e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • ABRAAM KRETATSI (? - 1737), the Armenian catholicos (1734-37), the historian. The writer of "Historiography" (the cramp on Armenia 18 century).
  • ABRASIVES (abradants) (from an armour. abrasio - scraping), the substances of heightened hardness used in a solid or ground condition for machining (grind, cutting, a scuffing, sharpening, a burnishing, etc.) other materials. Natural abrasives - a flint, an emery, a pumice, emery, a pomegranate, diamond, etc.; synthetic - alundum, silicon carbide, borazon, elbor, a synthetic diamond, etc.
  • The GRINDING TOOL, ministers for machining (grind, reseat, etc.); it is produced from abrasives and a sheaf. It happens rigid (napr., abrasive wheels, bars) and mild (napr., abrasive papers).
  • ABRASION (from an armour. abrasio - scraping), process of destruction by waves and a surf of coasts of seas, lakes and water reservoirs.
  • ABRAKADABRA (pozdnelat. abracadabra), 1) the magic formula, the mysterious word to which miracle force was attributed. 2) Not clear mere verbiage, nonsense.
  • ABRAMOV Anatoly Mihajlovich (r. 1917), the Russian literary critic, the Doctor of Philology (1970), the professor (1991). The main{basic} orb of interests - the Russian literature of the Soviet season{term}. Books: " Poetic skill Majakovskogo in a poem "Vladimir Iljich Lenin" (1953), " Poem Majakovskogo "Vladimir Iljich Lenin" (1955), " Lyrics and the epos of Great Domestic war " (1972), " In the co-authorship with time " (1982), " On fire of great war. A problematics. Style. Poetics " (1987), etc.
  • ABRAMOV Kuzma Grigorjevich (r. 1914), the Mordovian writer. The novel - trilogy "Nyman" (1957-64); " the burden does not draw novels " (1967), " the Girl from village " (1980) - about social transformations{conversions} to republic, about events of Great Domestic war; the biographic novel "Stepan Erzja" (1977).
  • ABRAMOV Feodor Aleksandrovich (1920-83), the Russian writer. A cycle of novels (trilogy "Prjasliny", 1958-73, the State premium of the USSR, 1975; the novel "Dwelling", 1978), stories, stories: "Pelageja" (1969), " Wooden horses " (1970), " Trip in past " (1974, it is published 1989). Ostrokonfliktnaja prose Abramova gravitating to the social analysis and noted koloritnostju of tongue, draws affairs and destinies of people of boreal village during Great Domestic war and in post-war years. Literary criticism and publicism.
  • ABRAMOV Jacob Vasiljevich (1858-1906), the Russian publicist and statisticians, the liberal populist. In it is grey. 1880th in the newspaper "Week" has acted with the sermon of " small businesses of the theory ".
  • ABRAMOVICH Genrih Naumovich (r. 1911), the Russian scientist in range of theoretical and applied{economic} fluid dynamics and the theory of air-breathing engines. The professor (1939). The state premium of the USSR (1943).
  • ABRAMOVICH Dmitry Ivanovich (1873-1955), the Russian literary critic, corresponding member AN the USSR (1921). Scientific editions of monuments of the old russian literature (" Kievo-Pechersky paterik ", " Zhitie Boris and the Gleba ", etc.). Activities under the Russian literature of 19 century, on problems of the russko-Ukrainian literary attitudes{relations}.
  • ABRAMOVICH Stella Lazarevna (r. 1927), the Russian literary critic, the historian of the Russian literature of 19 century. The book " Pushkin in 1836 year (the Previous history of the last duel) " (1984) is most known.
  • ABRAMJAN Horen Babkenovich (r. 1930), the Armenian actor, the producer, the national actor of the USSR (1980). With 1951 at the Armenian theatre him{it}. Sundukjana (in 1980 - 85 and with 1988 main producer). In 1985-88 simultaneously main producer Leninakanskogo of theatre him{it}. Mravjana. The state premium of the USSR (1981).
  • ABRAU-DJURSO, a urban settlement in the Russian Federation, Krasnodar kr., in 14 kms from Novorossisk. 2,8 thousand inhabitants (1991). Tourism. Vineyards; manufacture sparkling and table wines.
  • ABRAHAM AND SANTA-KLARA (Abraham a Santa Clara) (in the world Hans Ulrih Megerle, Megerle) (1644-1709), the augustinian outlet box, the ecclesiast and the satirist.
  • ABRAHAM (Abraham) Rajmund (r. 1933), the Austrian architect, lives in the USA. For his{its} creativity nach. 1970th are characteristic atypical design solutions (" the Dwelling with three walls ", 1972).
  • ABRAHAMS (Abrahams) Dzhim (r. 1944), the American film director and the scripter. Works basically in a genre of a comedy and a parody together with br. Zuker. Has self-contained delivered as the producer film "Big business" (1988). Has removed also films: " the Airplane! " (1980), "Top secret" (1984), "Hotheads" (1991), etc.
  • ABRAHAMS (Abrahams) Peter Genri (r. 1919), the writer of the republic of South Africa. Writes in English. Antiracist novels " Tropoju a thunder " (1948), " the Wreath to Michael Udomo " (1956), " In an authority of night " (1965.) Roman " the Island today " (1966) - about extirpation of inland states Caribbean a bass. For political independence. Stories. Verses.
  • ABREKI (it is probable, from oset. abyraeg, abreg), in past for peoples the Sowing. Caucasus exiles from a stem, conducting vagabond or predatory life. Abrekami also called singletons, fighters against an imperial mode.
  • ABRENE, the title of Pytalovo of the Pskov region in 1920-45.
