock company. Gives its{her} master the right on obtaining of a part arrived in the form of the dividend, on a participation in the management affairs of joint-stock company, etc.
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