e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • AGRIPPIN (mind{wit}. ok. 200), diocesan Neapolitan. Memory{remembrance} in Orthodox and in the Latin church on November, 9.
  • AGRIPPINA Rzhev (13 century), princess, the marital partner blagovernogo prince Vladimir Rzhevskogo. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 15 (28).
  • AGRIPPINA Rimljanynja (mind{wit}. Between 253-260), the Christian martyress damaged in Rome in persecution of emperor Valeriana. Memory{remembrance} in Orthodox and in the Latin church on June, 23.
  • AGRIPPINA the Higher, Agrippina Vipsanija (14 up to n. ý.-33 n. e.), the wife of Roman commander Germanika, the daughter of Mark Vipsanija Agrippy and Julia, the daughter of emperor of August. Accompanied Germanika in marchings to Germany and to the Near East. Had 9 children, among them emperor Kaligula and Agrippina Junior. It has been sent Tiberiem in the reference for the fact that has accused it{him} of a poisoning of the husband. In the reference has committed suicide.
  • AGRO... (from grech. agros - a field), the part of the composite words meaning: "agronomical" (napr., an agrotechnics).
  • AGROBAKTERII, a stem of gram-negative aerobic bacteria. 4 kinds{views}; dwell{live} in soil, primarily in a rhizosphere. Are capable to invoke{produce} education of cecidiums (tumours) in many plants. Pathogenicity agrobaktery is stipulated by availability in their cells of plasmids. On the basis of these plasmids create vectors which are used in genetic engineering for introduction of stranger genes in cells of plants.
  • AGROBUSINESS, sector of market economy, the bound with ïðîöåñcàìè a farm - production, a storage, distribution and machining of his{its} products. In structural attitude{relation} agrobusiness basically is equivalent to agribusiness industry.
  • AGROBIOCENOSIS (from agro... And a biocoenosis), a community, animal and the microorganisms, built and regularly bolstered by the person for obtaining agricultural production. It is defined by small ecological reliability (agrobiocenosis is not capable samovosstanavlivatsja and to self-regulate), but enough high productivity (efficiency). The basis{fundamentals} of agrobiocenosis the agrophytocenosis - compounds{makes} the synthetic plant community created on the basis of agrotechnical measures (napr., crops and plantings of grain, vegetable, fruit and technical crops). The plant cover of an agrophytocenosis is routinely derivated by one kind{view} (grade) of a hemerophyte and the conforming weedy kinds{views}. Changing of a natural plant cover by an one-crop system results in agrobiocenosis in sharp rearrangement of his{its} zoocoenosis. Animal, not capable to eat a cultivated plant and to tolerate conditions of his{its} crop, peter, and other (primarily hexapods - phytophagans) find a favorable conditions, are multiplied (down to mass flashes) and can impair to crops. Probes of structure, resistance and efficiency of agrobiocenosis compound{make} do-it-yourself section of biogeocenology - agrobiotsenologiju.
  • AGROCLIMATIC MAPS, map climatic conditions in their interaction with objects and processes of a farm - production. Define a complex of agroclimatic resources{safe lifes} of any terrain, climatic conditions of a growth of separate crops, etc. the phenomena.
  • The AGROCLIMATOLOGY, studies a climate as the factor of a farm - production.
  • AGRICULTURE (agriculture) (an armour. agricultura - a field cropping, agriculture), set{combination} of methods on increase of a standard of farming.
  • AGROSILVICULTURE the INSTITUTE Russian research (RNIALMI) Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, is based in 1931 in Moscow; with 1958 in Volgograd. Probes and developments on erosion control of soils, safeguarding foresting.
  • AGROSILVICULTURE, 1) system of silvicultural measures on extirpation with a drought, dry winds, a soil erosion, etc. Actuates building protective forest plantations, afforestation of sands, agrotechnical, hydrotechnical, organizatsinno-economic, etc. measures. 2) the Section of meliorative science developing fundamental theory of agroforestal activities.
  • The AGROMETEOROLOGY, studies meteorological, climatic and the hydrological conditions important for an agriculture.
  • AGRONOMICAL ORE, minerals and the rocks used for obtaining of fertilizers: apatites, phosphorites, potassium salts, etc.
