e premte, 11 maj 2007

  • ADZISIKI-TAKA, in Japanese mythology the godhood village transactionses and farm implements, the hero of national songs.
  • ADZVA, the river on north-east of the European part of the Russian Federation, dextral in-leak{influx} Runners. 334 kms, the area of basin of 10,6 thousand êì2. Weeps on tundra Bolshezemelskoj.
  • ADI (Ady) Endre (1877-1919), the Hungarian poet, the revolutionary democrat. Collections of romantic verses: "Once again" (1903), " New verses " (1906), " On a chariot of the Ilji-prophet " (1908).
  • ADIABAT (from grech. adiabatos - not transfered), a line on a thermodynamic diagram of the condition, figuring adiabatic process.
  • ADIABATIC DEMAGNETIZATION, the physical process used for magnetic refrigerating and achievement of low temperatures on the basis{fundamentals} magnetokaloricheskogo of effect.
  • ADIABATIC PROCESS (adiabatic process), thermodynamic process at which the system does not receive heat from the outside and does not return her{it}. Stop-actions (napr., an acoustic propagation) can be considered approximately as adiabatic process and for want of a heat-shield environment.
  • ADI-BUDDA (sanskr. The initial Buddha), in the Buddhism of a Mahajana olitsetvorenie all budd - the maximum entities which have reached{achieved} a clarification.
  • "ADIDAS" (Adidas), the industrial company of Germany specializing on extension{issue} of sporting shoe, clothes{clothing} and stock. It is based in 1948. Has 8 enterprises in Germany and over 25 affiliated firms in other countries, including in France, the Great Britain, the USA, Canada, the republic of South Africa. Sales volume 1,8 billion dol., figure occupied in 10,6 thousand person (kon. 1980th)
  • ADIGE (Adige), the river in a north of Italy. 410 kms, the area of basin of 14,7 thousand êì2. The large part weeps in the Alpes, the m runs in Adriatic. Average discharge of water 266 m3 / with. It is navigable. A river plant. To Adige - Verona.
  • ADYNAMIA (grech. adynamia - impotence), drop of a motor performance, a sharp decline of forces at a hunger, the long-lived exhausting, etc. diseases.
  • HEXANE DIACID, HOOC (CH2) 4COOH, colourless crystals, tïë 153 °C. Raw material in manufacture of polyamides, plastifiers, greasing oils.
  • ADIRONDAK (Adirondack), a hills in system of Appalachian mountains (USA). Up to 1628 m. Conifers and mixed forests. On downslopes health resort Lejk-Plesid, the centre of winter Olympic Games (1932, 1980).
  • ADITI, in vedijskoj mythologies goddess - mother, a goddess - intercessor; its{her} sons - aditji.
  • ADITJA, in vedijskoj and induistskoj mythologies one of names of the godhood of the Sun, son Aditi; acts also under name Surja.
  • ADLER, area Adlersky of Sochi.
  • ADLER (Adler) Alfred (1870-1937), the Austrian doctor - psychiatrist and the psychologist. Pupil Z.Freud, the founder of personal psychology. As a main source of motivation considered{counted} tendency to self-affirmation as indemnification{compensation} of feeling of the inferiority defining specific to the person originating in the early childhood " zoetic style ". Has exerted influence on neofrejdizm.
  • ADLER Victor (1852-1918), one of organizers and leaders of the Austrian Social-democratic party. The writer of the design of the first program of a consignment; participat in program design of a cultural - national autonomy. In 1918 Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  • ADLER Guido (1855-1941), the Austrian historian of music. One of founders of the modern european musicology. Transactionses on a methodology of a history of music, the theory of the musical styles, an aesthetics.
  • ADLER Fridrih (1879-1960), one of leaders of the Austrian Social-democratic party and ideologists avstromarksizma. Son V.Adlera. In 1911-16 secretary of the Austrian Social-democratic party, the centrist. In 1916 has killed minister - president K.Shtjurgka for failure{refusal} to reduce rights rejhsrata, slushed in 1914. Was among organizers and leaders 21/2-ãî (1921-23) and the Socialist worker (1923-1940) internatsionalov.
