e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • AXON (from grech. axon - a shaft) (a neurite, the axial cylinder), the process of a nervous cell (neurone) conductive nervous impulses from a body of a cell to innerviruemym to organs or other nervous cells. Bunches of axons will derivate nerves. Compare. A dendrite.
  • AXONOMETRY (from grech. axon - a shaft and... metrija), a way of the plotting of subjects on the drawing through the parallel projections, consisting in a volume, that the subject is figured on a plane together with a space system of coordinates to which he is referred, and his{its} projection to one of coordinate planes.
  • AKSTAFA, city (with 1941) in Azerbaijan, in a valley of the Hen. A depot. 10,2 thousand inhabitants (1991). A cotton-mill, vinodelcheskie the enterprises.
  • AKSTAFA (Agstev), the river in Armenia and Azerbaijan, dextral in-leak{influx} of the Hen. 121 kms, the area of basin of 2,5 thousand êì2. It is used for an irrigation.
  • AKSU, the river in Kazakhstan. 316 kms, the area of basin 5040 êì2. Runs into an eskar. Balkhash. It is used for an irrigation.
  • AKSUMSKOE the KINGDOM, the ancient state (2-11 centuries) predominary on terrains of the modern Ethiopia, the title on main city Aksum.
  • AK-SUU (up to 1985 settlements. May Day), city in Kirghizia. Depot (Belovodskaja). 9,5 thousand inhabitants (1991). Alimentary, a building materials an industry. It is based in 1939.
  • The CERTIFICATE{ACT} (from an armour. actus - action, actum - the document), 1) an act, action. 2) the Diploma. The deed, is emited by a state organ, the official within the limits of their competence of the statutory form (the law, the decree, the decree, etc.). 3) the Concluded part of drama product{creation} or theatrical submission. The same, that action.
  • The CERTIFICATE{ACT} (a nem. Akt), in fine arts the plotting of an exposed human figure; the same, that a nu.
  • The CERTIFICATE{ACT} AND POTENCY (a real and a capability), the grades of philosophy Aristotelja perceived by thomism; the certificate{act} (power) - active implementation something, a potency ("djunamis") - force, ability to such implementation; were considered the same as the form and a matter. " The clear certificate{act} ", i.e. a real keeping full implementation of all capabilities, - "mind{wit}" (nus), in scholasticism - the god.
  • AKTASH, city (with 1967) in Uzbekistan, the Samarkand region. Depot (Zirabulak). 30 thousand inhabitants (1991). Hlopkoochistitelnyj, dairy - cheese-making factories.
  • AKTASH, a urban settlement in the Russian Federation, Mountain Altai, 3,6 thousand inhabitants (1989). Production of mercury. Timber loggings; a wood raw reprocessing.
  • AKTG, the reduced title of a corticotropin.
  • The CERTIFICATE{ACT} (Achte) Emmi (1850-1924), the Finnish singer (soprano), the teacher. Solistka opera theatre in Helsinki, the chief of natural opera troupe (1891-1922).
  • The CERTIFICATE - JALANDER (Ackte-Jalander) Ajno (1876-1944), the Finnish singer (a drama soprano). Solistka opera theatres of Paris, New York, the London. The certificate - JAlander one of osnovatelej (1911) opera theatres in Helsinki (with 1914 " the Finnish opera ").
  • ASSET (from an armour. activus - active), 1) the most active part of any organization, collective. 2) One of the parties of balance accounting; shows structure, disposition and draft on funds which are assorted to an attribute of their functional role in an economy.
  • ACTIVATION ANALYSIS (radioactivation analysis), method of a quality and quantitative ultimate analysis of substance, founded on probe of a radioactive radiation of the nuclides derivated under influence of neutron flux, protons, g - quanta, etc.
  • ACTIVATED COMPLEX, in chemistry - the same, that a transient state.
  • ABSORBITE, the same, that active charcoal.
  • The ACTIVE ZONE in a nuclear reactor, the space in which as a result of chain reaction of division of nucleus of heavy elements (U, Pu) it is secreted a nuclear energy (predominary by the way heat).
  • ACTIVE DESIGN, syntactical design in which the subject of action expresses subject at a transient verb in the true (active) lien, and object of action - a direct object to the same verb, napr. " The boy reads the book ".
  • ACTIVE POWER, mean for the season{term} value of ac power; defines an average speed of transformation{conversion} of an electromagnetic energy and in other forms (thermal, mechanic, light, etc.). It is measured in watts. For a harmonic current it is peer to product{creation} of the operational (efficient) values of current I and pressure{voltage;stresses} U on a cosine of phase angle between them: P = IUcos.
  • ACTIVE MEDIUIM, substance, in which distribution of particles (atoms, ions, molecules) on energy state is not equilibrium (see. Boltsmana distribution), and even for one pair{vapour;couple} of levels of power exists{breathes} inversion of densities of population.
  • The IMPULSE TURBINE, the turbine in which potential energy of a propulsive mass (gas, fallow, a liquid) will be converted to kinetic in fixed channels (nozzles), and on rotor bladings descends only metamorphosis{transformation} of a motive energy into mechanic activity.
  • The ACTIVE ELECTIVE FRANCHISE, the right of citizens to participate in elections of the chief of state and representative bodies of an authority (parliament, municipality, etc.). In the Russian Federation it is granted all citizens who have reached{achieved} 18 flying (behind eliminations, foreseen the constitutional law). See also the Passive elective franchise.
  • PURE RESISTANCE, the value defining resistance of an electric circuit (or its{her} plot) to a current flow, stipulated by irreciprocal metamorphosises{transformations} of electrical power into other forms (predominary in thermal). It is measured in ohms.