  • AGRONOMY (from agro... And grech. nomos - the law), a complex of sciences about cultivation of agricultural crops. Agronomical rules and manuals were known in Other. Egypt, Other. Greeces, China, India, Other. Rome. With kon. 18 century were improved systems of agriculture, theories of plant nutrition, methods of a seed growing, protection of plants against diseases and pests were developed. About 2-nd floor. 19 century in structure of agronomy develop agriculture, a plant growing, an agrochemistry, a pedology, selection. Major merits in a becoming and development of agronomy belong Russian scientist A.T.Bolotov, to I.M.Komov, A.Teeru, J.Libihu, A.V.Sovetovu, V.V.Dokuchayev, V.R.Williams, K.A.Timirjazevu, D.N.Pryanishnikov, I.V.Michurin, N.I.Vavilov, etc. The Main{Basic} sections of the modern agronomy: Agriculture, agrochemistry, agrophysics, plant growing, selection, semenovedenie, a phytopathology, an agricultural entomology, agricultural reclamation.
  • AGROPROMBANK (all-union joint-stock commercial agroindustrial bank), a generalpurpose business bank in the USSR. It is established in 1990. Executed credit and accounting service of all branches of a national economy, rendered service on leasing, factoring and engineering, committed currency transactions and international payments, gave guarantees, warranties, etc. liabilities. In 1991 it is converted to Rosselhozbank.
  • AGROPROMIZDAT izdatelsko-polygraphic association, is built in 1984 on the basis publishing houses " Ears ". He{it} included also book editions of the conforming subjects, etc. publishing house. Issues technological, industrial, reference books on an agrochemistry, the zootechnician, a veterinary science, mechanization and use of electric power in farming, etc.
  • AGRIBUSINESS INDUSTRY (agrarian and industrial complex), set{combination} of interdependent branches of a national economy, manufactures and the kinds{views} of activity interacting during maintenance of requirements of the population in food and the consumer goods from agricultural raw material. It is conditionally sectioned into 3 orbs: a farm - production; group of the branches executing manufacture of production assets for an agriculture, his{its} logistics and industrial service; group of branches and the manufactures ensuring a thorough revision and motion of production of an agriculture to the ultimate user (alimentary, the conforming branches of a light industry, the enterprise on a transporting, a storage, realizations). The agrarian and industrial complex as one of developments of agroindustrial integration develops in the majority of economically developed countries with is grey. 20 century.
  • AGROTECHNICS, system of methods of cultivation of agricultural crops, technology of a plant growing. Actuates: crop rotations, a soil cultivation, a fertilization, preparation of seeds to crop, crop and planting, maintenance{drift} behind plants, weed control, diseases and pests of agricultural crops, harvesting.
  • AGROTECHNICAL METHOD of protection of plants, use of methods of an agricultural engineering for externination of pests, causal organisms of diseases and weeds of agricultural crops.
  • AGROFIZICHESKY the INSTITUTE research (AFI) Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, is based in 1932 in Leningrad. Probes on physical problems of agriculture; engineering developments.
  • AGROCHEMISTRY AND the PEDOLOGY INSTITUTE AN of the USSR, is based in 1970. With 1982 in structure of the Pedology and a photosynthesis of institute.
  • AGROCHEMISTRY, science about chemical processes in soil and plants, a mineral nutrition of plants, an application and a means of chemical amelioration of soils; the basis{fundamentals} of a chemization of an agriculture. It was formed in 2-nd floor. 19 century. The becoming of an agrochemistry is connected to A.Teera, J.Libiha, D.I.Mendeleeva, D.N.Pryanishnikov names, etc. Develops on the basis of achievements of agronomy and chemistry.
  • AGRYZ, city (with 1938) in the Russian Federation, Tatarija, on r. Agryz. A railway junction. 20,3 thousand inhabitants (1992). The enterprises of a railway transport, etc.
  • AGGTELEK (Baradla-Domitsa) (Aggtelek, Baradla-Domica), a karst cave in Slovak Krase, in Hungary (large part) and Slovakia. Ok. 25 kms. The underground rivers (Stiks and Aheron) both halls with stalactites and stalagmites. Tourism.