  • ADLERBERG Vladimir Fedorovich (1791-1884), the Russian statesman, the general from infanterii (1843), columns (1847). In 1842-57 steered mail department, at a nem in Russia postage stamps are entered. In 1852-70 minister for an imperial yard and destinies.
  • MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY, the legal responsibility for administrative misconduct. See also Penalty administrative.
  • The ADMINISTRATIVE REFERENCE, 1) in imperial Russia removal without court in the distant{remote} provinces under the order of tsar, some governors (since 1850th), organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (since 1860th). 2) the administrative reference is not provided by the Soviet legislation, however was applied in an offense against the law.
  • The ADMINISTRATIVE JURISDICTION, activity of state bodies and their officials under the sanction of personal administrative businesses and application of the conforming sanctions administratively.
  • The ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE, the special order of the sanction of administrative - justiciable disputes at which judicial or other special state organs consider petitions to actions of state bodies and bear the conforming solutions. In the Russian Federation there is no isolated system of administrative justice.
  • ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, the branch of law regulating public attitudes{relations} in an orb of administration of government. Norms{standards} of administrative law determine the order of organization and activity of an administrative personnel, the right and the responsibility of officials and citizens, the order of consideration of administrative chaffers, imposing{superpositions} of administrative punishments, etc.
  • ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL REFORM to the USSR 1923-29, transformation{conversion} of administrative territorial division of former Russian empire by a principle of an economic zoning. Provinces, districts and volosts are abolished, ranges (edge{boundarouse}), a district and areas are built. To 1930 in RSFSR was 13 edges{boundarice} and ranges (instead of 72 provinces in 1922): Far East, Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhnevolzhsky, Boreal, North Caucasian, Siberian, Srednevolzhsky edges{boundarice}, Western, Ivanovo industrial, Leningrad, Moscow, Ural, Central Black Earth ranges. In other republics regional division originally was not introduced{uptaken}. In 1930 districts are liquidated. With 1932 in accordance with economic development the subdivision of edges{boundarice} and ranges was conducted.
  • ADMINISTRATIVE TERRITORIAL DIVISION, system of territorial organization of the state on the basis of which will be derivated and operate public authorities and steering. Provides division of the state territory into ranges, areas, distrikty, provinces, departments, etc. In the Russian Federation administrative and territorial units - edges{boundarice}, ranges and areas.
  • ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS, activity of state organs under the sanction of concrete administrative businesses in an orb of administration of government. Under norms{standards} of administrative process are considered, napr., petitions and applications of citizens, are imposed summary punishments.
  • ADMINISTRATION (from an armour. administratio - steering), 1) set{combination} of the state organs executing control functions. 2) Officials of steering, a supervisory personnel of establishment, the enterprise.
  • MANAGEMENT BY ORDERS AND DECREES (from an armour. administro - I manage, I am in charge), a bureaucratic method of steering by means of a command.
  • ADMIRAL, the butterfly of a set nimfalid. Side panels in scope{span} 5-6 see. Colour motley. On wood skirts, in parks and gardens of Eurasia. Caterpillars on leaves of a nettle, a bristlethistle; to cultivated plants do not harm. Number is reduced.
  • The ADMIRALTY SETTLEMENTS, kind{view} of military settlements in Russia in kon. 18 century - 1861 (in area of Nikolaev and Kherson). Settlers maintained the marine enterprises.
  • The ADMIRALTY ORDER, central official body in Russia in 1700-12, vedavshee construction, arms and a supply of naval forces.
  • ADMIRALTIES of the ISLAND (Admiralty Islands), in Quiet ok., in Bismarck archipelago. 2072 êì2. The population of 32,8 thousand person (1990). An altitude up to 719 m. Main city - Lorengau.
  • ADMIRALTY - BOARD, central state control of a VTR in Russia in 1718 - 1827. Knew shipyards, linen and roperies, construction of havens and ports, preparation, arms and a supply of naval forces.