  • SOURCE ACTIVITY (in a nuclear physics), figure of disintegrations of radioactive nucleus in unit of time. Activity units - becquerel (1 Bk = 1 disintegration / c) and curie (1 Ki = 3,7.10-10 Bk).
  • ACTIVITY THERMODYNAMIC, the value, permitting to represent in convenient for practical use to the form a concentration dependence of chemical potential of components of a substantial solution. With the help of this value it is possible to apply the thermodynamic relation relating a regular solution to a substantial solution if to substitute in them concentration activities. Attitude{relation} of thermodynamic activity of a component to his{its} concentration calls as an activity coefficient.
  • REACTIVE DYE, the organic dye which are generatrix a strong chemical bond with a fiber{filament}. On chemical grading - predominary monoazo dye and their metal complexes, anthraquinone and ftalotsianinovye dyes. Are applied to a staining of cellulose fibers, a wool, natural silk, less often - polyamide fibers. Colour are resistant against washing, abrasion, a dry-cleaner.
  • ACTIVE ACCOUNTS, the main accounts of book keeping reflecting a condition and motion of separate kinds{views} of a means (the main{basic} and turnaround) economies.
  • ACTIVE CHARCOAL (absorbite), the cellular body received from minerals or wood charcoals by removal of resinous matters, and also a charring of polymers. Use as adsorbent in breathing masks, a vacuum technology, medicine and as the carrier of catalysts.
  • The ACTIVE LEG, in astronautics - a flight segment of a missile or a space vehicle with running engines. On the active leg mission control of a missile (space vehicle) implements.
  • ACTIVE CENTER, in enzymology - a plot in molecules of the ferments, directly interacting to substrate. The structure of an active center includes functional groups of amino asids (a histidine, cysteine, serine, etc.), and also in many events atoms of metals and coenzymes. In an immunology - a plot of a molecule of the anti-body, contacting an antigen.
  • The ACTIN, protein, which fibrillar form will derivate with a miosin the main{basic} sokratitelnyj an element of muscles - an actomyosin.
  • ACTINIDIA, stem of lianes of a set aktinidievyh, a fruit crop. Ok. 40 kinds{views}, in Asia. Cultivate basically an actinidia kolomiktu (the amurense gooseberry). From edible fruits (it is a lot of vitamin C) - jam, "raisin". An actinidia ostrozubchataja - an ornamental plant.
  • ACTINIDES, the same, that actinoids.
  • ACTINIA (marine anemones), order of marine Coelenterata of a class of coral polyps. Ok. 1500 kinds{views}. The dimensions from several millimeters up to 1,5 m. The solitary polyps, denuded a skeleton; feelers with nettle cells. Primarily in tropical and subtropical seas. Some actinia - symbiotes of cancerous - hermits.
  • ACTINIUM (an armour. Actinium), Ac, a chemical element of III group of a periodic system, atomic number 89, atomic weight 227,0278. It is radioactive, most stable isotope 227Ac (a half - life 21,8 years). The title from Grecian aktis - a ray. Siver-white metal, tïë ok. 1050 °C. Meets in a nature in ores of uranium and thorium. A mix 227Ac and 9Be - a neutron-source.
  • ACTINISM, in a photo - an emissive ability to render photographic action on a light-sensitive medium.
  • AKTINO... (from grech. aktis, a stem. Item aktinos - a ray), the part of the composite words conforming on value to words "radiative", "radial" (napr., actinomorphous), to a word-combination "radiant energy" (napr., an actinometry).
  • AKTINOBATSILLEZ, a chronic illness animal, rarely the person, called by actinomyces. Symptoms: abscesses in mild tissues of a head, a neck and in lymph nodes.
  • ACTINOIDS (actinides), set from 14 chemical radioelements (metals), atomic numbers 90-103. Fall into to III group of a periodic system in which follow an actinium. Are close on a structure of electronic shells of atoms and chemical properties. All isotopes of actinoids are radioactive; the majority of them is received{obtained} artificially as a result of nuclear reactions. The actinoids located after uranium, fall into to transuranic elements.
  • ACTINOMETER (from aktino... And... Meter), a gauge meter of intensity of a direct sunshine (radiance) on an intensity of temperature absorptive radiation zachernennoj surfaces.
  • ACTINOMYCOSIS, chronic illness animal, less often than the person, called by actinomyces. Symptoms: purulent tumours - granulomas in any organs and tissues.
  • ACTINOMYCES, the order of the bacteria which are generatrix branching cells, or a hypha. To aktinimitsetam attribute naturally actinomyces, mycobacteria, streptomitsety, etc., all ok. 700 kinds{views}. Are distributed in soil, water reservoirs, in air and on plant residues; some - parasites animal, the person (invoke{produce} diseases - an actinomycosis, a tuberculosis, a diphtheria and so forth) and plants. The kinds{views} which are generatrix antibiotics (primarily streptomitsety), pigments, vitamins, etc., are used in a microbiological industry.
  • AKTUALIZM, a comparative-historical method in geology according to which, studying the modern geological processes, it is possible to judge analogous processes of the remote past. It is applied with allowance for a course of development of the Earth and changed geologic conditions{situation}. As a scientific principle aktualizm put forward{introduced} in 1-st floor. 19 century the English geologist C.Lajelem.
  • ACTUAL DIVISION of the PROPOSAL, semantic partitioning of the proposal at which are secreted known, given (the basis{fundamentals}, a theme), that intercommunicates about given, new (a nucleus, rema) and (some scientists) elements of transition. Expresses a word order, intonation, etc. a means; it is contrasted a formal analysis{disassembly} of the proposal on sentence parts.
  • URGENCY (from pozdnelat. actualis - actually existing, true, the modern), importance, significance something for the true moment, a modernity, topical character.
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