  • APRICOT, stem of trees and bushes of a set pink; a fruit crop. 10 kinds{views}, basically in Asia. In edible fruits of Saccharum, organic acids, vitamins; dried{dehydrated} fruits - a dried apricot without stone, a dried stoneless apricot. Productivity 100 - 150 kg from a tree. A honey plant. The greatest taxes in Italy, the USA, Turkey, in Compare. Asia, Transcaucasia. APRICOTS Alexey Alekseevich (r. 1928), the Russian physics - theorist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1987). Son A.I.Abrikosova. The main{basic} transactionses on solid-state physics, theories of a superconductivity, an astrophysics, etc. The Lenin premium (1966), the State premium of the USSR (1982).
  • APRICOTS Alexey Ivanovich (1875-1955), the Russian pathologist, academician AN the USSR (1939) and AMN (1944), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1945). Transactionses on structural botany of a tuberculosis, allergic responses, a septicaemia, a wound fever, a pathology of vegetative nervous system. The state premium of the USSR (1942).
  • APRICOTS Andrey Lvovich (1906-73), the Russian actor, the national actor of the USSR (1968). On the scene with 1926. With 1938 at Theatre him{it}. Vahtangova. It was taken out in films: " Quiet Don " (1931), "Alexander Nevsky" (1938), etc. The State premium of the USSR (1941).
  • SKETCH (a nem. Abrib), 1) a lineament{an outline} of a subject. 2) In a geodesy - the diagrammatic plan made by hand, with notation of data of the field measurements necessary for construction of the precise plan or a profile.
  • ABROGATSIJA (an armour. abrogatio), cancellation of the dead letter.
  • ABROSIM (Efores, Evor) Suzsky (Persian) (mind{wit}. 341), the martyr, the presbyter in Susa; pupil Milija; has suffered together with nymas in persecution SHapura II in Persia. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on November, 10 (23).
  • ABROSIMOV Pavel Vasiljevich (1900-61), the Russian architect. The co-author: the Dwelling of government of Ukraine in Kiev (1934-38), a high-rise building of the Moscow State University (1949-53). The state premium of the USSR (1949).
  • ABRUJ, the leader of revolt of poor in Sogde (Compare. Asia), suppressed{quenched} ok. 585. It is executed.
  • ABSALJAMOV Abdurahman Safievich (1911-79), the tatar writer. Novels about Great Domestic war "Eaglets" (1949), "Gazinur" (1953), about Muse Dzhalile " Sail clouds " (1978), about the modern life "Whites" (1965).
  • ABSENTIA EPILEPTICA (from frants. absence, characters. - absence), the sudden, very short-lived unconsciousness originating at some forms of an epilepsy.
  • ABSENTEEISM (from an armour. absentia - absence), deflexion izbiratelej from voting at elections of representative bodies, chiefs of state, etc.
  • ABSENTEEISM agricultural, a land tenure at which the proprietor of ground, not participating in a process of manufacture, receives the money income by the way the rent or the profit.
  • ABSIDA, the same, that an apsis.
  • ABSOLJUT (from an armour. absolutus - unconditional, unlimited), in philosophy and religion - the unconditional, perfect beginning of life, loose from any attitudes{relations} and conditions (the god, the absolute personality - in theism, Unified - in neoplatonizme, etc.).
  • ABSOLJUTIZM (absolute monarchy), the form of a feudal state at which the monarch posesses a unlimited supreme authority. At absoljutizme the state reaches the most advanced stage of a centralization, there is a branched bureaucratic apparatus, a standing army and police; activity of organs of class representation, as a rule, ceases. Bloom absoljutizma in countries Zap. Europe in 17-18 centuries In Russia absoljutizm existed{breathed} in 18 - nach. 20 centuries (see. Autocracy).
  • ABSOLUTE VALUE (module) of a real number a, non-negative figure (it is meant |a |), defined so: if a ³ 0, |a | = a, if a <0, |a | =-a. Napr., |3 | = 3, |-5 | = - (-5) = 5, |0 | = 0. Absolute value (module) of a complex number z = x + iy (x and y real numbers) - figure +.
  • ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY, quantity of the steam keeping in 1 m3 of air. It is measured in grammes.
  • TRUE ALTITUDE of a point of a surface (altitude), distance (it is routine in ì) in vertical direction from this point up to an average level of a surface of ocean. In the Russian Federation it is estimated from zero of a graduated pole in Kronstadt.
  • ABSOLUTE STELLAR MAGNITUDE (it is meant M), the quantity indicator of a luminosity of a heavenly body; stellar magnitude which would have a heavenly body on standard distance 10 parsec.
  • ABSOLUTE TRUE, see in an item. True.
  • The ABSOLUTE MONARCHY, see. Absoljutizm.
  • ABSOLUTE ERROR, see in an item. Error.
  • ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE (thermodynamic temperature), temperature T which is read out from an absolute zero. The concept of absolute temperature has been entered by U.Tomsonom (Kelvin) in this connection a scale of absolute temperature call as a Kelvin scale or a thermodynamic temperature scale. Unit of absolute temperature - kelvin (Ê). 1Ê = 1 °S. Values of absolute temperature are connected to temperature on Celcius a scale (t °S) a ratio t = T - 273,15 To.
  • ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL{INERT} PARTICLE (truely neutral{inert} particle), fundamental particle or the bound system of fundamental particles for which all performances distinguishing a particle from an antiparticle, are peer to zero; therefore absolutely neutral{inert} particle is identical to the antiparticle. Examples: a photon, a neutral{an inert} pi meson, a positronium.
  • ABSOLUTE BLACK BODY, body which completely captures{absorbs;imbibes;occludes} all electromagnetic radiation dropping on him{it}; the radiation spectrum of an absolute black body is determined only by his{its} temperature, and the partition of energy in a nem is subject the Planck to a radiation law. Properties of an absolute black body the aperture in non-transparent a floor a body has.
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