e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • ALLITERATSIONNYJ the VERSE, a clean - tonic verse Anglo-Saxon, drevneverhnenemetskoj and staroislandskoj poetry (8-13 centuries): more often a verse from 2 polustishy, on 2 shocking in each, both words 1-st and one of words of 2-nd polustishija are connected by alliteration of initial notes. Similar organization alliteratsionnogo a verse is distributed in Turkic tongues.
  • ALLITERATION (from an armour. ad - to, at and littera - the character), repetition uniform{homogeneous} agree, attaching to the literary text, routinely a verse, special acoustical and intonational expressiveness. Napr., " the Rushing of foamy{scummy;spumous} wine glasses and punch plamen light-blue " (A.S.Pushkin).
  • ALLIJA (Allia), the river in Italy, in-leak{influx} of Tiber. On Allii 18.7.390 (or 387) up to n. e. Cecidiums have divided Roman army and have plundered Rome. 18.7 was considered in Other. Rome in the unhappy afternoon.
  • HELLO... (from grech. allos - other), a part of the composite words meaning: "other", "other" (napr., allotropy).
  • ALLOBROGI, the Celtic nation, pokorennoe Romans in 121 up to n. e.
  • The ALODIUM (a nem. Allod, frankskoe alodis, from al - full and od - possession), for the German nations and in rannefeodalnyh the states Zap. Europe loosely alienable individually - family land property. With development of feudal attitudes{relations} the large part of small-sized alodiums turned into dependent country derzhanija, alodiums of large and mean landowners - in benefices and feods. As a vestige the alodial property existed{breathed} and at developed feudalism.
  • ALLOPATHY (from hello... And... patija), the term offered the founder of a homeopathy of S.Ganemanom for notation of not homeopathic methods of treatment.
  • ALLOPATRIC SPECIES FORMATION (from hello... And grech. patris - Rhodinum), a way of a species formation during evolution at which novel species of organisms conduct the beginning from affine groups with not blocked{bridged} (isolated) area. So, on miscellaneous islands from group Galapagosskih there were different kinds{views} of bramblings.
  • ALLOPOLIPLOIDIJA (from hello... And a polyploidy), a hereditary variation in cells of plants, less often animal, consisting in aliquot increase of figure of sets of chromosomes at interspecific or a bigeneric crossing. Meets in a nature and can be received{obtained} teleologically (rye-wheat, kapustno-redechnye hybrids). Has the important value during a species formation for plants.
  • ALLOTROPY (from hello... And grech. tropos - turning movement, property), existence of chemical elements by the way two or more simple substances. Can be stipulated by education of molecules with different figure of atoms (napr., oxygen O2 and ozone O3) or crystals of different updatings (napr., diamond and the black lead consisting of atoms of carbon). In the last example allotropy - a particular case of a polymorphism.
  • ALLOHORIJA (from hello... And grech. choreo - I go forwards, I advance), distribution{propagation} of plants through different external factors: the person (anthropochoria), animal (zoochory), a wind (anemochoria), waters (hydrophoria). Compare. Avtohorija.
  • ALLOHTON (from hello... And grech. chthon - ground), the parts of wrinkled structures pulled over unbiased autochthonous structures (see. An autochton); will derivate overthrust sheets.
  • ALLOHTONY, kinds{views} (stems, sets) organisms, pronikshie in the given district at moving (migration) from a place where they have arisen during evolution. Napr., a North American opossum - allohton the Sowing. America, t. To. It was settled here from JUzh. America. Compare. Autochtons.
  • ALLUVION (from an armour. alluvio - a silt) (alluvial deposits), adjournments of stationary values and temporary water-courses (the rivers, brooks), consisting of a detrital material of a different degree okatannosti and sortings (a pebble, gravel, sand, a loam, clay).
  • ALLJUZIJA (from an armour. allusio - a joke, a hint), a stylistic figure, a hint by means of shodnozvuchashchego words or mentions of the well-known substantial fact, historical event, a literary work (" glory of the Fame-thirsty person " - compare. The fame-thirsty person).
  • GAITS (frants. allure, characters. - gait), motion patterns of the horse. Correct use of a natural gait - a walk, a lynx, pace, a gallop, jump promotes conservation of functionability of the horse. A synthetic gait - a ceremonial walk, passazh, pjaffe, a pirouette apply in a circus art and equestrian sport.
  • ALLJATSY the Lion (grech. Allatios Leon, an armour. Allacci Leone) (1586-1669), the latin writer, comes the Greek. In extensive correspondence and doctrinal compositions emphasized{pointed out} the consent between Grecian and Roman tserkvami.