  • AGUASCALIENTES, city in central Mexico, an administrative centre pieces. Aguascalientes. 293 thousand inhabitants (1990). Textile, a food-processing industry. A health resort. It is based in 1575.
  • AGUASCALIENTES (Aguascalientes), staff in a central part of Mexico. 5,5 thousand êì2. The population of 720 thousand person (1990). Adm. ts. - Aguascalientes.
  • AGUDA (1068 - 1123), the founder and the first emperor (1115 - 23) the states Tszin in China.
  • AGULY (the self-title - agul), people in the Russian Federation, primarily in Dagestan (14 thousand person). Number in the Russian Federation 18 thousand person (1992). Tongue agulsky. Believers - moslems - sunnity.
  • AGULSKIE PROTEINS, a backbone in central part Vost. Sajana. Length ok. 50 kms, an altitude up to 2626 m.
  • AGULSKY TONGUE, falls into to the Caucasian (iberijsko-Caucasian) tongues (the Dagestan tongues). Writing is developed on the basis of the Russian alphabet.
  • AGULJAS (Aguljash) (portug. agulha - a needle), see. Cape Agulhas.
  • "AGUSTA", italian vertoletostroitelnaja firm. It is based in 1907 Dzh. Agustoj and originally was engaged in development and manufacture of light aeroplanes.
  • AGUTI (humpbacked hares), a stem of mammals of a rodentia. Length up to 60 see 12 kinds{views}, in tropical forests JUzh. And Center. America.
  • AGYRBICHANU Jon (1882-1963), the Romanian writer. The realistic plotting of life of Transylvania 1-st floor. 20 century (novels "Archangels", 1914, "Sectarians", 1938) combine{blend} with the statement{confirmation} of Christian moral (the novel " the Law of flesh ", 1926).
  • Slip-ring motor (from grech. hades - the underground kingdom), agrees a large part of religious doctrines, a residence a shower of trespassers doomed for perpetually excruciatings.
  • ADAD, in drevnevostochnyh mythologies (in Sumer, Babylonia, Palestine, etc.) the god of a thunder-storm, a wind and a rain. It was figured with milled and a bunch of lightnings.
  • ADADUROV (Adodurov) Vasily Evdokimovich (1709-1780), the Russian mathematician, the writer, a translator, the first Russian full member (adjoints) Petersburg AN (1733-41), the honorary member Petersburg AN (1778). The writer of first Russian grammar not published in a first copy in Russian (1738-40, it is issued in 1750 in the Swedish tongue). With 1762 curator of the Moscow university, the president of Manufactory - board.
  • ADAGIO (adadzho) (ital. adagio, characters. - it is quiet, slowly), in music - 1) sluggish rate. 2) the Title of product{creation} or a part (2-nd is routine) cyclical combination in rate of an adagio. 3) Sluggish solo or duetnyj dance in classical ballet.
  • "ADALET", "Adaljat" (the persian. - "Justice"), social-democratic organization of the Iranian workers, is built in 1917 in Baku. In 1920 its{her} groups on Caucasus, in Compare. Asia, Astrakhan have come in RKP (á).
  • ADALVIN (Adalvin) (mind{wit}. In 873), archbishop Zaltsburgsky (859), the irreconcilable opponent of missionary activity of sacred Cyril and Methodius.
  • ADAM, in the Bible and the Koran pervochelovek and father of a stem human, built by the god.
  • ADAM BREMEN (Adam von Bremen) (? - after 1081), severogermansky hronist. The composition of " Particular act of diocesans of the Hamburg church " - a valuable source, including on a history slavjanogermanskih attitudes{relations}.
  • ADAM Raifsky (mind{wit}. ok. 312), the Christian outlet box, podvizalsja in desert Raifskoj (on coast of Red m.). It is killed during irruption of arabs. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on January, 14 (27).
  • ADAM (Adam) Robert (1728-92), the English architect, the representative of a classicism. Stringent, rational on grading usadebnye at home (the Kenvud-house in the London, 1767-69), public buildings (university in Edinburgh, 1789-91), urban quarters (Adelfi in the London, 1768-72) with a refined decor.
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