  • ADMIRALTY, 1) the centre of military naval architecture; terrain on oceanside or the rivers where shipyards are located, workshops, warehouses for construction and repair of ship of wars. In Russia there were admiralties in St.-Petersburg, Voronezh, Sevastopol, Arkhangelsk, etc. cities. 2) the Building of Main Admiralty in St.-Petersburg in which from 19 century central establishments of the Marine ministry were placed. It is incorporated in 1704; it was rearranged{reconstructed} in kon. 20-30-Õ of 18 century architect I.K.Korobovym, about 1806 A.D.Zaharovym (it is concluded in 1823), built the monumental building in stringent forms of Russian empire style - the centre of an architectural composition of city. A sculpture of fronts and interiors of Admiralty of activity of F.F.Schedrin, I.I.Terebeneva, etc. 3) In the Great Britain with kon. 17 century the supreme body of steering and a command naval forces.
  • ADMIRALTY - ADVICE, control marine department in Russia in 1827-1917. Originally consultative establishment at marine minister, about 1836 maximum establishment on a management unit of marine department. About 1907 maximum establishment of a VTR led by marine minister.
  • ADMIRALTI (Admiralty), a backbone in a northwest part of Victoria land (Vost. Antarctica). Up to 4163 m. It is open{discovered} in 1841 English expedition Dzh. Rossa.
  • ADMONI Vladimir Grigorjevich (an ice-film. A name Admoni-red Voldemar - Volf Gojshevich) (1909-93), the Russian poet, a translator, the literary critic, the linguist. The main{basic} orb of interests - a history german and the Scandinavian literatures, the theory and a history of german tongue. Transferred{translated} G.Ibsena, B.Bjernsona, G.Keller, etc. Books: " Genrik Ibsen " (1956), "Thomas Mann" (1960), " Poetics and a real. From supervision{observations} above the foreign literature of XX century " (1975).
  • ADNEXITIS (from an armour. adnexa - appendages) (salpingo-oophoritis), an inflammation of appendages of a uterus (parent pipes and ovaries), called stafilo-, strepto-or gonokokkami, a coliform bacillus, etc. microbes. The main{basic} symptoms - pains in the bottom of a belly.
  • ADOBA (isp. adobe), the same, that a cob.
  • ADOLY Tarsjanin, Jerusalem (4 century), the Christian man of faith, Saint. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on Saturday cheese.
  • ADOLIJA (4 century), Christian podvizhnitsa. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on Saturday cheese.
  • ADOMAJTIS (Adomaitis) Regimantas (r. 1937), the Lithuanian actor, the national actor of the USSR (1985). On the scene with 1962. With 1967 at the Lithuanian state theatre dramas (Vilnius). The actor of the open, strong temperament embodying psychologic the composite characters. Roles: Kaligula ("Kaligula" A.Kamju, 1983), Moliere ("Moliere" of M.A.Bulgakov, 1984), etc. It was taken out in films: " This sweet word - freedom ", "Julia Vrevskaja", "Centaurs", " Excuse, please ", etc.
  • ADONAI (dr .-åâð.), in a judaism notation of the god of Jahveh; equivalently Russian "God".
  • ADONIS, the god of fertility in drevnefinikijskoj mythologies. Corresponds{meets} babylonian Tammuzu. Since 5 century up to n. e. The cult of the Adonis was distributed in Greece, later in Rome.
  • ADONIS, planetoid a diameter ok. 1 kms, E.Delportom (Belgium, 1936) is open{discovered}; 2,76 years revert around of the Sun on hardly elongated elliptical orbit with the season{term}. The distance of the Adonis from the Sun variates from 0,44 up to 3,50 and. e. Can approach with the Earth on distance up to 2 million in km.
  • ADONIS, stem one or perennial grasses of a set of a crowfoot family. St. 20 kinds{views}, in a moderate belt of Eurasia and in the Sowing. To Africa; will grow on the dry open places. The adonis vernal (spring adonis) contains cordial glycosides and is used in medicine. Many kinds{views} are toxicant.
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