  • ALMA-ATA (the Kazakh. - Almaty) (up to 1921 Valid), capital (with 1929) Kazakhstan, the centre of the Alma-Ati region, for boreal foot Zailijskogo of Ala Tau, on rr. Á. and M.Almatinka. A depot. 1156 thousand inhabitants (1991; including occupied points, subject to municipal council, 1160 thousand inhabitants). A machine industry and metal working, alimentary, mild, etc. an industry. AN Kazakhstan, 16 high schools (including. The Kazakh university, a conservatory). 9 theatres (including. The Kazakh opera and ballet theatre, German theatre). 13 museums (including. The Museum of Kazakhstan, the Museum of arts by him{it}. A.Kasteeva, Literary - memorial museum Auezova). It is based in 1854. The dwelling of government (1957), the Palace of Republic (1970), hostel " Kazakhstan " (1977). New inhabited neighbourhood units. Alma-Ata repeatedly suffered affliction from earthquakes (last in 1911 and 1921) and torrents (are built protivoselevye structures). Bliz Alma-Ata - winter sporting complex Medeo.
  • The ALMA-ATI RANGE, in Kazakhstan. 104,7 thousand êì2. The population of 2110 thousand person (1989). Adm. ts. - Alma-Ata. Mean temperatures of January from-9 up to-10 °C, July 24 °S. A rainfall from 100 mm (in deserts) up to 1000 mm (in mountains) annually. The main river - Or. In northwest - an eskar. Balkhash. An industry: a machine industry and metal working, alimentary, mild, a building materials. Kapchagajskaja a river plant, the Alma-Ati coordinated hydroelectric system. Area of irrigation agriculture. Crops of wheat, barley, corn, rice. Cultivate sugar-beet, tobacco. A fruit growing and wine growing. Animal husbandry: sheeps, a large horned stock, horses; a poultry breeding. Navigation on an eskar. Balkhash and r. Or. In mountains, bliz Alma-Ata, mountain health resorts, camp sites.
  • The ALMA-ATI RESERVATION, bliz Alma-Ata, in central part Zailijskogo Ala Tau. It is based in 1931 (about 1935 state reserve). The area 73325 ga. Woods from fur-trees SHrenka, fruit; a Central Asian juniper Siberian and Turkestani. High-mountainous steppes and subalpine meadows. The Siberian wild goat, a snow porpoise, a marten - belodushka, etc.
  • ALMA-ATI ZOOVETERINARNYJ the INSTITUTE, is based in 1929. Plots experts on animal husbandry, zooinzhenerov, veterinaries. In 1991 ok. 5 thousand students.
  • The ALMA-ATI MEDICAL INSTITUTE, is based in 1931. Plots doctors of the main{basic} trades. In 1991 ok. 7 thousand students.
  • DIAMOND, city (with 1977) on Ukraine, Lugansk region. A depot (Stakhanov). 7,3 thousand inhabitants (1991). A metallurgical plant.
  • DIAMOND MOUNTAINS, in KNDR, see. Kymgansan.
  • The DIAMOND TOOL, is produced with use natural or synthetic diamonds for the worker (basically cutting) parts: abrasive wheels and bars (with powdery diamonds), cutters, a cutter, a spinneret{die}, boring, etc. instruments (with crystals of diamond). It intended for machining solid materials.
  • DIAMOND SYNDICATE, the international company on sales of natural diamonds of the republic of South Africa, Zaire, Namibia, etc. countries. It is based in 1892. Monitors 60-70 % of the capitalist market of diamonds (kon. 1980th). A prevailing role the company " De Bierce konsolidejted majns " plays (republic of South Africa).
  • DIAMOND FUND of the Russian Federation, state collection of precious stones and the jewels having historical, art and material value, and also unique golden and platinum nuggets. It is based in 1922. With 1967 in Moskovsk the Kremlin the stationary value an exhibition of Diamond fund is open{discovered}.
  • DIAMONDS Alexander Ivanovich (1859-1920), the Russian spiritual writer, the professor of Novorossisk university on stand of a church law; the writer of the book " the Secret confession in the Orthodox church " (t. 1-3, 1894).
  • ALMALYK, city (with 1951) in Uzbekistan, the Tashkent region of 116,4 thousand inhabitants (1991.) Center of nonferrous machine industry. Mining-and-metallurgical integrated works, chemicals plant, etc. The cogeneration station.
  • ALMASZADE Gamer Gadzhi Aga kyzy (r. 1915), the Azerbaijan actress of ballet, the ballet master, the national actress of the USSR (1959). The first Azerbaijan dancer. With 1936 at Theatre of opera and ballet by him{it}. Ahundova. The state premium of the USSR (1952).
  • ALMEJDA (Almeida) Fransishku (ok. 1450-1510), the Portuguese seafarer, the conqueror of some terrains in Zap. India; 1-st viceroy of the Portuguese possessions in India (1505-09).
  • ALMEJDA-GARRET (Almeida Garrett) ZHuan Baptishta yes Silva Lejtan (da Silva Leitao) (1799-1854), the Portuguese writer. The representative of romanticism. Patriotic poem "Kamoens" (1825), a historical drama " to the Miss Vein Visenti " (1838), the novel " the Arc over. Anna " (1845-51).
  • AL-NI ALLOY (from aluminium and a nickel), magnetically hard alloys Fe (basis{fundamentals}) with Ni (20-34 %) and Al (11-18 %), sometimes with additives Cu, Co, Si, Ti. Produce permanent magnets.
  • ALOA, the state in terrain of an austral part of the modern Sudan since 6 century, in 15 century has hitted under an authority of arabs.
  • ALOV Alexander Aleksandrovich (1923-83), the Russian film director and the scripter, the national actor of the USSR (1983). Has delivered with producer V.N.Naumovym films: " the Alarming youth " (1955), "Paul Korchagin" (1957), " the World entering " (1961), " the Nasty joke " (1966), "Trot race" (1971), " the Legend of the Tylosis " (1977), "Teheran - 43" (1981), "Shore" (1984), etc. The State premium of the USSR (1985, posthumously).
  • ALOGISM (from a - a negative prefix and grech. logismos - reason), 1) denial of logic intellection as means of achievement of true; rratsionalizm, the mysticism, fideism contrast logic intuition, belief or revelation. 2) In stylistics the going violation{disturbance} in speech of logical connections with the purpose of stylistic (including comic) effect: " never I shall forget - he was or not, this evening " (A.Blok).
  • ALONSO (Alonso) Damaso (1898-1990), the spanish poet. The representative t. n. " Generations 1927 years ". Collections of lyrics " Syny angers " (1944), " the Person and the God " (1955); pioneer transactionses on poetics of spanish Baroque.
  • ALORTSY (the self-title - orang-alor), people in Indonesia. Number of 100 thousand person (1992). Tongue alorsky. Believers - moslems - sunnity, are saved traditional convictions.
  • ALOFI (Alofi), main city and a port about. Niue (possession It is new. Zealand) in Quiet ok. Ok. 1 thousand inhabitants (1984).
  • ALOE, stem of perennial grasses of a set asfodelovyh. St. 350 kinds{views}, primarily in dry ranges of Africa. Medicinal preparations from leaves of different kinds{views} of an aloe apply predominary as biogenic stimulators. Many aloes cultivate as the decorative. The aloe treelike, cultivated in rooms, call as a bitter aloe.
  • "ALPAMYSH", the national - heroic epos for Uzbeks, karakalpakov, Kazakhs, the Bashkir, gornoaltajtsev. The Uzbek version has developed in 14-17 centuries; the origin and add time of other national versions are not studied.
  • ALP-ARSLAN (1029 or 1030-1072 or 1073), the governor of the state Seldzhukidov with 1063. Aggressive marchings to Armenia, Georgia, Compare. Asia. Has gained (1071) victory above the byzantian emperor Roman IV. It is killed during a marching to Bukhara.
  • ALPATOV Michael Vladimirovich (1902-86), the Russian historian of art, the teacher, the doctor of art criticism, the professor, the full member AH the USSR (1954). The master of figurative istoriko-art performance (etudes on a history of Western-European and Russian art; "Andrey Rublyov", 1972). The state premium of the USSR (1974).
  • ALSVIDR (dr .-èñë. vsebystrejshy), in the Scandinavian mythology the heavenly horse bearing a chariot of the sun.
  • ALSINDOR (Alsindor) Ferdinand Ljuis (r. 1947), the American sportsman (basketball). The 6-fold champion National basketball associations (NBA) in structure of commands " Milwaukee the Gripe piece " (1969-75) and " Los Angeles Lejkers " (1975-85). The most successful player in seasons 1971 and 1972, and also in a history of NBA on a total sum of the collected glasses (38387).
  • ALTAI, highland in terrain of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. Will consist from hrebtov, Ob generatrix a watershed, Irtysh, Yenisei and the rivers of drainless range of Central Asia. Length over 2000 kms. It is disjointed to naturally Altai, Gobijsky Altai and Mongolian Altai. The highest hrebty naturally Altai - Katunsky, Sev.-and JUzh.-CHujskie reach an altitude of 3000-4000 m (the greatest of 4506 m-. A white grampus) also bear the modern icehouses (a gross area of a glaciation more than 900 êì2). Of 1500-2500 m are typical for naturally Altai with weakly fissured crests, disjointed the intermountain hollows wearing the title of steppes - steppe Chujskaja, Kurajskaja also hrebty and masses an altitude, etc. Most the considerable rivers - Katun, Buhtarma, Feeling, Bija. Has more than 3500 lakes (the greatest Teletskoe, Markakol). In Altai are distributed gornostepnye, gornolesnye and high-mountainous landscapes. In a north-east part - the Altay reservation. Altai, especially t. n. Mining Altai (in Kazakhstan), is affluent deposits of polymetals, gold, zhelezALTAJ, city in Mongolia, an administrative centre Gobi-Altay ajmaka. 13 thousand inhabitants. Mild, alimentary promyshlennost.noj ore, mercury, rare metals. Tourism.
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